
Where am I?

«Azazel's POV flashback before he gets his memories »

In a darkened alleyway you will be able to see that there is a child sleeping on cardboard and warping himself in a blanket that covers most of his body if you look closely though you can see scars on his arms and the rest of his body.

This child's name is Azazel he doesn't have a last name since he had been brought up in an orphanage and the kids used to isolate themselves or bully him because of his appearance. He had long Snow White hair and eyes as yellow as a felines it didn't bother him much until things started to get physical and a bit brutal in a sense and so he decided it was enough and ran away from there taking what money he had which was not a lot seeing as though he is just a 4 year old and from then on he had been living in the streets for 2 months.

«flashback end»

"Well this was unexpected" he said while trying to reorganise the memories he had just received suddenly remembering his powers he tests out his osmosian abilities and he was covered in metal from the bin that he was near.

Seeing that his abilities are working he opened up the interface that deals with how many power he has and he is glad he asked for this.



Condition: slightly malnourished and cold


Power absorption

Energy absorption

Matter absorption

Superhuman strength

Superhuman endurance

Superhuman stamina




Ring of concealment: hides the wearers presence from super powered individuals from telepaths to cosmic beings except the ONE ABOVE ALL since he is the creator of this multiverse

$25 ]

"Well that's a lot almost forgot how many there were" chuckling slightly now what he needs to do is find some food and more money suddenly remembering that there is a guy getting mugged at the end of the alley he resides in he decided that he would both mug the mugger and all his earnings too.

As Azazel gets up he quickly and swiftly deals damage to the guys head by having himself covered in metal and the darkness in the alley so that he couldn't be seen.

After that the previous guy that was being mugged had thanked the stranger and ran off Azazel then checks for money in the guys pockets and was surprised to see $1325 in his pocket meaning that he got lucky today and so did Azazel quickly taking it he put it in his inventory and now has $1350 so he'll be able to buy a motel room and have money for food and water.

As Azazel was walking out of the alley he did not anticipate that the surroundings to be so bright to him at least since the place he was sleeping in was very dark and only had light when it was morning.

He continues walking until he finds a supermarket that he could buy some snacks from since he is starting to get hungry and need some food sad that he never got to finish his turkey sandwich. Once he had gotten some food he received small glares from people maybe they were wondering why a child is outside by himself or that his looks are completely different from anyone else's.

After some time he had went to search for a motel so that he would have a place to stay surprisingly he found one and asked for a room the guy at the reception didn't even bat an eye on the child and gave him a room for $30 a night (A/N: idk how motels work but he's got a lot of money so it doesn't really matter to him)

He finally had a bed to sleep on and got cozy in it granted it's not the best but he can work with it and thought about what he should do tomorrow seeing as though he doesn't know the year and date that he's been placed in he needs to figure out what he's going to do next.


As Azazel is waking up he cleans himself and decides to work on his powers since his knowledge of Kevin's powers is vast he needs to be able to control them properly and not got power hungry when and if he is able to copy some powers from other mutants. Starting with his energy absorption he siphons some energy from a lamp outside and it dims a bit as he doesn't want to take all but some to test out the kinks of the power seeing this his hand starts to emit small bits of the electricity and he just smiles even though he could absorb all of it he doesn't want to draw any attention to himself.

After a few hours of tinkering in with the energy absorption he was finally able to distribute/fire it out of his palm seeing that he is still a child and needs a way to defend himself.

Moving to his matter absorption he decided to try and make weapons out of his body granted his body maybe small but he has to make due with what he can and it's was a bit difficult trying to restructure his hand into a blade so he just stared small and made his fingers as sharp as knifes and gradually worked his way so that he could make it bigger and moved to his arms.

This took longer than he thought and didn't notice that it was already in the afternoon so he decided to go out and get some money off some bad guy though he had to be very sneaky about it he had stumbled upon some dealers and robbed them of their cash and called the police using their phone's this ended up in him getting a lot of money as he was being very careful not to be seen since he is small and a child so if they try and find him they wouldn't be able to.

After the long hours of doing this he finally managed to get back to the motel still not drawing in any attention to himself and has a small smile on how much money he made as well as the snacks he had bought form some shops near the motel area.

[ inventory:

Ring of concealment x 1 -

hides the wearers presence from super powered individuals from telepaths to cosmic beings except the ONE ABOVE ALL since he is the creator of this multiverse-

A mix bad of candy x124 -

A bag of mixed candy-

A multi-bag of lays chips x20 -

A multi-bag with different flavours of chips-

Water bottle x150 -




{A/N: Hey hey another chapter and more possibilities to be unraveled by Azazel what comes next you'll have to wait until the next chapter Bai \(^-^)}

Azazel should have thought of a plan against the mind rapi*cough* I mean Xavier if he get found out.

ChrolloLothcreators' thoughts
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