

I nursed a drink in between my hands, my body throbbing a sore. The recent beatings I received made my body tremble even as I sat. Sebastion, my one and only twin sibling, was sitting quietly next to me. He faired no better as he weakly brought the brown sloshing liquid to his lips. I couldn't help the wave of guilt that crashed over me but I couldn't bring myself to apologize either.

Tonight had been a bad night. I had done something unspeakable. I murdered so many men, so many of our own people. Not that they didn't deserve it after all. They kept me locked up for the past month and spent all day making me into 'entertainment'. The rope burns on my wrist still fresh and blistering, my arms, chest, and back where burning with gash wounds from being whipped and stabbed.

Sebastion received the lighter of punishments though. He was just punched relentlessly for my actions, because he was my brother and I needed to be put in my place. But it was more than that. You see, the month that I was locked away, I was being subjected to a Secret Project the Guild leader kept obviously hidden. No one knew what this was about, and anyone hand picked to join, never lasted long to find out.

I found out fast why. I wasn't exactly sure what the end results the Guild Leader was looking for, but he told me if I had told anyone about what went on behind closed doors, he would kill Sebastion. So I just told him I was gone on a mission for the last month. He never questioned it to my surprise. Normally he was always nosy anytime we got separated, but tonight we where silent.

"Aria, I just want you to know, I don't blame you for what you did." He whispered. I said nothing as I placed the cup to my lips and swallowed a large amount of alcohol. It burned my throat and tears pricked my eyes. He may not blame me, but i did. My actions could have gotten him worse punishment. But now I would face my actions once The Guild Leader finishes grieving his dead son. The son I brutally murdered and placed at him bedroom door, a message from me to him.

You see we weren't always Guild Assassins. We actually had a normal life. Two kids, two loving parents, and a fixation for mischief. A peaceful life. That was until Drakos me. came blasting through the door and destroyed everything. He was looking for recruits, and no one just willingly joined the Guild. They where notorious for pretty much everything evil. Senseless killing, rape, and stealing.

So when our parents sacrificed their lives for us, we vowed we would look after each other. But as our unfortunate luck would have it, we landed upon the door steps of our neighbors who had a terrible habit for drugs. So after only being able to mourn our loss for six weeks, we where handed over to the assassins guild for a fix. A small tiny bag that they ended up being killed for anyway. How despicable.

15 years later here we where. 21 with no family and no freedom. Anyone who left the Guild was murdered...for entertainment. Sebastion and I wanted to get revenge before we so wilingly sacrificed our lives. Part one was complete, kill his eldest son. He was in charge of my misery so disposing of him had been no problem.

"Are you Aria and Sebastion?" Sebastion and jumped, ripping our daggers from hidden sheathed on our legs. We never used our real names down in the taverns to avoid attention. Being forced to wear hoods and masks to keep our identities secret, the only ones who should be able to recognize us was the Drakos and some of his close henchman.

"Calm down I am not here to hurt you. I just want to talk." The man slowly raised his hands in the air, showing us he was unarmed. Right, not hurt us. Like that wasn't said before. Another man dressed similarly approached him from behind, whispering in his ear.

"Start talking then. I don't have all night." I hissed, my dagger gripped tightly in my hands. "If you know my name you know I can hurt you." Despite my abuse, I held a high reputation for being one of the most skilled assassins in the Guild. Even earned the General Title before being sentenced to the Project.

"I am well aware of you General Aria Steele. I came to take you both away. I think your skills would do us some good in the Core." Core? what was this mad man rumbling about. If there was any kind of rebel uprising, we would have already snuffed the light. Sebastion and I cast wary glances at each other.

"Go on. I'm listening." The man's hood moved with his head as he nodded. A third man now joined the group. "If you are going to speak with us, don't make it look so obvious and suspicious. Come follow me." I stifled a groan as I climbed off the stool to the bar. Sebastion followed suit and we led the men out of the tavern. It was heavily packed tonight with people milling around and chatting.

It was always busy after dark. The people that crawled around at night weren't your typical friendly neighbors either. They where crooks, thieves, and honestly just the lowest of the low. I led the through the busy and congested streets to a dark alley way. There where no lights so it was easy to be discrete. I held up a fist to stop as I went further down to make sure we where truly alone. Satisfied I found no one, I returned and pulled down my mask and hood.

"You have five minutes before I gut each one of you. So make it quick." We where being watched after all, and I am sure they would barely give us five before they came to hunt us down.

"We know you hate Drakos. We also share the same hatred for him and want to bring his reign of terror to an end. Of course we can't do that without an army. I have been watching you for awhile now and wanted to enlist you. You both would be a valuable asset to this team." It felt like a trap. How is it that right after I bring down a quarter of the guild, they want to enlist me to bring down Drakos. It all screamed trap.

"Even if we wanted to join this so called Core we would be hunted down for treason. I really don't trust you enough to have my hide either if it came down to a fight so I think we will pass." I nodded for Sebastion and we sheathed our daggers and tried to walk past them. They barred our way, keeping us locked in the alley. Was that how they wanted to play it?

"Please Aria, we really do need you." One of the cloak men asked. It sounded earnest enough, but earnest men still didn't earn my trust.

"I don't think you understand the position you put us in. We are strong, but we can't take on an entire guild either. The answer is no. Move or be forced." I gritted my teeth, irritation rising to the surface. When they refused to move I sighed and untied my cloak, revealing the two hidden blades I keep on my back. Slowly I dragged them from their sheaths and displayed them in front of them. Sebastion also unsheathed his sword, ready to fight.

"We can ensure that you will be save with us. We already have plans in motion. I can guarantee your safety if you give us your loyalty. We just ask that you never ask for my name, or question my leadership." The man standing in front of us said. Sebastion and I passed a look, it almost sounded too good to be true, but it still sounded so fishy. With my head on the line anyway, what did I really have to lose. What did either of us have to lose?

"Very well. We will join you. But if the Assassins come looking, don't say I didn't warn you." I growled sheathing my blades. They all seemed to relax, appeased. Sebastion didn't seem to like the idea, but nodded his head. He has always trusted my judgement, he was not only my brother, but also a very loyal soldier as well. I just hope these idiots knew what they where doing stealing a General from her army.

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