
A New Day Ahead


"Package for Lt. Irid Evans," says the delivery man.

Lt. Evans prompty gets up and heads for the door. She looks at the package before quickly signing it off and sending the delivery man away. 

Sgt. Maraya whistles jokingly.

"Looks like our red-haired diva has quite the admirer. She's been receiving packages left and right recently," he notes, nudging the redhead.

"Right. Keep it up and our office is about to become a parcel house, with all the gifts she and Major Felix keep getting," Poe adds.

Lt. Evans simply rolls her eyes at them, cradling her package, when all of a sudden, a large hand swipes it and lifts it up in the air.

"Hey! Give that back!" Lt. Evans shouts, trying to reach for the package.

To her discontent however, she can only reach so high up, and Lt. Graves easily keeps her hands off the box, making the scene look like a boy bullying a baby, as Lt. Evans struggles to grab the box from our resident giant.

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