
I Did Wonder...Poor Guy

Ezra sighed heavily and seemed weighed down by his words as he spoke. His eyes and tone were both pleading as he began his explanation. 

"I'm not like you. She still knows where I live so if I block her number, she'll come breaking down my door. I don't plan to tell her where I'm moving when I eventually do but that probably won't be until Nadia and I have our first child. 

"My point is…I have to invite her to the wedding or she's never going to leave me alone. You're going to have to see her then whether you want to or not. Please don't avoid the most important day of my life because you don't want to see her."

Eden was insulted. "I would never! I can deal with her one more time for you. I doubt even she would cause a scene on such an important day. Whatever snide comments she throws at me, I can silently sit through them as long as I know I'm never going to have to deal with it again." 

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