
Hurt Pride

I woke up with a loud groan. My head had throbbed tremendously. A constant pounding like a herd of horses. Carefully I slowly opened my eyes and hissed at the sudden light that invaded my eyes. It had been so long since I had felt a hangover. It was safe to say that I didn't miss it in the least. I really just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. If I hadn't smelt like stale beer I would have crawled under the blankets and enjoyed the cover of darkness. If I had been more careful with my consumption, I would have just bathed when I got back to the room. But Jaden had forced me into bed before swiftly leaving the room.

Luckily for both of us, Drake had not been in the room at the time. I am sure he would have been angry if he learned that another man had carried me drunk back to my bed. More importantly he would have been more angry that I drank at all. I had been careless last night, and if I had gotten into trouble, I would not have been able to defend myself. So for the future, and because I really despise hangovers, I wouldn't drink so carelessly again. I wondered how Sebastion was doing? After all I really didn't see much of him after Maya helped him into his room. I wondered if Maya even left his room at all. They both seemed quite affectionate last night, so I had no doubts Maya would have taken advantage of the situation.

I swear he would let her use him all day long if it meant she would stay by his side. Not that she would. Maya was no feeble woman or damsel in distress. Many times she has even baled us out of trouble with her quick wit and charming ways. Sebastion, even if he had never meant to, found himself a decent woman. She may have pledged her loyalty to me, but her heart was completely and totally his.

"Are you awake now Aria?" I grimaced and flinched at the displeased tone of Drake. The mattress bowed next to me as he sat down at the edge of the bed. I managed to peak at him from under my eye lids and gauged his mood. Just as I had feared, his face was set in a firm grimace. His eyes where two nearly black pools of anger, and he was set upon my face. He didn't see me enter or leave last night, so what could he possibly be angry about? Was it because I smelt like alcohol? He never really did say I couldn't drink.

"I suppose I am now. What has you in a foul mood this morning?" I mumbled, fully gazing at him. His eyes narrowed into slits at my response, not impressed with my nonchalant mood.

"Do you mind telling me why you went to the Tavern last night, and came back with a man?" His voice dripped with dangerous anger. If I didn't answer him the way he wanted to be answered, I would be skinned alive. I shuddered at the mere thought and pulled myself up on the bed. I winced with the throbbing of my headache and sighed. What's worse than an angry Dragon? A headache, or a hang over?

"How did you know I even left the Palace? We made sure that we weren't followed." I asked dumbfoundedly. Of course that wasn't the right answer, and his nostrils flared with a dangerous edge. I held my hands up in sheepish defense before he could say anything. "Ok ok ok. Calm down. My team finally showed up yesterday after your meeting. So Sebastion and I took a gander down to the Tavern where they wanted to meet up. I unfortunately had a few to many drinks so Jaden, against my protest mind you, brought me back here so he could make sure I was safe." I hurriedly spoke to him, hoping that my answer was enough to calm him down. His eyes wandered my face before sighing heavily and shaking his head.

"Merrick caught you guys sneaking out yesterday and followed you. After you had arrived back safely he had came and reported to me what he saw. Of course I came rushing back and found you fast asleep in bed. If it hadn't been for the smell of alcohol on your breath I wouldn't have believed him. Why didn't you let me know that you needed to leave?" He demanded. It was my turn to sigh. I didn't tell him because of Lucius's response yesterday. He already didn't trust me, and if he found out that I had recruited more assassins from the same guild I left, what would he think?

"If Lucius finds out that I enlisted help, he would go absolutely mad. It's already bad enough he is trying to find reasons to kill me, but what would be worse is if he intervened with my plans. We can't get information sitting on our butts and they traveled far to get here. The last thing I want is for them to have to always look over their shoulder for enemy assassins and your crazy subject." Emphasis on crazy. Although with his reaction towards me, it really makes sense now why he loathed Sebastion and I in the past. He had no intentions of keeping us safe or alive.

"So keeping this in the dark, even from me, was the best idea you could come up with? What if Lucius had found out before I had? Do you think he would come running to me to tell me? Lucius may be 'crazy' in your eyes, but he is very loyal to me. He knows not to harm a hair on your head, but how am I suppose to keep him at bay if you don't tell me what is going on?" Of course he had a point, he always made logical sense. I wasn't use to working with others like this, and it was definitely starting to show. I couldn't continue to be so careless because of old habits or it would only make things more difficult going forward.

"I understand what you are saying and I am sorry. I am not use to being the underling so I apologize for my ignorance. But you have to understand that I keep my best interest in my people as well, and Lucius is a huge threat. Can I trust that you will keep this under wraps from him? I just need time for my people to gather information." I pleaded with him. He sat as still as a statue. His eyes where trained on my own, and his lips where pressed into a tight grimace. I was waiting for him to start lecturing me again, telling me that I was an idiot and he would lock me up for my ignorance.

"I will let it slide for now Aria. I trust you immensely and I know that you are trying to help. I will allow for you to command your group under one condition. I am to attend your meetings for the benefit of your safety." Drake spoke with finality. But I am stubborn and finality doesn't mean jack. There was no way in hell I was going to let him keep pushing himself like this. He was already shouldering too much to being with, and if he added on more responsibilities he would just wear himself out.

"Absolutely not. You are already doing to much to begin with. You may keep telling me you are fine, but the late nights and the bags under your eyes don't lie. I am not going to add on to your plate." His nostrils flared dangerously again, but I leaned back against the head board unfazed. His tantrum won't move me to agree with him. Dangerous people have done worse to me than he ever could. I was not afraid of his anger.

"Aria, this isn't something I am going argue about. What I said was final. You are my responsibility as my mate, and as the person of interest to my enemy. If something where to happen and you where taken away..." He trailed of, his voice hitching with emotion. I watched him fight with the tears that had started to form in his eyes before clearing his throat and composing himself. "You will not go without me, or there will be consequences. I have been nice to you in the past Aria, please don't test my patience."

I bristled at his warning. What kind of consequences could he possibly enforce on me? Would he abuse me like the other men when I wasn't compliant? Entrap me in this room until I went completely nuts? Or would he take his anger out on Sebastion instead? If his punishment was for me, I could handle what ever he threw at me, but if he so much as hurt Sebastion in any way, I don't think I would be able to keep my anger in check. After all we have been through, Sebastion will remain my number one priority over anyone else.

"Kindness or not, I will not allow you to keep stringing yourself. I know what you are doing is to benefit me and my situation, but you are not immortal. You are far from it, and you will strain yourself to the point of death. You can assign anyone else if it makes you at ease, but you will not attend. The last thing I need is to have to worry about your health on top of everything else." Drake gave a low warning growl. I rolled my eyes and casually rolled off the bed. I wasn't going to sit here and argue with him, because at the end of the day, I knew how to get away if I needed too. He may be a Dragon, but I have learned the art of escape a long time ago, and would have no problem using it on him.

Without looking in his general direction, I started to discard my alcohol stench, drenched clothes and waded into the pool water. A fresh bar of soap sat perched on the outer rim of the pool, waiting to be used. I graciously held it in my hand as I passed the soap over my body, wanting to get rid of yesterdays aching hang over.

"Do you find me weak Aria? Do you think that I can not handle a few hours outside the Palace so you may receive your information? Or is there something more going on that you don't want me to know about?" He snapped angrily rising from the mattress. I knit my eyebrows in confusion at his accusation. Because to be honest, what have I not already told him? Honestly there wasn't any secrets between us, at least not any more since Lucius told Drake about my obedient ways as Drakos's underling.

"What in heavens name are you talking about Drake? Stop letting your pride get hurt because I care about your well being. I don't take any offense when you make me sit in the castle all day, fully knowing well that I am useful on the field. You have two wonderful pawns that can be of service and yet you keep them behind closed doors. We do not complain or feel wronged so why are you acting like this?" I bit back angrily. Drake came to stand next to the bath, his back tense as he glared down at me from the edge. There was something dangerous about the way he cowered over me, and my heart beat had finally started to race. I had never seen him so angry before, not even after yesterday. I wouldn't lie and say it wasn't frightening.

"I am talking about Jaden. He carried you all the way back from the Tavern like his intimate lover. I have every right to be angry. Someone touched my mate so closely. So what is going on between you two?" I gave him the best 'are you kidding me' look I could possibly muster. I just couldn't fathom why he thought there was anything between me, and the cockiest bastard I had the privilege of working with. Did he really think so low of me, that I would elope with another man when he wasn't looking?

"I am actually offended right now. How do you even have the audacity to ask such a thing. After everything I have been through, after everything we have been through, you still don't trust me? You would let something as small as this cause you to get jealous? You say I find you weak, but you think so low of me that you really thought I would run off with another man. You truly do baffle me Drake. Please leave." I demanded turning away from him. I wouldn't let him see the tears that stung my eyes. He was suppose to be someone that I could trust and rely on. I thought he trusted me. He may trust my loyalty to the cause, but clearly he can't see me as a reliable woman. That hurt worse than Lucius's wish to kill me.

It had turned quiet in the bedroom. So quiet that I really thought he had left. The tears fell off my cheek and into the water as I continued to sluggishly bathe myself, my emotions getting the better of me. How could he not see that I loved him? That I cared for him? Was I not doing enough? How could I prove to him that he was the only one in my heart and I cherished him? I sniffled against my own volition. A sob came shortly after and I let my body sag against the wall of the pool. I hated myself for becoming so weak. Crying over something so trivial as this, it was embarrassing for me.

"Aria..." Drake murmured quietly behind me. I didn't want him near me though. How could I let someone who didn't trust me, come near me. I didn't want his comfort right now. I just wanted to be alone so I could weep in silence. There was scuffling from behind, and a soft touch brushed my shoulders. I couldn't help flinch away from him. With a muffled bout of curses, he moved away from me. After a few moments, there was a quiet click of the door being shut from behind. Now that I was truly alone, I let the sobs wrack my body violently. Snot came pouring out of my nose as I pawed relentlessly at my eyes and nose. This piercing pain in my heart, only grew worse as I cried. I had never felt this kind of pain before and I absolutely hated it. I just wanted to drown it with alcohol and sleep it away. But I had things to do, and the last thing I wanted to be was a sopping, weeping mess.

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