
First mission completed

An animal skull made out of bronze just appeared out of no where shocking the bandits. But before they could do anything the skull's mouth opened and a beam was fired at them sending most of them flying away crashing into rocks and trees.

"It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these bandits like you....should be-"

[Fire Magic: Incinerate orb]

A huge Orb made of fire shot forward towards the bandits and exploded, engulfing the the bandits that were unfortunate to get caught in the blast to be burnt to crisp.

"-burning in hell." completed Sekke and then thought, '...She took me quite literally.'

"What the-"

"What just happened?!"

"We are under attack!!"

"Magic Knights?!?! Run!"

"Wait! There are only two of them!"

"Huh, just two, it's alright guys. We can deal with them."

"Hey, there's a hit chick amongst them too~"

"And a good looking boy, boss will love that ass."

Sekke who heard what the bandits said took out his other Grimoire as well and thought, '...Alright they are done for.'

"Anna no mercy." said Sekke as both his Grimoires started flipping pages.

"Don't worry I am not in the mood for that anyway." said Anna in a slightly angry tone.

[Bronze Creation Magic: 100 swords]

[Lighting Debuff Magic: Paralysis Touch]

[Dark Debuff Magic: Dark Touch]

[Ice Debuff Magic: Frost Touch]

[Fire Debuff Magic: Blaze Touch]

Sekke used various magic in succession as hindered swords made of his bronze magic appeared in the air.

Once they appeared all the sword started changing colours as 25 swords turned to different elements that Sells used.

"Now I will show you what messing with the dark lord results to." said Sekke as he raised his hand making all the swords that were behind him pioint towards the bandits.

"Anna how many do you think their numbers must be?"

"Around 50 or so." said Anna.

"Two swords for each of them then." said Sekke.

Seeing the swords aimed at them the bandits gulped their saliva and looked at Sekke with fear.

"Any last words?" asked Sekke.

One of the bandits rose his hand and said, "Can I go to the bathroom?"

"...I don't know? Can you?" said Sekke as two swords shot forward towards the man and impaled into his stomach.

"Ahhh!!....Huh? Hey it doesn't hur-" said the bandit but while speaking his body suddenly got covered in a thin layer of ice and he stopped moving.

"... Since none of you have any more last words, let's get this over with." said Sekke as all the swords shot forward towards the bandits.

The bandits who now realized that they were in danger started running and dodging the attacks, but despite that most of them were not able to prevent the sword from hitting them, which either paralyzed or frosted them in an instant.

"Ugh, attack together." said some of the bandits and started using their magic as various wind blades, roots, water and fire balls were fired towards Sekke.

"I won't let you touch him." said Anna.

[Fire Magic: Raging Flare]

A large amount of mana gathered in front of Anna as a wave of fire generated from that spot and moved forward intercepting the incoming attacks.

'...She is good!....But the dark lord is better.' thought Sekke as he unsheathed Extase from his waist and jumped back and took Anna in his grasp as well.

"Use that spell again when I give the signal." said Sekke as he dodged an incoming earth spike which was slashed in half by Sekke.

Anna nodded as she heard what Sekke said and stated preparing her spell.

Sekke dropped her on the ground and then immediately rushed forward with Extase in his hand and some of his Debuff swords flying behind him.

Seeing Sekke and the swords coming towards them the bandits started firing their spells at Sekke who just used his bronze swords to intercept the attacks.

'Extase-chan be a little less sharp, I don't want to cause a scene in front of the kids.' thought Sekke as the Extase's edge became a bit duller compared to before, though it was still able to slash through the bandits with relative ease.

'...Now who was the one who said that he will fu*k me....there he is....he don't deserve his dick.' thought Sekke as he rushed towards the said man and without taking any time slashed him twice, once at his chest and once at his back.

Blood gushed out of the said man as he fell down on the floor.

"Circle sword." said Sekke as all his swords returned back and started revolving around him.

Surrounded by so many swords the bandits looked troubled as they could hardly dodge the swords.

"Anna now!" said Sekke as he made sure that the remaining ones were in a straight line.

Anna nodded as. she used her magic once again.

[Fire Magic: Raging Flare]

The waves of flame once again shot forward as Sekke swords dispersed and gathered every bandit in the waves attack range and just jumped off to the side.

He then watched the bandits burn and scream in flames and then said, "Stop it Anna, if their face gets unrecognisable we won't get the bounty."

Anna nodded as the fire instantly disappeared.

'...Her control is good too....who the heck is she?' thought Sekke as he captured the injured bandits in a huge Hamster ball.

"...Well, that was easy." said Sekke as he looked at the bandits.

"They were really weak." said Anna as she came towards Sekke.

"Well it can't be helped they were up against bthe dark lord

....but it was boring." said Sekke as he looked at the kids and said, "Get the kids I will look out for the money and people that must be taken away by them." said Sekke as he walked around the area in search for money and people.

After sometime, Gauche and Ruben arrived as well and Ruben was surprised to see that Sekke and Anna already took care of the bandits.....though they still scolded them since their method was very crude which was just ignored by the two rookies.

They gathered all the people and money that was there at the bandit base and led them back to their town.

Sekke decided to let the seniors do the boring job of taking the bandits to the prison while he and Anna were left back to keep a look out if any more bandits are left and are looking to cause any more trouble.

During their stay a lot of people came by to thank the two of them which coupled with how the kids were explaining the fight to the people made for a very happy mood around the town.

Sekke along with Secre were sitting on a block made of bronze while Anna was standing beside them leaning against the wall.

'...Where the hell are they?' thought Sekke as he waited for Gauche to come back.

"You sure Anna you don't want to take a seat?"

"Yes, I am fine like this." said Anna.

"...Where are you from Sekke-kun?"

"Kiten. You?"


"Rukh, huh..."

"What happened?"

"Well I have been to that town before, when I was a kid. I slayed a mana beast nearby so I needed to sell that."

"A mana beast at that age?"

"Well, a dark lord is born strong you know." said Sekke as he laughed.

"... And?" asked Anna.

"And what?" asked Sekke back.

"What else did you do that in the town?" asked Anna as she stared intently bat him.

"....Well I got a lot of mana beast meat from the people who bought it. Met a couple of royals there...and....yeah that's it." said Sekke.

Anna stared at Sekke for a while before she averted her eyes from him.

Sekke noticed that bit just shrugged his shoulders and took out Extase to clean it, since there was still no signs bof Gauche.

"...I helped a couple of kids there as well, now that I think about it." said Sekke as he glanced at his sword which had the magic stone embedded in it.

Hearing that Anna perked up and looked at him, "Really? People don't help others in that town."

"Don't compare the great me to others, though I just did that on a whim too anyways." said Sekke.

"...What kind of help was it?"

"There was a kid who was following me in that town, I called the kid, asked the problem a d found that he was looking for food for other small kids. So I decided to share some of the excess mana beast meat with them..... though it wasn't for free I took one thing that the kid had in its possession." said Sekke and then thought, 'And that is my most profitable exchange yet.'

Anna who heard what Sekke said was looking at him with her eyes widened and a small smile on her lips. She was about to say something but Sekke interrupted her.

"...Well if the kid took my advice he must have become a fine man by now....maybe I should go and look for him? Not like he will remember me." said Sekke as he chuckled.

Anna stopped herself from speaking and thought, '....He thought I was a boy....back then...'

Sekke on the other hand just laughed and cleaned his sword and waited for Gauche to arrive so that he can go back.

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