
She Was Never Going To See Him Again

Eden made it through the rest of the week in a state of hazy misery. She couldn't even talk to anyone about this because Aubrey was on her honeymoon.

Ezra texted her on Wednesday asking how dinner went and she simply replied that it was fine. She might be angry but she didn't want her brother to drive up here and kill Troy. She cared about him enough to want him to succeed.

Stupid. He didn't deserve her consideration. But she couldn't help it; her feelings weren't something that was turned off so easily. She was still in love with him.

A terrible part of her was tempted to text him, say she was sorry, and beg for him to stay in touch when he moved. She forced herself not to do that every time the traitorous thought popped into her head. She needed to have more self-respect that that.

So she kept her self-respect and remained lonelier than ever. It wasn't the best trade off.

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