
A Morning Dawns


Reth had barely slept. Between his tension over the wolves and the next steps they would need to take there, his excitement that he could be seeing Elia within a day or two at most—to touch her and smell her and speak to his daughter within her…  his body wouldn't rest. Even though he was exhausted.

He didn't even lay down until the early hours of morning. 

After the melding of minds no one had seemed to know what to do. But Reth had known what they needed was something as normal as possible. So, at his request, the Tree City citizens had prepared a meal and taken it to the clearing to share with the wolves. 

Reth had stayed, along with Behryn and the Councils, to continue in talks for peace. 

The tension had definitely lifted somewhat from the people, but the mood still felt like a wary ceasefire, more than peace.

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