
18.7: No Kaiju Battle is Complete Without an Explosion

People screamed and got out of his way as he went for the Argentinosaurus. It was hard for him to move, and it took him a lot of energy to move his new, oversized muscles.

He couldn't stay that large for a long time, and tried to make his way towards it without crushing anyone, which seemed more difficult than moving his feet.

Deceit could see it all, as she sat under the weeping willow. She focused what little energy she had left on the Cretaceous beast.

It charged right at Johnny, solving his problem of slow movement. He grabbed it by its neck and tried to choke it, but it had no windpipes, and instead he was bitten in his right shoulder. He let out an earth shattering scream, and nearby birds fell to the ground in shock.

People tried to run away as fast as they could. Johnny was tearing up the landscape faster than two whole days of fighting ever did, leaving footprints and crushed people in the streets.

The dinosaur pushed its large skull into his stomach, and Johnny fell to the ground, shaking it, toppling street lights and cutting his skin against cars. He screamed in pain and everyone covered their ears, the sound ringing inside their heads.

Johnny got up again, and realized that he was causing more harm than good. He tried to lead the beast away from the people, but it wouldn't take the bait. He ran towards it and grappled it, trying his best to hold on.

Tetsuya began to regret not climbing down before the fight had begun, and was afraid that Johnny might kill him before the dinosaur could.

The Argentinosaurus screamed and wriggled against Johnny's chest, but he would not let go. It bit into Johnny's shoulders and he grunted in pain as he carried it away, as far as he could.

Deceit screamed, loud and shrill in anger as she used almost all her energy and lost the fight. She didn't want to expend any more energy, as getting Michael Slater's body was much more important.

She gave up, and the dinosaur's bones collapsed, no longer held together. One of them fell on top of a parking garage near a car charging station, and it exploded upon impact.

Johnny cheered, and everyone cried in pain, screaming from the flying bones falling from the sky, the gargantuan naked man, and the new fire that had just brewed.

He returned, stepping on corpses, their decaying flesh dripping from his soles. People looked away in disgust, but mostly embarrassment as he was fully naked, and his penis was on full display.

"I am invincible," Johnny roared. "I am-"

"Please don't," Tetsuya whispered.


Ace and the others were at a safe distance, at the entrance to the dorm building. Fenton drove away, as fast as he could, to escape the carnage. They got out of the car, and watched as Johnny picked up various pieces of dinosaur and chucked them into the forest, boasting in his victory.

"I want to go home," Ace whispered.

"It's going to be okay. I'll take care of you," Levi said.

Fenton's eyebrows shot up like a rocket at the bold statement and he tried to communicate to Ace, blinking morse code and mouthing that he should say no.

Mary Jane and Savannah heard the commotion and came running out of the building to help, but then Mary jane screamed when she saw Levi. Confused bystanders didn't know if she was afraid of Levi, or if she was happy to see him.

She ran right for him and Levi tensed up, preparing for another broken bone.

"Jane, don't," Levi screamed.

He covered his chest and Mary Jane stopped, just as her iron grip was about to accidentally tear off his hand.

"I, I'm sorry," she whispered. "I keep forgetting my strength."

"It's okay," he mumbled.

Levi bent over and hugged her, and she giggled, smelling his familiar scent and kissed his cheek. Ace and Fenton could not believe the abominable snowman that called himself Leviathan Slater really had a girlfriend.

He rarely mentioned her, and when he did, people assumed he was pretending, like the young men that said, "I have a girlfriend, but she goes to a different school, you wouldn't know her."

"Guess who's here," she shouted. "Dexter is here!"

"Oh, thank god," Levi shouted.

They walked off, hand in hand and Fenton, John, and Ace were left with Savannah.

"You gotta leave the sword at the door," she commanded.

Give me to her and I'll teach her a lesson, Unas growled.

Ace gave her the sword, and she screamed out as it burned her hand.

"What is that," she screeched.

"He doesn't like you," Ace explained. "The sword only likes me and Fenton."

"I. What? Just keep that thing away from others! I don't care anymore!" She ran off to get burn cream, and John snickered.

John showed them around inside, and Ace again felt the luxury of a hot shower, now even more wonderful than the first. They found random clothes around the dorms, and now they were clean and safe. Ace and Fenton could finally relax, but Ace didn't want to. He sat on a couch in the dorm room and tried to stay awake.

Everytime he relaxed, his mind went back to the image of his father burning alive, the sounds of his screams unending and tortuous. "It's going to be okay," Fenton told him. "Just sleep. We don't know when else we can."

"I don't want to sleep....When I wake up nothing will be better."

"If you stay awake, nothing will be different as well," Fenton concluded.

Grumbling he shuffled his way over to the bottom bunk, and within a few minutes he fell asleep. "Finally," Fenton groaned. He felt like he couldn't sleep until Ace did first. Fenton was worried that Ace couldn't keep himself alive without him, especially with his stalker prowling the campus.

You are a good brother, Unas said. You are allowed to use me as you please.

"I, I'm g-good," Fenton stammered.

Now he couldn't sleep with the sentient sword in the room and he roamed the dorm halls, trying to not be around anything else disturbing for at least ten minutes.

John found him, and grabbed him by the arm. He was sweaty, and looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"Are you okay," Fenton asked.

"You need to come to the hospital," he shouted. "It's bad!"

Fenton drove him over to the hospital in the Jeep, and they ran upstairs. The hospital was filled to the brim with those who had escaped, some missing limbs because they thought getting bitten would turn them.

They entered room 2C, and Kyle and Ryle were there, with Casey and Harmonia. Ryle was on the bed, asleep and pale. He was filled with painkillers, and he was hooked up to a blood bag.

Fenton approached them and he noticed Ryle's missing leg.

"Oh god," he screamed.

"Quiet," Casey said. "He finally fell asleep."

Fenton pursed his lips closed, and stared at where his leg should be. It was a cruel thing, a man whose ability was speed, now missing a leg.

"At least he's still alive," Kyle mumbled. He looked at John and asked him a question. "Have you found everyone else?"

"We're almost there," John replied. "But we found Ace!"

Harmonia gave him a look. "Ace is dead," she explained. "Unless he's outside with the other dead bodies, he can't be here." Casey put his hand on her shoulder, and Harmonia knew she had said too much. "Sorry," she whispered.

"I know Gabriel's still alive," Fenton said. "He left on his own though."

"We can search where you last found him," John offered. "Then all that's left is Mark and Amy."

Fenton remembered he had left three women and nine small children at a cottage during a massacre. He tried to play it off, and didn't mention anything they didn't need to know.

"I… uh.. Know where Amy is," Fenton mumbled.

"She's alive," Harmonia shrieked.

Ryle stirred awake, and everyone glared at her. "I'm sorry," she whined.

"I found her at the gift shop near the lake with two other girls and some kids," Fenton said. "We should go get them."

"We're so lucky," Kyle said. "None of us died."

Fenton's face was grim and everyone knew that something was wrong.

"Mark is dead… so is Ace's dad….," Fenton said.

It was strange for him to say it out loud. He said it for the first time, and now the strange thought in his head was now a true fact. Harmonia burst into tears, and the others just sat there, numb and tired.

There was no more emotional energy left to expend, as the entire night had taken it all. "How did this happen," John asked.

"I don't know what happened to Mark," Fenton said. "I didn't ask. Mr. Titanium on the other hand… I don't want to talk about it..."

"We're really lucky. Someone set a trap for us and took his leg. We barely made it back," Kyle said.

"Wait, a trap," John asked.

"Some of them are super smart," Ryle groaned.

He sat up, pale and sweaty, a feat for his brown skin. "Go back to sleep," Kyle pleaded.

"No," he grunted. "I'm crippled not dead."

He leaned onto his brother and Kyle tried to keep him up as he spoke. "They saw us running around the campus. We went back and forth, quickly bringing all the people back here we could find," Ryle explained. "One of them took a wire and put it in a hallway, waiting for us."

"I'm just glad he's okay. Not everyone is making it out of here," Kyle said

They all wondered if anyone was going to make it out at all.

"We need to go back out," John said. "We have to find Gabriel and Amy before one of those stronger ones find them first."

"We should get Gabriel first! He's all alone, and he won't listen to me," Fenton said.

They all made plans to leave together, and finally Ryle fell back asleep. Fenton returned to the room he and Ace were in earlier, and he collapsed into the couch. John and everyone else planned to sleep for a few hours and go out again.

The sun had set, and now it was hard to see anything with the lack of working street lights. Trying to fight in the middle of the night was a death wish, so by then many of the rescue groups had returned.

Ace awoke in the dark room, and heard the sound of Fenton's soft snores. He went to the bathroom, and quickly got back into bed. He however, would not be allowed to rest, as Infiniti began to harass him.

You miss your father, don't you Acehus, the watch asked. I can send you back.

Ace gripped the pillow and tried to ignore him, but he couldn't block him out of his head. Each and every time I make the offer, I send you to our friend, Infiniti whispered. Let's play again.

"No," Ace whispered. "Don't trick me again."

I've never tricked you, Infiniti grumbled. Every time we go back, I tell you the truth, I leave hints, but you still make the same mistakes.

"Why go back and do the same thing, expecting different results," Ace whispered.

If you stay here, your father will forever be dead, Inifiniti taunted. Are you going to let his sacrifice be in vain?

"I won't," Ace mumbled. "I won't let it be, because I'm not going back."

The watch was now silent, and decided he would try again later. Ace took it off and left it on the dresser. He wanted to go back more than anything, but he didn't know another way of how to go back without risking his own life, or never remembering anything.

Ace fell asleep after an hour, his mind racing, worrying about what fresh horror the morning would bring, as every day was almost worse than the last.

I'm so jealous of Johnny. Not everyone knows what they want to be when they grow up. Such a blessing.

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