
The Wilds

Garrett was quite the opposite of Axel, who was the same in size. One was a grump and stern; the other was a big, friendly giant like a protective older brother taking care of everybody.

Evanna fell back to walk beside Arawn, watching the others in concern. "*Do you think the Lyvarians will really help?*" 

Arawn nodded once. "*They have no reason to send us away. And besides.. They will never cast away one of their own.*"

Evanna felt the prince's stare, and she looked back at him. The white sabre did not speak aloud, so how did Arawn know she was Lyvarian? 

"*Do you know the Lyvarian's customs?*" Evanna asked, thinking back to the hand gestures she made. She didn't know how she knew what to do. Everything just clicked in her mind. Maybe her mother taught her when she was younger?

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