
Chapter 9

Christine P.O.V.

I never would have guessed that I would actually have a father-daughter moment like today. I did grow up with my mother so I don't know the difference between the love of a mother and father. But now, I've grasped a little of the meaning of a father's love.

He had clenched on my mother's ring then he slowly let it go. He reached for my hand and placed the necklace in the palm of my hand. I looked at him confusingly and he only responded with a small smile forming on his lips.

He got up, walked straight to a bookshelf, and moved it aside to reveal a door. I was surprised, I thought only those doors exist in movies. He unlocked the door and went in. I waited outside but I still looked at him from outside the room.

I could see him reach up to a sort of black briefcase from up top of a shelf. He dusted the briefcase of with a blow and looked back at me. He had a small smile on his face.

He walked out of the room, locked the door, slid the bookshelf back into place, and presented me with the black briefcase. I didn't know what he was doing so I just accepted it.

"You'd better get back to Jason. He's not known to wait for people patiently." He pointed to the black briefcase in my hands. "He'll bring you to a place that'll be helpful to you, only then, can you open the case."

He went to the only exit of the room and opened the door. "You'll find him downstairs at the lounge."

I was staring at him, confused, but I did what he told me to and walked out the door. I didn't look back until the door closed. I went on walking to the stairs. I didn't immediately go to the first floor where Victor showed me, instead, I stopped at the 2nd floor to rest for a bit. I went and hid behind one of the turning points of the hallway and took a sit.

Everything that happened in the office was quite a shocker to me. I was resting for a bit, replaying all that's happened until now. It was until a lively voice yelled for me from above.

"There you are! You know, we've been looking for you for a while now." Michael said as soon as he saw me. He was smiling like he always does as nothing happened. I was about to explain all that happened inside the office but he gave me a vest-like thing. "Here you go."

"Um..." I said, confused about what is laying in my hands. "What this?"

"You wear it," Jason said. He suddenly appeared behind Michael. I looked to where his right hand was placed on a gun holster on his belt. "You'll need it. Seeing as you're still fresh to this kind of thing."

"Don't take it seriously, Richard." Michael had seemed to see right through me. I was literally panicking. "It's only for practice and safety."

"What?" I repeated, not quite sure where this is going.

"Didn't the boss give you something at his office?" Jason said, annoyed that I was clueless. He pointed over to the black case beside me. "Do you even know what's inside?"

Now that he's mentioned it, I don't know what was inside the case. I picked up the case and opened it. Inside the case is a small handgun. I almost let go of the case when Michael steadied me.

"Huh, a Colt M1911A1, one of the lightest and easiest handguns there is," Jason said, looking at the gun then at me and back to the gun. "It'll suit you more than the other guns we have here."

"Underneath the building is a basement designed to be a shooting range for the members here and that's also where you'll be going next." He talked to me calmly. "You should consider yourself lucky. Jason is the best here at shooting."

I'm starting to figure out what's he's trying to tell me. Everything is quickly coming to me. Suffocating me with every surprise it gives to me. Not only that I've been holding a gun all this time, discovering that there was an underground shooting range, and have been given one of the most impossible things of my life. I have to study from Jason, worst of all, at gun shooting.

"I'm not too happy about this as well." Jason joined in. You could clearly see how much he disapproves of teaching me. "But it's the boss's orders. So quit sulking."

Before I knew it, Jason started dragging me to the stairs. He dragged me down each step, and while I was trying to get out of his grip, Michael only followed behind with a smile. We stopped in front of the first-floor lounge and went out. All the members could see that I was trying to get away but they only snicker or stay silent as they watched.

"Jason's not going to let go that easily. I feel bad for the poor kid."

"He's going to need it. He's a total rookie. If he really wants to be the boss's son, then he'd better know how to aim and shoot."

We went behind the bar and reached a crimson red curtain. Jason pulled the curtains away and then what appeared in front of me looks like a long mirror. What I didn't know was when Jason pulled one of the mirrors edges it suddenly opened. The mirror-like-door creaked open and there I saw a new flight of stairs going down. The stairs were the same as the other one, gray and cracking. Since it's now useless for me to escape, I followed diligently behind Jason, and Michael was walking behind me.

We reached the underground shooting range rather quickly. And just like the name, it really does look like a shooting range like the ones in police movies. You can't even tell that its underground. The lighting inside here isn't flickering and the walls aren't filled with cracks like the staircase we've just come from except for a few gun holes in the walls.

Jason took the gun case from me and entered the only room in this place. I could hear clicking noises coming from the room so I went closer to check it out.

Inside the room is full of guns on the display. The whole room's space was mostly occupied by long shelves lining with boxes with tags on them everywhere. I could see him standing and placing the handgun on a built-in table.

He left the table and went to one of the shelves with the dustiest parts. He went and reached a box at the 4th level of the shelf. He read the tag on the box, and since I was far, I couldn't see what was written on the tag.

He went back to the table and opened the box. He started to load the handgun and I took this chance to look at what the tag read. On the tag are words spelling out '45 ACP' on it.

I watched from behind him as he started to load the gun. With the bullets in place, he looked behind and saw me. He went to my direction and handed me the gun.

"Here." He said to me as he gave the handgun. "You'll need this if you want to stay here. It's time for you to know how to defend yourself."

"But," Michael interrupted. He started slipping the bulletproof vest through my shoulders and made me wear soundproof headphones and safety glasses. "You'll need safety first. We can't let you hurt yourself on the very first try."

The vest isn't light but it was a little heavy for me. And when Jason gave me the handgun, he wasn't kidding, it really is light. I'm holding a gun for the first time so I decided to keep my fingers away from the trigger or from anything that is accessible on the gun.

Here I am, someone who is new to holding a dangerous weapon, standing near two people who doesn't look scared at all. My hands are shaking and sweating as I held onto the gun and neither Jason nor Michael ran away. They were just there, talking about something I can't hear.

I was holding onto the handgun with both hands, scared of letting go but also scared of keeping it close to me. I was so focused on the gun in front of me that I was surprised when a sudden shot erupted.

I looked to over where the sound came from and saw Jason there standing at one stall shooting at a poster with an outline of a person. He was holding a handgun bigger than mine and started shooting with only one hand. Just one look at Jason, you could tell that he really is an expert at guns.

He was shooting the poster like it was a normal thing for him, but since he is a gangster. Of course, he'd know how to use a gun. All six bullets from the gun he used all went through the poster and hit either the head or the chest.

My heart started to beat fast with danger. I thought that the longer I stayed here. I could feel my heart jump out of my chest and start running away from this place.

"Hey, rookie. What are you doing?" Jason pointed to a stall next to him. "You're next."

I went to the stall next to him and there I could see another poster yet to be filled with bullets. My heart is seriously beating fast now. My hands were trembling and sweating which also affected the gun in my hands. I could feel the expectant gaze of Jason next to me, it wasn't helping in any way, and it only made me more nervous as it is.

I lifted the gun to my eye level and balanced it in my hands. I aimed at the poster and pulled the trigger. I was still trembling when I pulled the trigger and I instinctively closed my eyes shut. I could feel the force of the bullet pushing my body back. The bullet shot a wall, a few meters away from the poster where the bullet should have passed through.

I could hear Michael trying to cheer me on behind me but the one voice I concentrated on wasn't on Michael's but on Jason's low snicker. Does he really enjoy watching me like I'm a fool?

I was so embarrassed by my shooting skills. I bet even an amateur could shoot the outline of the poster. I felt like giving up on the spot but then a hand rested on my shoulder. I looked and saw Jason there with a look of 'Don't give up.'

He stood behind me and started lifting my arms up to my eye level. He covered my small hand with his muscular ones and fixed my hands on the handgun. With his demonstration and warm sort-of-embrace, I no longer feel uneasy.

"Focus on the target in front of you," Jason said as he was steadying my hands on the target. "Imagine it's only you and the target alone in this room. Once you've focused on it, pull the trigger."

When he slowly let go of my hands, it stopped trembling. I looked back to the target, determination filling me. I looked back to the hole in the wall I recently made with my gun then looked back to the target. I steadied myself, taking in deep breaths, and focusing on the target.

I pulled the trigger. I could feel the second wave hitting me with light pressure on my arms. I kept my eyes closed, waiting for something, anything until I could hear the applause from a single person. I opened my eyes and saw that the bullet was almost on the dead center of the target.

I looked at Michael who was clapping and at Jason who was still standing behind me. He reached out his hand to my head and patted me like I'm some sort of dog, but I didn't mind it, it was weird to see Jason being nice but it wasn't bad.

"You did well," Jason said as he stopped patting my head. I looked back to the poster, still not believing the shot I made. I was so happy that I unconsciously let out a smile.

I could feel someone staring at me so I looked up to Jason. Just when I looked at him, he averted his eyes away from me and went to a control panel and pushed a button.

The stall I had just used suddenly changed posters. Now a brand new poster with no bullet holes in it is facing me.

"Let's see if you can do it again," Jason said as he pointed to the new poster. I looked at it with full confidence and a smile then started to aim at the center again.

In the end, I spent my whole afternoon in the underground shooting range. I only stopped when Jason scolded me for wasting bullets. I was somewhat happy in learning how to use a gun but it also made me feel bothered.

Before I leave, I'll just rest for a while. I took a sit on one of the chairs next to a couch where I placed my bag and guitar on. Besides resting, I had nothing else to do.

I took out my phone from my bag which had been put on silent until now and checked it. I was surprised at how many text messages I received from everyone, especially Russell who has sent me over 20 text messages and five missed calls.

The messages all went the same. Where did I go, how am I, when can they see me again, and so on. I replied quickly with a message sent to everyone.

SUBJECT: I'm sorry

MESSAGE: I'm sorry for leaving all of you there but I promise I'll explain everything just not now. I'll see you later.

I slipped my phone to my pocket and slumped on the chair I was sitting on. Now that one problem's out of the way, another one quickly arises.

I could still remember the shocked expression Russell gave me before I left him. If my best friend was abducted by a guy in black clothing, of course I would be worried about them. I could imagine what Russell was doing while he sent me the text messages. He must be worrying his head off about me.

Now that my fear of the White Dragons has faded away, now I can start fearing of the next time I'll have to see with all of them. My mind started to get jumbled up with many thoughts when my eyes landed on my guitar.

I didn't hesitate to grab my guitar and remove it from its case. The guitar's smooth metal under my fingers felt so relaxing. I didn't even know when I started to play one of the first songs I played with everyone but I kept at it.

My mind started to clear up and I could only concentrate on each strum of music I made on my guitar. I could remember when I first bought this guitar. It was when I was with Russell when we first met Steven at school hanging poster's about forming a band.

I was supposed to cheer on for Russell as he auditioned but I was suddenly dragged in when Russell recommended me. After thoroughly examining me, especially my fingers, Steven led us to a music room in the school to teach me how to play an electric guitar. That's where we found Daniel playing classical music on a piano. After a month of Steven convincing Daniel to join, Daniel finally gives up and joined us. And not too long, when we had enough money to buy a guitar for me, Lin, a solo bassist with tons of ideas for a song, also joined us.

That's how we've made the band. The name Night Raid was decided by Steven. At first, we were against it but when we played our first song out to the public we finally get it why Steven named the band Night Raid. Entirely it's because at that time that Steven wasn't allowed to pass his curfew but it was also because that the first time they'll hear our song, they'll be entranced by it and we'll be attacking their mind and hitting them to what real music is.

I would always be surrounded by them and their instruments, playing all together. Even though I sometimes play alone, I would never feel lonely since I'm practicing alone in hopes of letting our band get better. But now that I'm practicing by myself, it really feels like I'm really alone in this world.

As I kept on feeling gloomy I heard the door from upstairs creak open. Next up came heavy footsteps slowly walking down the stairs. Jason appeared looking down at me from where he was standing on the stairs. He looked at me with amusement which immediately made me irritated at looking at his face.

"So that guitar you carry everywhere wasn't just for show," Jason said as he looked at me smugly. "I only thought that you only wanted to look cool out in the public. Your appearance isn't going to help you anyway."

I restrained myself from arguing with him and placed back my guitar diligently back to its case. I didn't want to talk to Jason. I was alright in this room alone then he'd appear and immediately lose my cool, just what he is trying to achieve in annoying me.

I packed up my things and went up the stairs. I faced him face to face and looked at him seriously. He only looked at me with such a bored expression that I feel like I'm wasting his time. You're not the only one who feels bored, you know. I have other things to do and people I need to see.

"This is probably the only request I want you to do, so hear me out here," I said with a low voice. It doesn't even feel good at lowering my pride to Jason but this is the only way. "I don't need you to follow me."

"...That's not going to happen, Richard," Jason said. The way he calls me by name was a surprise. This is the first time I heard him calling me by my name but the way he spoke my name looks serious. "I'm only following you in the first place because it's your old man's order. If you want me to stop following you, then you'd better ask the boss then but I doubt he'll do that."

"My life is at the verge of destruction because of you, you know that? It's because of your appearance at the wrong time that I've started to have wrong impressions on my friends" I started to sound desperate in front of him. Don't show him your weakness, Christine. Don't let him see how pathetic you really are. "And don't lecture me about that whole 'It's better to not have friends.' thing. That's your way of seeing things but I don't. For me, I think it's better to have friend than no friends at all. There's a big difference between having friends and no friends at all."

I started to walk up the stairs when Jason suddenly blocked my way with an outstretch of his arm. For a second I thought that maybe I really did make him angry. If so, then I'll be seeing the devil in front of my eyes. Carefully, I looked at Jason. At first, I thought that he'd start punching me but it wasn't like that.

"...Then let's make an agreement." Jason said as he looked at me "I'll give you my phone number."

"...Why would you give me your phone number?" I looked at him blankly. I could feel my soul slowly escaping me from too much fear. "It's not like we're friends in the first place."

"We aren't the best of friends anyway but in case anything happens to you, call me. I'd get killed if the boss knew that I'm not following you."

"I can handle my own problems. I don't need you to follow me everywhere I go."

I slipped past Jason but was soon blocked again. This time, his body was blocking me from the exit. He rummaged for something in his pocket and took out a piece of paper from his pocket. Just one look at it, I could tell that his number was written on it.

If it was possible, I would have slapped away the paper from his hands but if I were to do that what would happen to me? I abruptly took the paper from his hand and shoved it inside my pocket. He looked satisfied of my actions and the next thing he did is to move away from the entrance.

I walked out without looking back and hurriedly walked to the exit of the building. When I went out, I wasn't expecting it to be night. I looked at the watch on my wrist and saw that it's already 5:30.

It was cold in this part of the town. I ended up hugging my things on my body and putting both of my hands in my pocket. As I walked past the crowd of people I kept on feeling the paper Jason gave to me.

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