

I impatiently tapped my fingers against the bar surface. They made a soft thudding noise against the polished wooden surface. It was loud in the tavern, people chatting and shouting as they all gathered around. The day was nearly done so people where getting off work or just trying to find the means to relax. The haze of drunk people had already started with loud laughter and slurred words filling the air. The atmosphere at the moment was peaceful I suppose, the rough drunks not yet arriving.

Soft and gentle music played in the background. A low beat bouncing off the walls and to my ears as I gently swirled a dull yellow liquid around in a pint mug. The same liquor that ever other person was drinking. I stared at the small sea of people that where filtering in. All dressed up in flashy clothes that screamed importance or rich. Ladies all dolled up with bright lipsticks and long dresses. Some wore way too revealing bodies and left a little to be desired. Of course those where the harlots that looked for trouble and more times than not, left with full pockets.

As much as I did enjoy a beer, I wasn't here to get all comfortable. In all honesty I wasn't even suppose to leave the Palace, but my team had left me an encrypted note in the bedroom upon my arrival. I found it folded up on Drake's desk with nice and neat cursive penmanship. Of course I knew it was Maya's hand writing. It had stated that it was a warm and nice day for a beer. Which meant that they had indeed reached our destination and that they needed to unwind. Or in other cases, they had a long journey and needed a drink.

So as soon as Drake said he needed to step out again, I snuck over to Sebastion's room and whisked him away. With how Lucius acted out about me alone, the last thing I needed was to fuel his anger further with other traitors like myself. He would get the wrong idea and jump to conclusions that I was conspiring against them and probably try and make another case to try and kill me once again. Not that his anger bothered me in the least bit. I fully understood his concerns and over time I would hope that he could trust me. But until then, I needed to keep their arrival quiet so that our plans could work.

I gazed over the tavern, taking in the serene beauty that it was. I really had never seen such an elegant tavern. The floors where will kept with polished oak wood. Not even a single scrape mark was scuffed upon the surface. Small round tables where scattered about with fived wooden chairs placed around each one. Small lanterns dangled from the ceiling over each table, giving off a wave of intimacy as these lights where only shared with the table. A crystal chandelier hung over where the band sat across the room, providing enough room for them to play quietly.

A small clearing had been formed so that anyone who wished to dance could do so. It wasn't a lot of room, but I have been to places where people stood close together and packed. Things like these people didn't really care for space. Besides, people who came to taverns normally only had one thing in mind any way, so what would it hurt being in a close proximity anyway? Around the dance floor where small leather chairs. Despite having many butts sit in them, they seemed fairly decent. The only thing worn about them where the butt marks and arm marks that sat on the surface. Other wise it seemed in fairly good condition.

The only thing I really detested about the Tavern, was the privilege to smoke in doors. Even though the ceiling and walls had been painted black, you could still feel the dense thick smoke that filled the air and coated the surfaces. I always hated the smell of cigarettes. They never settled well with my lungs and often times made me cough. The smell left a bitter taste in my mouth that I could never get rid of no matter how much I drank. I knew Sebastion felt the same way because he sat grimacing at the bar, a drink nursed between both his hands.

I watched as his green eyes flickered about, a nervous edge to them. He kept glancing at the door, and then back to his yellow liquid. He was a heavy drinker when he was nervous. Already having drank two other pints, he now sat regretting his decision. I warned him about drinking because we still needed to make our way back to the palace. It would be a pain if I had to try and carry him back with my small frame. I may be strong, but my strength came only in combat. His muscled body would be too much for me dead weight, and he other assassins would not be able to help me.

I placed a gentle hand on his and gave him a reassuring squeeze. His eyes laid upon mine and even through the mask I could tell he was grimacing. I knew why he was too. He was nervous to see Maya. Maya and Sebastion had always been close. Some would have called them lovers even. Every minute was spent together when I wasn't around. He admired and cared for her greatly and cherished her more than others. But after leaving the Guild, guilt gnawed away at him. I am sure that in some ways he regrets leaving them behind, but we knew that as long as they did what they where told they wouldn't be bothered.

I understood how he felt, because over the years I had felt the same feeling, despite how many times I told them that they where safe. Our disappearance wouldn't have been taken out upon them because they where just soldiers. It wasn't like they where in command over us, and the fact that they stayed behind proved that they really had no idea what had happened to us that night. So it was better for them that they did not follow. They would be come useful with information once they arrived as well, so all in all, everything was working out according to plan.

"They are running awfully late aren't they?" Sebastion muttered before taking another long drink from his mug. I sighed heavily before downing the rest of my own drink between my arms. The yellow liquid burned my throat as it sloshed around in my mouth. I could feel the warmth trickle over my body with each sip I took. I was starting to feel slightly buzzed, which was never really good for my nerves.

"I am sure they are fine Sebastion. Do not fret over stuff like this. They will be here." I muttered under my breath. Sebastion closed his eyes. The dread poured off him in waves, like an angry ocean. I clapped his shoulder lightly before waving the bartender over for another drink. It had been awhile since the last time we actually had alcohol, so I would indulge myself a little bit. With all the stress from the last couple of weeks, it was a welcoming. The bartender came over, a gruff looking man with an eye patch over his eye. The scar was even bigger than the eye patch. Three long gashes that sat diagonal over his right eye.

He gave a warm smile, his teeth showing as he took away my empty glass cup and refilled it with beer. I couldn't help stare at his bald head as he worked. The light reflected off the surface from the lanterns that sat above our head. It was shiny and I couldn't seem to pull my eyes away. It wasn't until he placed the mug in front of me that I could compose my self. I grunted my thanks and passed him a few gold coins before returning my attention to Sebastion. His head had been placed where his mug had once been, distress now more evident than ever.

"Sebastion, stop worrying so much. Maya truly did not seem bothered that you left. If anything I think she understood. Now she has a chance to be free herself so you shouldn't fret. You know she loves you too much to loathe you." I said quietly, starring into the mug. He didn't sit up, but more of just scoffed at my response and continued to dread over the visit. I rolled my eyes at my helpless brother. We have faced many battles and close calls, but one small itty bitty lady has him coming undone. I smiled at my pathetic brother.

"Aria, how would you feel if you left Drake for such a long time? No contact, no appearances, just straight up left. Could you truly forgive yourself for leaving such an important person behind? Do you think you could really ask them for forgiveness and hope that they still had feelings for you?" There was so much disdain in his voice. But I could understand his feelings, because of course I wouldn't. But we did what we had to, to survive. Honestly with our presence, I believe we where putting them into danger. They could have been used against us if the Guild truly knew how close our friendship actually was.

"Sebastion we really didn't have a choice. Eventually they would have been used against us. Did you really want to see them suffer more because of us? I know they pledged their loyalty and everything, but if they meant that much to us than we needed to do everything we could to protect them as well. That meant that we needed to distance ourselves until we could find a way to help them." Nicklos suddenly came to mind. Was this what how he felt when he left us behind? Facing the same troubling decision we did to help those that we cherished? But in a way it was different too, because he wasn't a huge target like us. I suppose no matter what it was still difficult.

"Doesn't make me feel any better. What kind of person does she think I have become? A coward perhaps? I promised her a life together. She must secretly loathe me in some way. I think I would feel better if she did. I have no doubts I hurt her with our sudden departure, and there is nothing I can do to fix it." He practically groaned. I sighed and took another long swig of my beer. I could start to feel my face burn with the alcohol in my veins. I better stop after this one.

"Stop fretting. I saw her with my own two eyes. She doesn't resent you as much as you think she does. Once she gets here and we discuss what we need to, pull her aside and talk to her. Maya is extremely simple when it comes to her needs. Once you talk to her and tell her what happens, I know she will come around." Sebastion sighed heavily before lifting his head, and pulled his mask down just enough to take another long swig from the pint and placing the empty mug on the counter. The bartender walked by and I waved him off. Sebastion would drink himself into oblivion.

I watched him clasp his hands in front of him, and fiddle with his fingers. His green eyes waivered as he stared at the counter. He really did look pitiful, even if he was a massive bundle of muscle. How did something so tiny, make this huge boulder crumble. My brother was truly soft on the inside, only showing this amount of weakness to those he could truly trust. I won't lie and say that it wasn't refreshing to see this side of him every now and then. Reminds me that after all, we where still human in some way. We weren't mindless killing beasts with the need for blood.

The tavern door opened once again, and Sebastion and I simultaneously looked up. Our eyes meeting with those of five black cloaked assassins. Sebastion nervously swallowed as he watched them walked slowly our way. They looked so graceful as they weaved in between tables, not once bumping into the loud patrons that sat scattered about. They were so silent that they never pulled attention towards themselves, almost seeming invisible to the oblivious people around them. I nodded my silent greeting to them as they got closer.

Sebastion stiffened into a stone statue as the smallest of the group approached Sebastion. They quietly stared at each other. A wordless conversation between them that only they understood. The air was slightly tense around them as we waited for their response. Maya sighed slightly as she pulled her mask off her face and gave him a warm smile. She placed one hand on the side of his face, comforting him and his anxiety. Just at her touch I watched him melt, every stress dissipating into thin air. As if she was a small and fragile child, he gently wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him. I gave a sigh of relief, my heart warming at their tender reaction.

A hand laid gently on my shoulder while we watched. I looked up to meet Jaden, who was watching with warmth in his eyes as well. But he looked tired, aged even. I couldn't imagine the burden they carried just trying to get here. With their arrival also being so late, I had no doubts they met many troubles along the way. Which might make our next plans very difficult. But for now we watched the heart warming reunion, not wanting to spoil the mood. There would be plenty of time to talk before the sun set and we would have to return to our rooms for the evening.

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