

In the morning during breakfast simon refused to eat as he stared at malcolm. A flicker of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Sensing this everyone had a silent breakfast, no one looking away from their food except Simon who was send death stares Malcolm's way. Breakfast aside simon didn't talk to anyone running straight to the library even locking Loraine out. He tore through the library look for something anything he could use knowledge that would make him stronger. Shift battle techniques, anything that he thought could go make him strong. Strong enough to beat malcom.strong enough to protect his mom. Finding things that were useful but couldn't help him at the time he grabbed three small objects from the library and headed outside. Avoiding his family in the woods in the back of the house he let his frustration fly around at everything in sight.Trees,rocks, grass, although his body could do no harm as it was not strong enough he didn't care. After punching a Group of trees for what seemed like an eternity simon heard an animal stomp the ground behind him. A rock boar with a hide harder than steel began to look him in the eye. Noticing his mistake of going into the woods and making noise he slowly began to back away from the boar while still keeping eye contact with the boar. The boar didn't seem to move as the boy walked further and further away. Just when it looked like he was about to get far enough to sprint back home he stepped on a branch as it caught the animals attention. Seemingly frustrated that the boy was getting away the boar charged making the young boy turn around and sprint away. Trying to lose it amongst the trees in the forest seemed futile as the trees kept the boar from catching up with him it also took him to a place he was unfamiliar with and unable recognize. Growing tired simon was running out of options, but then again what options did a 5 year kid have against a boy. While he was thinking about this he didn't noticed the boar speed up around a clearing and while missing mostly still was able to catch a tusk on his arm tearing skin. Simon was flung up against a tree his arm bleeding. The boar as if he understood the boy was unable to keep running like this turned and began to drag it's front left good through the dirt to signals it's final charge. Not wanting to end this way he began to make loud noises and throw rocks with his other arm trying to dissuade the animal from attacking. Ignoring the empty threats of simon the boar charged . Simon became frantic began to try anything throwing his shoe at the boar and yelling even louder. As he ran out of things to throw as his arm became weak and the boar got closer his blood fell on one of the orbs he had brought with him. The orb floating in the air separated into 36 shards of some time of shiny silver ore. Something flashed in his mind as if instinctively he stretçh his had forward making the shards for a circle and with a pulling motion the circle passed over him as he disappeared from the forest. The boar which was still charging, seemed confused as it's tusk hit nothing. With a huff of frustration at the wasted effort it went on his way. Simon awoke in a cave. Damp as it was he was alive and well besides his would. Tearing off a peice of his shirt he bandaged his arm and went to explore the cave. The cave was not very large towards the back he found an old skeleton sitting next to a desk with a cabinet beside it. Looking over the skeleton he found an orb similar to the three in his possession. Remembering how one had saved his life he wasted no time snatching it from the dead body along with the ring from it's finger. No sooner than he had done this his mind shook as he felt as if someone was trying to break inside his mind "Stealing from the dead are we ?" a voice rung out In his head. "let's see how you like it, I'll take good care of this body" the voice faded away as the attack on his mind continued. Simon began to lose control of his arm first as he fought he began to lose more and more control as the other entity grasped more control over the body. Unbeknownst to the two the torment of his mind had put a crack on his embryo. As the two fought the crack grew untill a grey hand with three fingers kinda like an eagles talon with no claws burst through the shell. As the shell opened it began to suck viciously at the Mana around like a black hole. Feeling the suction the entity turned in fright as it began to go towards the crack egg. As the owner of the body simon felt no such suction and even started pushing the entity towards his embryo. Being within range the entity began to be absorbed by the embryo with the surrounding Mana. When the spiritual body was halfway gone simon heard a pleading voice. "save meeeeee I'll do anything I was strong back in my day I can help you be strong I knew people I can make you rich i-" the voice was interupted by simon "how would I be able to trust you ?" Not wanting to have his mind taken over or trust someone who took over his mind. Using something he heard from his previous life ( if you can't trust em make em so week they can never harm you). He had overheard his former master talking to a fellow slave owner say that. Not waiting for a reply from the entity he pushed more of it to be absorbed by his embryo untill there was barely anything left and then pulled it to safety. The peice of the entity just sat there non moving. The suction stopped. Simon looked at the embryo and saw that the hand was gone and went for a closer look. All of a sudden the embryo exploded knocking simon unconscious.

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