

The path through the jungle seemed to go on forever. Serenica caught a glimpse of Spade. He had four strong men holding him, yet he walked slowly, as if intending to annoy his guards.

Serenica held her breath as they came to the shore.

"There it is, then, the infamous Princess," Wheatby said.

"What a pretty ship," Kinley said. "Maybe I will take it if the pirates try to intervene in the execution. I almost hope they will."

"Should we proceed?" the leader of the city watch asked.

"With me looking like this? No." Kinley shook her head. "Healer girl, give me your bag. I will mix the elixir now."

Heart pounding in her chest, Serenica obeyed her. She might not have a chance to let her enemy try the beauty potion.

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