
Respectable Mothers

The Princess was waiting for them just outside of what could be called the respectable port of the town. Serenica took Norra with her. It was customary to have horses and other animals aboard a ship, but the mare reacted badly to being away from dry land, even as the pirates tried hard to make her feel at home.

Serenica's sentimental heart was warmed by her men being so kind towards an animal.

She breathed in the nauseating smell of elderflowers and tar. She accustomed herself into the waves, she felt every move of the ocean like a baby in the womb.

This was her true home.

When it came to the subject of their next destination, however, she had a few things to say.

Heike and Blackbones were aboard as well, and she had expected to get some support from them, but they stood there and listened when Spade said that they would return to Neul for trading purposes regardless of any prophetic dreams.

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