
Chapter 13

Evangeline's POV

I woke up to the rays of sunlight greeting my face. I placed my hands to slightly cover my eyes, and removed them slowly to be able to adjust them to the light.

I looked around me and saw that I was alone in the room. This was the first time that I was actually able to take the chance and observe the room I'm in.

It had three doors. One, I assumed was the bathroom, another I knew was the door to the outside since I saw people enter through it, and the third, was most probably a walk in closet. I wasn't really sure about it thought, but, alpha Jake had one in his room so I guess this room has one too.

All of them were painted off white and were divided into five uneven squares. Each square the same color of the door but outlined with black.

There was a window to my right with a seating area which had a decent amount of soft looking pillows, and a blanket folded and placed at one side. It seemed like a very comfy place, to sit and look out the window.

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