
Quick Decision

It was late into the evening when Kameron finally exited the dungeon.

"That took a really long time…" he groaned as he sat on the beachside and looked into the distance waters as the moonlight lit the surface of the ocean.

Kameron felt happy he could take time to enjoy nature, it was one thing he enjoyed doing with his free time.

He didn't have much to do in terms of meeting with people since Munakata had come a few hours earlier and given an update of how everything was going.

After, he said that he and mikoto were going to fight some beasts in the forest until the next morning. Kamer 3on agreed with the idea since he would like for both kings to get stronger as soon as possible.

Now, Kameron was just thinking about everything. The cooldown on his summoning ability was two days and he figured he would summon Armin Arlet first.

This was because if the right version of him was taken from that world, he would have his titan shifting ability as well as the potential to make it stronger with the effects of this world.

It was also true that he would be able to summon other people after another seven-day cooldown so even if he did pick someone else sooner than another, in the end, they would all be summoned.



[Would you like to announce the discovery of the Shallow Cavern Dungeon?]

Looking at the orange text facing him right now, Kameron weighed the pros and cons before agreeing to it.

"Publicity shouldn't hurt…"

Kameron had already thought about it and simply put, it was free publicity. He had already questioned the system (and Ina) about what the message would say and how it would be announced.

With a few corrections, he decided to allow the message to be announced as he stood up and walked along the beach, in no particular direction...

He had a lot to think about with the vast amount of problems in front of him but instead, he just thought about his old life.

Anna, his family, his friends, he wondered why he hadn't thought about them until now but I'd didn't take him long to realize why.

He had been blinded by his system.

This isn't to say his system is working against him, it was simply that at the time of his reincarnation, it has taken his focus instantly. He had little time to think about his family and friends as he was guided into exploring the system and the areas around him.

Kameron was ashamed when he had realized earlier that he could have summoned Anna when he first used his ability. She meant a lot to him, and even after two months of living in this world his feelings never lessened.

As for his family, Kameron had a mother, father, and two sisters who had already graduated high school and been studying at different universities. His parents were both caring about his sisters and himself and very supportive of his growing relationship with Anna.

Kameron's best friends were probably doing fine, he believed those guys would be living their best lives on those gaming consoles. Either that or enjoying their youths and going to prom.

Shaking his head, Kameron looked around to realize he had wandered off of the beach and into a large overlook or cliff area.

Slowly stepping up the grassy mountain, something that took almost an hour, Kameron looks at the starry sky feeling a brief sense of nostalgia wash over his mind.

Reaching his hand out as he walked to the top of the mountain, he gazed focused outward to the ocean ahead. Staying there for the better part of an hour before deciding to find his way back to the village.

Stretching as he stood up from the seated position he had got in after standing for nearly 10 minutes, Kameron began walking away before stopping.

"Do you hear that?" he said stopped walking.

(What are you talking about?)

"Listen…" he said as he closed his eyes and focused on his hearing.

After a few moments, he heard it. A faint cry for help.

Listening for where it was coming from, he began moving back towards the edge of the cliff as the cries became a bit louder. Looking over the edge, he saw the silhouette of someone in the water flailing their arms while their head came above the surface a few times.

Seeing they were moving towards the violent waves below, he weighed his options but heard another distant plea. Clicking his teeth, he lept over the edge of the cliff.

He had faith in his armor but he was unsure how it would hold against any hard hits from the rocks.

Overestimating his physical ability a bit, Kameron was surprised when he saw that he had leaped over the person in peril. Landing in the water a few dozen feet away, he tried moving closer to the struggling person but as it was dark, he was having trouble seeing where he was going or if he was getting closer at all.

Plus, with the sounds of the water becoming louder as the intensity built, he was having trouble hearing them as well.

There was also a glaring issue that he noticed after being in the water for a few seconds.

He forgot he didn't know how to swim…

Flailing his arms in response to the sudden urge to escape the water current he had entered, Kameron struggled for the better part of ten seconds before his genius intuition kicked in. Finally, after a few seconds of adjustment, he began getting an understanding of how to swim within the current.

Using his knowledge to his advantage, he swim to the figure that had gone limp ahead of him.

Reaching them rather quickly, he brought them above water before seeing under the moonlight that he was about to crash into a protrusion. Covering the figure's body with his own, Kameron did his best to prepare himself but, wholly underestimating the strength of flowing water, he smashed through the protrusion.

Coughing as he felt the wind being knocked out of him, he struggled to inhale oxygen as he took in mouthfuls of water. Trying to regain his focus, he hooked his tail into a piece of the unconscious person's clothing while wrapping his arm around their waist.

He had come all this way to save them so he tried his best even though he was having a difficult time.

(Watch your health!)

Taking Ina's warning, Kameron quickly viewed his health to see that it had gone down by a little more than half.

"This isn't good…" he remarked as he quickly began moving to escape the area.

"I need to use the current to break out of this…" He said as he spat out the water that had gotten into his mouth before taking a short breath and diving underwater while using his water manipulation.

It was still basic tier but it was helping slightly with his stability against the waters. Using it to allow more maneuverability within the current, Kameron began to break free from it as he neared another protrusion.

Putting even more strength into his body, Kameron broke out of the current a few seconds later, just in time to escape smashing into another protrusion.

Unfortunately, he was unprepared as he felt an even stronger force pulling him in, without being able to see where he was being pulled he felt the world spinning before he was submerged in water.

Quickly guessing that he and his guest had been taken in by a whirlpool, he began thinking of ways to get back to the surface but while being carried by the rushing of the water he felt a pain in the back of his head as he went unconscious.

Going to try working on a daily to semi-daily release schedule once again...

AstralGodZerocreators' thoughts
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