
chapter 26~29

looking around him,gray saw the surrounding scene has changed but juvia is hugging him

"fuck?,that guys teleported me with juvia here?" cursed gray as he try to make juvia let him go

"gray sama, it look like that guy know that we are in love with each other"

said juvia with heart in her eyes

"oi,displaying your love are not you two?"

said marco as he look like just eating a mouthfull dog food

even perona has slighly annoyed look on her face.

"huh,if you want to display your couple thing,then just admit defeat already... as you two can had an memoriable night in any hotel" said marco with annoyed voice

but when juvia heard "had an memoriable night" she face already change into red colour and tranform into water

"juvia?!,damn you" cursed gray at marco

"stop this,let just start to play okay?" said peronaas she muttured


more than +1000 ghost(hollow) appear and surrond gray and juvia

"gray sama!!," said juvia as she worried about gray

"dont worry,if her magic je like what i knew,then we just need to make sure those ghost dont touch us" said gray with serious face'damn there were too many of those ghost'

"attack them"

said perona,and then all +1000 ghost rush toward gray and juvia

"hey hey,perona you dont let me to join battle at all right?" asked marco with unhappy tone

"why did you want to fight those weakling?"

asked perona as she confused why marco want to fight with geay and juvia

"urgh"now marco cant even answer perona question

back to gray and juvia

Ice-Make: Prison!!!

Gray creates a tall, rectangular prison made of ice, trapping the ghost.but unfortunately the ghost just past trought the ice with ease

"damn" cursed gray as his magic cant even stop those ghost

Water Slicer!!!

Juvia creates a single wave of multiple blades that resemble scythes which may be used as projectiles. The enormous pressure emitting from the blades is strong enough to cut through whatever they may encounter,but when the magic hit the ghost it dont has any effect as the magic past trough the ghost

"gray sama,those ghost are invinsible"

said juvia

"nothing is invincible inthis world" then gray shouted

Ice-Make Unlimited: One Side Chaotic Dance!!!

 Gray creates multiple swords that spiral upward around him, before sending them at the ghost

but again the ghost is still flying toward him

"oi perona,can you just finish them already?" asked marco he saw perona ghost move toward gray and juvia but when near enough it retreated

"emmm,let me play a little more"

pouted perona cutely toward marco


how can marco talk back when perona like that as he is gentleman(maybe?)

"wait,where is that water girl?"asked marco as he saw gray were fighting alone with the ghost.

suddenly marco and perona heard

Water Cyclone!!!

Juvia casts a whirling torrent of water which resembles a cyclone toward perona and marco

looking huge cyclone moving toward them, marco just smile and chanted

Pheonix flame Storm!!!

then juvia whirling torrent of water clashed with marco flame storm

but marco magic easyly change juvia water into steam

"no why"muttured juvia

"so,perona do you want to end it or i will end this 'play' ?"asked marco

"emmm,just let me,hollow army finish them"

shouted perona as all ghost rush toward gray and juvia

gray and juvia try to fight back but none of them magic even touch the ghost

when the ghost touch them,two of them kneeled on the ground with despressed look and them said

"i am a pervent"

"i am a pervent

"i am a pervent"

"gray dont love me"

"gray dont love me"

"gray dont love me"

emperor +2 point

"now that was easy" said marco as he tranform into his pheonix form

"perona, let go"said marco

"okay" then perona just fly and sit on marco back like a child she said

"fly marco fly"

marco just had hepless look on his face as he flap his wing and fly to the sky ,trying to find the other emperor team member.

but not long before marco flying on the sky he feel strong magic presure form a certain place

"it was him?,who the hell can make that guy became this serious?" muttured marco as he fly toward the strong magic preasure loccation

as for perona she was chatting with her ghost... weird enough right?


next chapter---->



next chapter will be epic as i will try to write it +1000 long words


flach back~

as perona and marco "playing around" with gray and juvia

the situation between two dragon slayer is not as relaxed as them

looking at the man infront him, laxus can feel very dangerous feeling

"so you are also dragon slayer" said laxus

"god.."said Ren

"what?" asked lacus as he dont heard clearly what Ren said

"dragon god slayer....that is me not some weakling like dragon slayer" said Ren as he dont even hide his dislike toward laxus

"huh, arrogant are you" said laxus

"when you has enough strenght, you also can became arrogant" said back Ren

"now enough for chit chat, just attack me with all that you has dragon slayer"

said Ren as he stood few meter infront laxus motionless

"now, you make me angry" said laxus as he muttured

Lightning Body!!

Through the use of Lightning Magic, Laxus is capable of transforming his own body into electricity, turning himself into a lightning bolt, whose size can vary from mere, fast-moving sparks to large pillars of lightning

"now prepare Dragon god slayer" said laxus as he turned into lightning and rush toward Ren (just like how laxus did to jura)

"slow" said Ren in cold voice as he just trow his punch straight toward laxus

even if laxus is using lightning body, he still dont even has time to react for Ren punch, so he was directly punched at his face and trowed few hundred meter from Ren

"urgh" groan laxus as he head still spinning

but Ren dont even let laxus stabilise, he directly appear behind laxus


shouted Ren as his hand enveloped by bkue flame

laxus one again hitted by Ren fist but this time he knocked straight to the ground

for viewer at domus flau this scene make them cheered as laxus the one that even defeat jura the wizard saint were deafeated by Ren from emperor team with only two attack

as maro want to annouce that laxus has deafeated

laxus slowly trying to stand up

much to viewer shocked, Ren just let laxus stood infront of him

"now,let start the real fight" said laxus

"huh, there were none real battle with such a weakling like you"

hearing what Ren said, laxus angered and he activating his Dragon Slayer Magic

A form of Dragon Slayer Magic which gives Laxus the power and characteristics of a Lightning Dragon, along with a Dragon Slayer's signature ability to eat external sources of his element to heal himself and regain power, thus making him immune to lightning.

but unfortunately Ren element is fire

but laxus rising magic power make Ren remember what his master said before

"each fairy tail member can became more and more stronger the longer time that you fight with them"

back to Ren, looking at laxus that had some dragon characteristic, make Ren itching to fight laxus.

but then he heard laxus shouted

Lightning Dragon's Roar!!!!

huge lightning move toward Ren at very fast speed(well lightning are only below light in term of speed)

Ren dont flich as he also use his magic


Ren aslo realese huge blue flame from his mouth

those two roar hit each other, and destroying all building around them to rumble

but laxus roar were over powered by Ren roar

after losing the confrotation, Ren roar keep moving toward Laxus

seeing huge blue flame moving yoward him, Laxus one again usr his lightning body to avoid ren roar

"oh,you can avoid my attack,that was supprising" said Ren as he suprise that laxus can avoid his dragon god roar

'well he isnt lightning dragon slayer for nothing' thought Ren

Raging Bolt!!!

one again laxus attacking ren,

looking thunder that move toward him fron the sky, ren just sneered as he use his hand to stop laxus raging bolt


raging bolt directly hit Ren,

"he should has injured right?, if not dead" muttured laxus

but then he shcoked when he heard someone laughing

"dead?,injured?, you think this low level magic can even scrath me?" said ren

"now time for me to be serious" said ren as he realase some of his magic power

seeing ren has realease very strong magic power, laxus also use his trump card

Red Lightning Dragon Mode!!

then laxus surronded him self with dark red lightning

The dark-red lightning has been described as being a "lightning that goes beyond lightning", and is noticeably more powerful and possesses unique properties.

even ren are suprised with laxus trump card.

"so the real fight begin here?" asked Laxus

"hahaha, yeah the real fight start now" said ren as he laugh

Dragon Force+Megaton: Red Lightning!!

Laxus is able to enter this powered up state naturally, bulking up physically while showing Dragon-like traits, such as the scales that run across his arms

and with that laxus creates a special kind of dark-red lightning that he coats his fist with before executing an empowered punch toward ren

ren also dont lose either as he use quasi dragon god mode, as he hand tranform into dragon like hand and tail on his back

the viewer were shocked as there were someone that can became quasi dragon

but ren donr finish yet, he muttured


Then laxus dark red lightning fist meet with ren bright blue flame dragon fist


the fist hit with each other, making the whole ground of them battle field destroyed like spider web

Marco and perona that were flying even had to reatreat as the impact of laxus and ren fist are very strong

as the dist begin to despearing

ren stood straight with his shirt already half torn after the the impact

and for laxus he already fainted on yhe grounf only with his pant

emperor +1 point

"you are strong" said ren as he look at marco and perona that flying toward him

as for viewer them already shocked with ren and laxus power.... and mato are upset that he need to bring out more money to repair such a big range destroyed city.

"hey ren ,that was crazy man!!" said marco as he look at surrounding destroyed bulding and the ground that became spider web

"it was long time,i saw you became serious in fight" said perona

"it just for fun" said ren as he change his shirt to new one and then he just walk away

"hey, wait for us" said marco and perona


ding that alll

next chalter----->

ford vs gajeel


Emperor - 79

Fairy tail -58

hahaha thatwas hard to write as i need to write this chapter on the car, damn i think i had to puke here...urgh....okay bye guys



"urghh,what happen?"

cough* cough*

ford coughing with his hand on his mouth

looking at his hand, ford can see that is was blood at his hand

"damn gajeel," cursed ford as he trying to stand up

"hahaha, now who are the stronger one ford?" said gajeel has he laugh

'fucking hard to deal physical damage on gajeel as he use shadow iron dragon slayer mode' though ford

"gajeel!!!,if you think i already lose than you are wrong!"

EX QUIP!!!: GUN*** *****

flash back 10 minute before~

{hahaha no why i will let you know what weapon that ford will use}

"gajeel" looking gajeel infront of him, ford feel a little weird

'just 7 year passed, now he even has almost same lecel of magic power with me'

"ford!!!, i heard long time ago you defeat natsu effortless, is that true?"

asked gajeel

"yeah,but that was 7 years ago,right now i dont think i can even defeat him when he show how strong has he been when tag battle before"

"huh, no matter what, you still defeated him, so if i defeat you, i am stronger that natsu"

"fuck, what logic is that iron bucket!??"

cursed ford

"now i will test you with my new power"

said gajeel

Iron Shadow Dragon Mode!!!

gajrel turn his body into a shadow, granting him intangibility.

Furthermore, as a shadow, Gajeel is unimpeded by things that would otherwise slow his physical body down, such as being in a large body of water.

"now let us begin" said gajeel dominaringly

"shit" said ford as he equip his weapon


"huh if you are shadow then i just need to use lighy magic to defeat you" said ford

then the two of them begin to fight

back to present time~

almost all ford attack dont even touch gajeel

but gajeel easyly punching and kicking ford just like sand bag

"gajeel!!!,if you think i already lose than you are wrong!"


then ford begin to shine as the light became bigger and brighter,gajeel feel that the current ford are threat for him

after few second ford already in the gundam( yes gundam the real gundam)

with the size as big as makarov giant magic... ford feel that he can even beat gajeel right now

"shit" cursed gajeel as he shouted

Iron Shadow Dragon's Roar!!!

Gajeel quickly gathers and releases a large amount of iron and shadows from his mouth, generating a very large, powerful, destructive blast that can be seen throughout an area at least the size of Crocus.

but ford just use gundam defend system to shield again gajeel attack

"now gundam, activated the anti nuklear shield"

the gundam quickly surrounded by blue shield( just like captain kaizo in boboiboy galaxy)

{as for reader that dont know what is boboiboy galaxy is let me tell you a little about it, it was animation that created by malaysian people, it MC has 7 type element power earth,lightning,wind,fire,water,leaf,light,

he gain that power from ochobot the the last generation of power sphere, MC job is to treaking,protecting and collecting all power sphere form evil alien...if you want to know lot more...

just type boboiboy galaxy in google

oh there is another one

Boboiboy Galaxy the Movie}

back to the story guys

gajeel roar dont even make a scrath on ford gundam

"hahahah,take this gajeel"

99 Magic Missile

ford quickly realesed all missile that his gundam has

gajeel were just hitted by the missile even if he has shadow element because all ford missile are created by crration magic and light magic

after all missile has explode

gajeel just lying on the ground, fainted after multiple attack by ford

as for ford he already unequip his gundom armor and sit on the ground

"now i win" said ford with a smile

emperor +1


the end

next chapter------>



emperor -80

fairy tail -58


oh here i want to promote boboiboy galaxy(animation) to all reader as the story maybe has a same lvl as any animation that famous is the western or eastern


hai guys

i think i need to nerf all characther again so here is it





















and here i will list all kind of blessing

white mage blessing


black mage blessing


king of wizard blessing

(for now august)

legendry item blessing

guild blessing

MC blessing


Male lead blessing


Female lead blessing


plot armor blessing

(only for main/important canon arc)

elementel dragon king blessing

(igneel and other elementel dragon king/queen)

maybe there will other kind of blessing in the future...


enjoy this chapter guys....

as all emperor team relaxed after defeating all fairy tail team except erza

suddenly they heard mato voice



"shit how did master lose?!" cursed marco

"hemm" ren dont say anything but if someone look at his face, them can see his eye are panicking 'master lose?,what kind of monster that can even defeat master?'

"maybe becouse of love?" said perona

as she said that all of them show knowing face

"basicly master just admit defeat to miss erza?" asked ford

"yeah" answered marco

"even if master admit defeat, it not like us will also admit lose" said ren confidently

then all of them quickky fly toward last location of them before teleported by zen, but ford were left alone as he running

"damn you all,even if i cant fly, why dont take me with you too!!!!" shouted ford

as for zen and erza

"huh huh,oi erza,i kind of regreat about this"

said zen with sad look on his face

"well you ask you to do it?" said erza with a smile

"stop it,you are making viewer feel us are doing something lewd"


"ah, dont take it to heart,"

right now zen already lying onthe ground 'shit,how can i forgot gilgamesh sword of rupture is the sword that can even kill the god,i here i am not even a demi god trying to fight erza wirh full armor and sword just like gilgamesh, fucking stupid zen'

thought zen as he regreat giving Sword of rupture and saber armor to erza

"okay with this i as team leader of the emperor surrender to fairy tail team"

said zena as he smile, he already know that even if all his nakama fight with erza, they wont win again her

as he can see erza stat right now



magic: ex quip


[+Sword of Rupture bonus]

(erza is equiping the sword)

[+Saber's Armor bonus]

(erza is equiping the armor)

[+Fairy blessing]

(given to all member of fairy tail guild)

[+white mage blessing(mavis)]

(mavus give her before today grand magic game start)

[+pl@t arm@r blessing]

(this is because the fairy tail universe 'will' want fairy tail team win just like in the canon)

[+Zen the Transmigrator blessing]

( erza gain it when zen kiss her on the lip)

[+Natsu the MC blessing]

(Natsu hope that fairy tail win the GMG)

[+Black mage blessing(zeref)]

(zeref were forced to bless erza by mavis)

[+August the king of wizard blessing]

(august just follow what her mother, mavis asked him to do)

final streanght:X++++












final streanght:X


'shit, out of all 9 blessing, 5 of them are all because of me,damned fairy tail universe so called will, and also why did them even curse me?!' thought zen with bitter smile on his face

as zen surrender for the emperor team the last ranking showed to the audiance and all other team


1.fairy tail 82

2.emperor 80

3.lamia scale 37

4.mermaid heel 25

5.sabertooth 16

6.blue pegasus 15



and then the audiance begin to cheer

and chanted erza title










all fairy tail guild member begin to cry in happiness

it was then mavis heard in her mind

'damn you mavis!!,you even let zeref and august to bless erza with them blessing,and three of you curse me,do you want to kill me?' shouted a certain person that now lying on the ground

mavis just cuckled and ignore that person and look at the ranking

"never did i thought that i ever saw fairy tail win the GMG in my life, right zeref?"

"hemm," zeref just nodded at mavis

"mom, congrat" said august

"hahaha, now ii you little guy,the game is over soafter this we will travel all around the world"said mavis

"relly?" asked august

"really august" said mavis and zeref

then august smile as three of them vanish from domus flau...


the end

next chapter----->

next arc

Chapitre suivant