
What's Royalty

Serenica observed the gigantic fin as it made a sharp turn to the north and sank back into the depths where it rightfully belonged.

Deim was hoisted back up. He seemed to be unharmed, but the expression on his face was one of total terror.

"What happened down there?" Serenica asked curiously.

"Water belongs to the dead," the cannibal replied. "It is better if you don't know."

Serenica was sad to leave her friends in such a dangerous situation, but she didn't want to start an argument right now. She knew nothing of naval warfare.

The prince received the news more serenely. He didn't object to having to use his own ship to get them both to safety, even though he had grown fond of the Princess.

"We will be fine," he reassured her. "They will be fine, too. I don't know what else to say."

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