
Chapter 14 She's Got Her Game Up

Jane's POV

"What are you two doing here?" Sophie's voice snapped our attention from Luca's mother to her. She had her eyebrow raised and her arms crossed over her chest.

"We... uhh... umm..." Luca struggled to give her a reason to why we were hiding under the counter so I knew that Sophie doesn't know about his parents.

"I lost my keys!" I blurted out almost too excitedly.

Sophie didn't look convinced but said nothing more about it.

"Ah huh... keep liking then." She said then turned around to leave.

My head snapped back towards Luca's mom and the driver and so did his.

That was the same driver I saw driving Luca's father around when we met at the fair. This is so messed up.

Luca's mother and the driver were talking so intimately as they held hands. Their face were only inches apart.

Then, what I feared happened. They both stopped talking and smiled deeply into each other's eyes as they leaned in.

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