
Eating Panacea

"I think he has a problem with us," Serenica whispered to the prince and discreetly pointed out the way the man was singling them out from a crowd of vagabonds.

"Really?" the Dreamer asked sarcastically. "I thought he was checking out my cleavage."

"There is nothing wrong with your cleavage," the healer said. "I need to find out what he is all about."

"Go ahead, but be careful."

Before Serenica could even properly get her behind up from her bench, the man himself got up and approached them.

Serenica placed her hand firmly on her gun.

"Relax, missy." The man had noticed the movement, and now he held his hands high. His eyes were wide with mock astonishment. Something about that annoyed Serenica.

"I don't know whether you know it or not, but you are traveling with not one, but two eastern men. In a situation like this, that's gonna raise some questions."

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