
Lyvarian Court Drama (2)

The dance was similar to that of what Evanna was used to back home. Only some of the steps differed. Still, she could not relax. Not when a powerful golden fae watched her intently with beautiful yet cruel eyes. 

Evanna did not know King Nuvian or the queen, but from their welcoming attacks of incredible power and the vibes in the hall, she knew they were not kind. So, why did the king wish to dance with her?

"*Relax. I will not harm you, princess,*" King Nuvian said. "*Unless you give me a reason to.*"

Evanna smirked, finding his comment amusing. "*You tell me to relax, but then your comment is followed by a threat. So, what should I be, your majesty? Relaxed or ready for a potential threat?*" She couldn't help herself, even if her gut feeling told her to be cautious around the king.

Blood meant nothing here.

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