
Chapter 13

Russell P.O.V.

I don't know what to think anymore. I blocked out everyone's yell for me to stop and continued on speed walking through the crowd of civilians. I was filled with rage and was busy looking down at the sidewalk that I didn't notice the tall light post in front of me.

I hit the light post, hard, and I stumbled a bit, dizzy. It's a good thing that I stumbled onto the bench right next to the light post. I knew that they caught up to me but I was busy tending to my own injuries to take notice of them. I slowly recollected my memories and I remembered something that I didn't want to remember.

How I despised that guy! Who does he think he is! Taking Richard away like that without asking us is just a pain in the ass. When I see Richard again, I'm going to protect him from that guy. Even if he beats me up to a pulp, I don't care! I'll literally protect Richard that's for sure!

I was so pumped up but I just remembered something else besides that guy. I immediately got flustered after remembering what happened before the concert, just me and Richard in the room. I didn't even notice when I raised my hand and softly touch my lips. I could still feel the soft fingers of Richard on top of my lips.

What the-?

What the heck was I just thinking? Did I really think of Richard that way? What did I do to suddenly have this feeling inside of me?!

I mean, he's my best friend! He's like a little brother I never had. But why am I thinking of such things?

I remembered the last time I felt like this. It was when I was still a kid and I had this crush on a girl. I know the feeling all too well but why do I respond like this to Richard. No offense Richard, but you're not exactly girl material.

I wanted to laugh at that but I suddenly tried to imagine what he'd look like as a girl. With those short skirts, those tight tops revealing their curves, tall red heels, face full of makeup and all. Well, with his pathetic and thin body, he might fit the image well.



Am I attracted to Richard? That can't be. He's my best friend, also, HE'S A GUY! ...No, wait. I don't want to think about this but, please no, am I attracted to guys? Am I, fucking gay?!

I felt someone shake me and I looked up at them. It was Steven and Daniel standing right next to him. I couldn't see Lin there. I figured they sent her home already. She shouldn't even be out this late, even for a girl, even for a girl like Lin who packs a punch everywhere she goes.

I didn't listen to Steven scolding me and just stared at the two of them. Suddenly an idea came into my mind, an idea I really want to try out to prove my theory. It's gross but becoming THAT is gross on an entirely different level.

Maybe I'll get a few punches here and there. Maybe some rumors will start in school, breaking my reputation of being the guy who gets any girl a bit. Maybe it'll become a scarring memory that will last until I'm on my death bed. But I'm risking all of it for an answer. Well, here goes nothing.

I stand up from the bench and looked at the two of them, deciding who to test it out first. I hugged Daniel lovingly. It's gross, and we stayed like that for a bit.

"WHAT THE-" I wasn't expecting that after a second had passed that he suddenly pushed me off of him. I held my ground and remained standing. "What's wrong with you Russell?!"

I looked at Daniel who looked at me with wide eyes. I must have scared him, but I'm not done yet. I looked to Steven who looked shocked by my actions. He caught on that I was looking at him and he glared at me.

"Don't even think of doing that to me. If you do, so help me God, you'll be getting something even worse than just a punch to the face."

I ignored him and immediately went to him. I placed my hand on his chest and my other hand on his shoulder like the girls in movies do. I'm internally screaming to myself! THIS IS SO GROSS!!!

Steven suddenly pushed me away from him and punched me on my jaw. I tumbled down on the sidewalk and looked up at Steven while I held on to my jaw.

So far, I felt nothing with the two of them, that's reassuring. I was glad for discovering my answer but suddenly Steven punched me next on my stomach.

It hurts but it's worth it. I think. Now that's one problem down, and now, one left. I couldn't stop thinking of Richard as Steven kept on punching me. It just made me want to find my answer and get this thing over with.

Christine P.O.V.

We were halfway to my apartment right now. For a minute there, I wanted to ask him how'd he know where my apartment is since I never told him or show it to him but he's been making the right turns since we've left. Is nothing a secret when you're in the mafia?

Our drive going to my apartment was a quiet one since this part of the city isn't always busy. I didn't argue with him and he didn't make any snarky comments.

We stopped in front of a red stoplight. This is the last stoplight before I arrive at my apartment. We were the only ones there, no vehicles, and a drunk few people were walking on the sidewalk. I looked at Jason and his hair is completely messy.

I giggled and Jason must have heard me because he looked back at me. He gave me a confused look before he directed his attention back at the now green stoplight.

He started the motorcycle again and we sped off. On the remaining way back, I couldn't help but avert my attention away from Jason. He stopped in front of my apartment building and I got off. I started speed walking to the door.

I was about to head inside the apartment but I heard someone clear their throats behind me. I turned and looked at Jason who was still there. He had a small smile on his face and he motioned for my head. I touched my head and I've forgotten all about the helmet I'm wearing.

I went back to Jason, embarrassed. I took the helmet off and shoved it at him. I tried fixing my wig, checking if any strands were falling out, while I tried to hide it from Jason about my identity.

I looked at him to see if he noticed any long strands of my hair falling out but his smile quickly disappeared and a frown was on his face. He reached out to me and he touched my cheek.

He started caressing my cheek and my heart started to beat rapidly in my chest. It felt unfamiliar but pleasant nonetheless. I never thought that he could have a soft side to him as well. When he removed his hand away, I felt sad all of a sudden. I look back at him and the frown was still on his face.

"What happened to your face?" He said his voice gruff. "It's bruised."

What? I looked at the motorcycle's side-view mirror and he was right, my face is bruised. But I'm not actually surprised. Russell's punch really did some damage to me. Even though it stings from time to time, the pain was bearable.

What really surprised me is that he only noticed it now. I'm not really mad at him, I mean, I was the one who kept avoiding him for the past few days and tonight was the first time he fully encountered me again after that small incident with me and the band.

He must have seen the bruise at the club because it was dark and there were flashing lights everywhere. The same thing goes to the alley, it was dark and he mustn't have seen it. But now that we're standing under a light post he must be seeing it clearly now.

"It's nothing," I told him, trying to shake the tingly feeling on my cheek. "It was just an accident during band practice."

I could tell that Jason didn't believe me. His steel gaze never left mine. His eyes were so intense that it was breathless looking into them.

"Fine, then," Jason said and started to wear the helmet I was just wearing. "Take care of yourself more, I'm the one responsible for protecting you, remember? And if it's not so hard, try beefing up a bit."

With that last caring yet hard sentence, Jason started his motorcycle and drove through the streets, leaving me by myself standing alone under the street lamp in front of my apartment building.

Jason P.O.V.

I kept on swerving through the streets, ignoring all the car horns blaring at me. I tried to concentrate on the road but it proved useless to me when something, or should I say someone, was occupying my mind.

Each breath I take inside the helmet smelled of Richard. I was lucky enough to notice the red stoplight in front of me and I stopped my motorcycle to avoid the busy road.

I roughly removed the helmet in hopes of clearing my mind off of him. I smelled the cold air of the city and the smoke coming off from the cars but I could still smell the faint scent of Richard.

I looked at my right hand which was on the motorcycle handle. I didn't even notice when I lifted my hand and inspected it.

I could still feel it. Richard's soft cheek was what made my hand tingle and the sight of his bruised cheek is bothering me to punch whoever placed that bruise on him in the first place. I clenched my hand into a fist and focused on removing this stupid feeling tingling on my hand.

A car behind me started honking and it broke my concentration. I put the helmet back on and rode through the night, the intoxicating smell floating inside of the helmet and my right hand still had this lingering feeling.

Christine P.O.V.

I couldn't get a peek of sleep last night. It was hard to sleep when your mind was filled with images of Jason everywhere. I spent my entire night sprawled on my bed with my long brown hair scattered everywhere.

It was a good thing that there wasn't any school today. If I'd just woken up, I'd already been late as it is anyway.

I looked over to the window. Even from up here I could hear the horns of cars blaring on the streets, my time to get up.

I got up from my bed and head to the kitchen to get a glass of water. After I was done drinking I saw Hunter enters the kitchen with a leash in his mouth. I smiled at him through my bedridden hair and I walked over to him and patted him on the head.

"Sorry for ignoring you, buddy," I said to Hunter using my true voice. Just hearing it felt so different but I still love my own voice than Richard Knight's voice. "I'll make it up to you, how does a walk in the park sound?"

I laughed at Hunter when his tail started wagging like crazy. I got up from the floor and went into my room.

After wrapping my chest with bandage rolls I started dressing up. I changed my sleepwear into a grey shirt, a dark pair of jeans, red converse, and to top it all off, a red hoodie.

I walked to the mirror and started tucking my long brown hair under the short brown-haired wig. I looked for any errors in my appearance and after securely bandaging my chest and hiding my long hair, I'm ready to go.

Before I left the mirror, I reached out for my necklace and touched my mother's ring. I smiled into the mirror and made my way to Hunter who was standing in front of the door.

I took the leash from his mouth and clipped it onto his collar. I barely had time to lock my apartment when Hunter was pulling me to the stairs.

After I took a single step out of the building, my phone started to ring from my pocket. I reached for my phone and read the new message.

I put the phone away in my pocket and I looked over Hunter who was looking at me with expecting eyes. I gave him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, Hunter. That walk in the park will have to wait."

It was a long walk from my apartment and to the White Dragon's Headquarters but we've arrived without any complications whatsoever. I went in and saw the same members as always chatting.

Some greeted me, some complimented on how I played the guitar well yesterday night, and some sent me glares. Nothing changed.

I was about to use the staircase but a guy ran up to me. I gave him a confused look and he looked tired as he kept on panting in front of me.

"Do you happen to be Richard Knight?" the guy said to me excitedly. "Are you the guy whose father happens to be the big boss here and the guy who played at Club Zero yesterday as the guitarist?"

I was still confused about the guy appearing before me but I managed to answer him awkwardly. "Yeah, I'm the guy."

"Really?!" the guy said ecstatic "My name is Gabriel and I adore your guitar skills, I've been to almost all of your concerts and, if you don't believe me, I'm your number one fan."

"You play an electric guitar?" I questioned him. It's good meeting an electric guitarist. The only real guitarist I've met is Steven. The other guitarists aren't even real guitarists. They only carry their guitars around to look cool. I waste of time if they're asking me.

"Oh no, unlike your electric guitar, I own plain wooden guitar." He answered me excitedly.

Gabriel had black curly hair, olive skin, and black eyes. He might have been around my age. The only reason he'd be here would be that he's a member of the group. Wow, so I'm not the only one young here.

I didn't know when but we started chatting like there was no tomorrow. We talked about guitars, what's trending, and famous guitarists.

I was enjoying my time with Gabriel when my phone started ringing again. Knowing it was him. I excused myself and went back to my route.

I reached the top floor easily and was about to head straight to Victor's office when I suddenly saw Jason there leaning against a wall with an old looking duffel bag next to him.

Seeing him again made my heartbeat increase all over again and memories from last night started to resurface. I shake those memories away and proceeded to Victor's office.

I arrived in front of the door and knocked on it three times then entered the office. The first thing I saw in the office was Victor heavily smoking away in front of the only window in the office and Michael suspiciously smiling at me from Victor's chair.

I closed the door behind me but Michael got up from the chair and locked the door behind me. I looked up at him suspiciously as he brought me to the middle of the room. I took a sit on a chair and looked at them.

I was worried if Victor should really smoke heavily like that but Michael's smile was making me even more worried. I waited for one of them to speak. Michael was the first to break the awkward atmosphere.

"How have you been, Christine?" I knew that the office was soundproofed, making anyone from the other side of the door not able to hear us.

"I'm fine," I said, extremely suspicious of what was happening.

"That's good," Michael said jollily.

"Just tell her already Michael," Victor said without looking at us.

"Tell me what?"

"You see," Michael paused for a while to blurt out a laugh "You saw Jason, right?"

"I did," I said with curiosity lacing my voice. "He was outside the office and from the looks of it he was waiting for something."

Michael started to laugh hysterically and I was left to look at him curiously from my sit. Victor discarded his cigarette and he went over to me.

"I'll just get to the point since Michael couldn't." We both looked at Michael as he kept on laughing. I looked at him curiously while Victor looked annoyed and angry at the same time. "Starting from today, you and Jason will be living in the same apartment, and by the same apartment, I mean your apartment."

Like any person who'd hear this news, I was shocked. No words would come out of me. Michael was over at the corner laughing loudly than before and Victor was looking at him with an irritated expression.

I knew it. I knew that anything coming out of their mouth always leave me speechless. And here I am now, staring at the two of them.

Knowing that arguing with them is useless once they've made their mind, I took in a deep breath before voicing out my question.

"Why?" I asked them. I knew it was useless but I'd like to know the reason.

"We were just discussing that you should be more secured," Victor said.

"You mean he'll be with me 24/7?" I asked. "If he is, I'm not going through with this."

"Don't worry, he won't, not entirely. He'll only be living in your apartment and checking up on you once in a while, giving us news assuring us that you're safe." Victor said "But still, you have to be more cautious around him. Might I remind you that he is not aware of whom you really are?"

I already knew that before he even asked. Letting him live in my apartment, the only haven where I could freely walk around and be who I really am is risky at it is.

How would I explain it to him if he suddenly found some things that weren't really used by guys? Even worse, how would he react when he finds out? Can I really have him snooping around my house?

"And also," Michael said, out of breath from laughing. "He doesn't have anywhere to go."

I looked at him, confused. He caught on that I was confused and started explaining everything to me with a smile on his face.

"With a few phone calls and some intimidation, I got him kicked out of the apartment he was renting and now, no landlord is willing to take him in."

If this was some other time, I would have laughed until I can't breathe, but Michael was serious. Anything coming out of his mouth is all true even though he talks like it's nothing.

"So now, you won't feel any burden when he lives with you." Michael continued. "Think of it as something like you give him a place to stay and he'll protect you. It's as simple as that."

This is anything but simple, Michael. I looked at Hunter who was by Victor's side sniffing his hand then I looked at the locked door.

With a small sigh, I nodded. I could hear Michael trying to tell me the perks of having Jason live with me and I could just feel Victor scowling at Michael.

Victor P.O.V.

When we were sure that Christine finally left the floor, we started talking about the plan.

"Each day we spend here doing nothing the closer they get to her," I said, grabbing for a cigarette. "And before we know it, they might attack us, or even worse, cause any harm to Christine."

"Don't worry," Michael said as he sat on the chair Christine was just sitting on. "Jason's there to keep her safe, isn't that why you picked him to guard her in the first place?"

"I picked him because I trust him and also because he is one of the strongest and the one with the most experience in this. But I sometimes wonder if he's motivated enough into protecting her."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Michael had a smile on his face as he looked to the closed door. I've known him long enough to know that he was planning something. It was either that or he knew something that I didn't.

"What I'm worried about foremost is Christine's identity. Be it ally or foe, once someone knows who she really is, it won't be too long until they figure out who she really is and what's my connection to her."

"Will you just relax, Victor? The more you worry, the more your hair will start falling off. Besides, don't you trust your own daughter? I trust Jason, and we aren't even related by blood. He's just a kid I took from the streets and saved him from his family."

"You trust him because you had years to get to know him whilst I've only known my daughter for barely two months. I know all about her activities and what she does by reading your surveillance reports but what I really know about her without using the resources of the mafia is close to nothing."

"You'll get to know her better if you get out of your office. Take a walk in the park, bring her to dinner, go and shop with her. You know, what you used to do with your Clara."

"That was one of the reasons why my wife died in the first place. The reason why Clara died is because of me. It was a mistake bringing Clara into this world. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice with my daughter."

"But you've already brought her into this world already. Isn't that the reason why you got Jason to protect her, to keep her safe? But it won't be so easy now once they've found out."

"I brought her into this world because she's safer here. Where I could keep my eye on her and where they couldn't track her. As long as she doesn't reveal herself, she's safe, for now."

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