
Sudden Pain

With the staircase behind them Lefiya began chanting an AOE spell while Welf tried his best to hold out against a Gale Wolf; A thick green furred wolf with a torrent of wind surrounding them protecting them from physical attacks, Bell watched over Welf while Ais kept the monsters from Lefiya without 'hovering' over her. As for Lumas he was in the center of the horde, a coat of liquid-flames wisping off of his as if gravity was reversed.

With a soft mutter the flames spurred, a hint of greenish white bleeding into them "Tempest…" the new flames slowly crawled to Shadow Steel causing the blade to glow with a malicious bloody aura. While the others were used to this aura they still felt the hairs on the back of their neck stand as the sound of bones popping rung out, rolling his shoulders; the source of the popping sounds, Lumas revealed a bloodthirsty look as he lifted his sword into a careless swing.

The scene was a massacre, even despite the two lower leveled people in the party were able to hold their weight. With Lefiya's AOE spells or Welf's immense strength for his level they were able to deal with a few monsters, with this their status should skyrocket. The monsters on the 70th floor average around Level 6, it was surprising enough that Welf and Lefiya could even manage to survive let alone kill the monsters present.

Hours passed but the raging flames and torrential winds hadn't died down, occasionally there would be an explosion of mana of various elements. Lumas divided a sliver of his attention to these spells dedicating the flow of mana into his mind with 'Magic Mimic' even after all this time he hadn't seen every spell the 'Thousand Elf' was capable of, with every level there is more spells injected into her mind every one of them Elven in origin.

Slowly the amount of monster as well as the variety increased from Gale Wolves, Terror Bears; a bear with impressive strength and a coat of fur with defense that could make Emperium blush, Hobgoblin; A hideous mistake of the gods, a 2meter tall goblin with stats comparable to a STR/DEX built Level 6, now including Orcs; Similar to Hobgoblins except slightly taller at 3 meters with a wider frame stats comparable to a STR built Level 6, and Mimics; a rather unknown monster that can match its opponents stats, Mimics are also able to copy the likeness of any monster it comes in contact with

Ducking under an unnaturally fast Orc Bell swiped back stepped moving several steps in a single movement, his '100 Illusioned Movements' no longer seemed 'Illusionary' now unless your DEX and AGI stats are high enough you mind would simply ignore the movements as if they didn't exist making seem as if Bell was teleporting around with a small delay, feeling a slight tremor Bell shouted out, "LUMAS!"

Just as Bell's voice rung out a Hydra emerged from the ground, it's 5 heads twisting about. The leftmost head had a purplish mist expelling from its maw, the head next to it seemed to have an icy gloss covering it, the middle head was blotched in black spoiling its white scales as if it was rotting, the last two heads seemed relatively 'normal' simply coated in thick white scales.

'First Form: Rising Sun' with a almost painfully slow moment, Lumas drew a line with Shadow Steel as the movement progressed an intense golden line began to form, 'Second Form: Morning Breeze', the line of light disappeared as the movement finished the hydra could only rely on instinct as a mirror-like wall of ice began to form as the glossed head released an icy breath. As the two collided an explosion of steam blocked the view of any onlooker, however Lumas had already began flying through the air at breakneck speed. Readying his sword, Lumas' grip loosened slightly 'Fifth Form: Descent Of The Sun' Lumas sword arm seemed to freeze in time as small sparks began to shoot out form in front of him, once Lumas was within striking distance he gracefully drew an arc with his sword.

That swing had given all that were present a feeling of hopelessness, this is the result of stacking 10000 'Consecutive Hits' and the velocity gained when using 'Second Form: Morning Breeze'. Lumas felt as if his arm was ripped from its socket as he lamented in his mind with an annoyed frown 'Still not strong enough…'

The 2 heads exploded into a bloody mist merely from the wind pressure, another head fell to the ground in a bloody mass of flesh alongside the majority of the body. Lumas slumped over resting his hands on his knees breathing heavily, exploiting 'Consecutive Hits' like this put too much stress on his body. While Lumas was catching his breath the rotten head began to deform, splitting into another three heads…

"Fuck…" Lumas cursed under his breath, deciding that he should stop limiting himself he put his hands infront of him creating a square with his fingers, a small vial appeared in the middle of the square as he began chanting

"Forbidden Flames that scorched the Tree Of Life…" A wheel of greenish-black brackish flames slowly slit behind Lumas casting a shadow over Lumas' body "I gift upon you the fruit of life," in the middle of the wheel a small white gate opened allowing a white formless power to seep out into the wheel of flames "Descend your grace upon your avatar…" The wheel of flames condensed around the small white gate causing the pressure around Lumas to exponentially increased, the floor around him began to groan as in compressed onto itself forming a small crater, the now condensed spell formed into a small pill as it teleported in front of Lumas, he plucked it out of the air tossing into his mouth as he muttered "God of Wrath…"

Feeling the change of mana Lefiya shuddered, her body and mind screamed for her to run and she listened, pulling Welf alongside her while Bell and Ais retreated shortly after. The pillar of flames that shot into the sky looked like an omen of the end of times as it cascaded across the plains, it gave off a sense of oppressive majesty. It looked like the pillar that would appear if a mortal killed a god, the instinctual terror that it commanded caused most monsters to gain a certain sense of reason as they began to back up with slow steps, as for the Hydra the rightmost head's jaw fell open a massive amount of mana pooling inside its gullet.

Lumas didn't stop it instead he stood inside the pillar of mana, which was actually his raw mana being forced from his body in its purest state… 'God Of Wrath' is one of Lumas' trump cards, in exchange for every drop of mana present in his body he can boost his status by 3 Levels putting all his stats around 210,000. While it may be overkill in this situation he was merely venting all the pain in his heart at this time he didn't care about hiding anything anymore…

Crushing the vial a massive chain of explosions swept through the area, with the pillar of mana fueling the explosions they seemed endless as they ravaged the surroundings, Lefiya who was watching from the steps watched in horror the amount of mana simply ceasing to exist due to the explosions true existence as the 'death' of the mana present.

She felt a burning pain spreading throughout her body, her knees gave out from under her and she began to hyperventilate, Bell hurriedly caught her panic evident on his face as he watched her skin slowly darken his mind was ruddied with a flood of thoughts, Ais arrived at his side a vial filled with a deep red liquid on her hands. Popping the cork a smell so pleasant but strong that it was disgusting spread, slowly Ais poured it down Lefiya's throat speaking as she watched the red glow travel down Lefiya's throat

"Whatever is happening this will make sure that there are no consequences…" Bell could only look towards Lefiya. A sense of crisis lingered in his heart but he trusted Ais' words, as his eyes gazed towards the explosions his mind began turning…

Welf chimed in "What was that? It wasn't a 'Healing Potion'", Ais glared at him and he instantly shrunk back erasing any memory relevant to that potion from his mind in fear of what it was and what would happen if he accidentally spoke about it…

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