
Hell In Kuoh

('Ddraig speaking telepathically')

("Ddraig talking out loud")

['Albion speaking telepathically']

["Albion talking out loud"]

{'Bahamut speaking telepathically'}

'A character's thoughts'

Chapter 13: Hell In Kuoh

Azazel was scrolling through a datapad given to him by Gabriel that contained information on the Khaos Brigade. He had no idea how she obtained it, but all he knew is that she is the primary source and that the Seraphim said that she will reveal confidential information on what happened if Issei doesn't since Issei was involved.

His phone alerted him of a notification. Checking it, he saw a text message from Issei that read, 'We need to talk right now, Azazel. It's important. Bring Baraqiel with you. I have very good news.'

Azazel, raising an eyebrow, texted him back. 'Alright. Be right there.'

Issei's House

Issei lay on the rooftop watching the few visible stars on this clear evening. Lately, he had been very busy dealing with everything that came immediately after Koneko's rescue and rarely found time to relax.

"Yo Issei!"

He turned his head at the sound of the voice as well as the sound of wings flapping. Azazel had arrived along with Baraqiel, the two Fallen landing on his rooftop.

Issei stood up as they followed him. He jumped off the rooftop and opened the front door. "Come inside. Can I get either of you gentlemen anything to drink?"

Baraqiel was nervous, sensing Akeno's presence inside as well as a few other Fallen Angels. "N-No... I'm fine, thank you."

Azazel shook his head. He looked around and commented as they walked. "I see that you have made a huge home."

He wasn't kidding. The main staircase is massive with bright red decorative carpet covering most of it with a chandelier hanging above it. Both sides of the staircase have a big sculpture of a Dragon on the pedestals, one representing Ddraig and the other Albion. The staircase splits into two more staircases at the top, and in the middle of those paths is a golden sculpture Arisu requested be made of her father, Bahamut, in his Dragon form. The upstairs corridors are huge too. In total, the home covers an area of 12,000 square feet of private property.

Issei chuckled. "It's a little bigger than what you see in most homes, but that's only because so many people live here, specifically a total of fourteen people. We also have three cats with us since one of my Pawns is their owner. Everyone is upstairs doing their own thing."

"Does Akeno live here too?" Baraqiel asked. "I sense her presence. I also sense another Dragon here."

"Yes, she does. That Dragon you sense is the White Dragon Emperor Vali Lucifer, who is a good friend of mine. I will explain why Akeno isn't with Rias Gremory anymore later. Right now, there is something you need to know."

They sat down on a couch in the living room.

Issei looked at them. "Kokabiel is dead. I killed him, the traitorous rat he was. He worked for the Khaos Brigade, and as you already know, he was trying to restart the Great War. His method for doing so involved the Holy Swords, but I was able to kill him easily. Five of the eight Holy Swords are now in possession of me plus another one belonging to my Rook, Irina Shidou, meaning my peerage has six in total."

Azazel nodded. "I see."

Baraqiel spoke, "You said Kokabiel worked 'for' the Khaos Brigade? The way you worded it means he was not one of their leaders."

Issei sighed as he scratched his head. "Yeah. Something has been bugging me. I have a power that allows me to see most of what there is to know about myself, my friends, and my enemies. I used it on Kokabiel a little before I fought him, and it said his occupation is listed as a Khaos Brigade underling or middle rank member. I really want to know who their leaders are and what their endgame is. Anyway, unless you have anything to say Azazel, you can leave. I need to speak to Baraqiel about Akeno."

The Fallen Angel leader nodded and teleported away.

Issei got a good look at the Azazel's second in command. He looks nothing like his daughter.

"Baraqiel... There's something I want to tell you." He grew nervous. "I have a peerage that Akeno is a part of, but I also have a harem that I wish to include her in. I love your daughter just like I love all my girls."

Baraqiel was shocked. He wasn't emotionally ready for his little girl to find a man. "I... I see. I will respect whatever decision Akeno makes. Please treat her well, Sekiryuutei."

Issei nodded. "I promise I will, and call me Issei. After all, you're going to be one of my fathers in-law someday."

Baraqiel sighed with content and smiled. "Okay, Issei. I should take time out of my schedule to get to know you, too."

The Sekiryuutei smirked. "You're going to have tough competition, though. The mother of my Queen is Gabriel."

"Raynare is your Queen?!"

It was Issei's turn to be surprised. "Yeah. You know her?"

Baraqiel nodded with a sad expression. "I do, or at least I did. You should ask Raynare about it someday as it is not my place to talk about it."

Issei nodded.

He sent a telepathic message to his Knight. 'Akeno, come down here please.'

She replied. 'Why?'

'I brought your father here.'

'What?! I'm not ready to talk to him!'

'I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do, but you should at least say hi.'










He smirked. "I just sent a message to Akeno and asked her to come and at least say hi. She will be down here any moment."

Baraqiel shifted uncomfortably, responding with a nod.

A flash of blue illuminated the room as the Draconic circle disappeared, revealing a moody Akeno Himejima.

Issei took her hand and gently guided her to sit next to her father, which she reluctantly did. Issei took a seat on a different couch.

Issei began. ""There is another reason I called you here, Baraqiel, something that both of you need to know. When I was fighting Kokabiel, he said he is the one who killed Shuri Himejima."

The Fallen Angel gasped while his daughter, who was refusing to look in her father's direction, did so to look at her King, trembling, lightning crackling in her fingers. "You avenged my wife?! My goodness, thank you so much! May I ask if Kokabiel said anything about why he did it?"

"He said he found it disgusting that you married a Human instead of a Fallen Angel or Angel. He was a purist in every sense of the word. When he told me that, I lost control of my anger while I was already in my Juggernaut Drive form. I made sure that he suffered a painful death."

Akeno narrowed her eyes. "Issei... Why are you telling us this?"

He responded with a kind and somewhat bittersweet smile. "Because I want you to be happy, Akeno. You don't need to suffer anymore. Can you imagine how your father felt all these years looking back at that fateful day, being unable to do anything but dwell on the past, drowning in his sadness? I lost my grandfather at a young age, and even though he was a pervert, I mourned. I haven't experienced what it is like to be a parent yet, but I can promise you that there is nothing a good parent wouldn't do to protect their children. That day, your father tried his best, but because he failed, I am sure it has been eating him up on the inside. Mothers show love by being honest and caring, but fathers show their love through sacrifice. Please, Akeno... Talk to your father."

A/N: As I was writing this, I thought of this scene from Clannad After Story. For those of you reading on Wattpad, don't watch if you don't want spoilers, but it super emotional and makes me cry everytime, mainly because of the beautiful music, which is written by my favorite Japanese person, Jun Maeda, the genius that he is.

They stared at the Sekiryuutei with astonished expressions.

The teen shrine maiden slowly nodded and turned to her father, who had his head down in thought and sadness. "Father... How have you been?"

Her father turned to his daughter, who could see bags under his eyes. "I... I won't lie to you, it has been very hard. Akeno, if you still hate me, I understand."

Akeno shook her head. "No! No, I don't hate you... I forgive you." She thought of all the small things that her father did for her to make her happy, no matter how rough a day he had. She thought of all the times he would sing her to sleep and kiss her goodnight or how he would play with her even after coming home from a tiring day at work where he would provide for his family.

'Why am I realizing this now? All this time, the warmth and affection I wanted so badly was something Rias could never give me. The place where wishes come true has always been in my father's arms.'

Tears rolled down her cheeks, which startled Baraqiel as she hugged her father, who was holding back his own tears as he looked at Issei with an expression that said, 'Is this really happening right now? Thank you... Son.'

Baraqiel was unable to supress his presence due to the sudden hug from his daughter, and his energy signature leaked out, startling everyone else in the house. They all teleported to the living room, ready to fight, but they relaxed at the scene.

"I'm so sorry, father! I'm so sorry! I was selfish and only ever thought of myself. I love you, so please forgive me!" Akeno sobbed in his arms.

"Shhhh. I love you too, so it's okay."

Issei, Raynare, Kuroka, and Tsubasa had bittersweet smiles.

Irina, Ravel, and Murayama were sobbing for some reason.

Arisu and Vali just looked confused. They looked over to Issei and said, "What just happened?"

Issei chuckled softly. "A long awaited family reunion."

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

Sitri Estate, Underworld

"Sona, what is this I hear about you losing to the Sekiryuutei in a game of chess?" Lord Sitri inquired.

Sona sighed. She did not want to deal with this. Not now, not ever. "Dad, how did you find out? Are you spying on me?" She glared at him sharply, which made the older man flinch.

"W-What?! No! Remember our agreement also involved Tsubaki telling your mom and I if you ever lost to another man!"

"Oh. I still don't care. I want to either stay single forever or marry someone of my choice after I become the head of this house."

Her mother chimed in. "Dear, please contact the Sekiryuutei and have him meet with us immediately. I wish to get this matter over with." Deep down, she knew exactly what was going to happen, and she couldn't help but feel happy.

This resulted in another sigh from the Sitri heiress, who was frustrated at how her parents never thought this through; Issei would not be pleased with her for summoning him on such a short notice, not giving him the opportunity to dress up.

Opening a magic circle, she opened a line of communication with the Sekiryuutei.

Issei's House

"Wow. I had no idea that you're such a good cook, Issei. This food is delicious!" Tsubasa said as she eagerly chomped into the lasagna.

Everyone was eating dinner.

"Mew!" Even the cats.

Arisu, Kuroka, Asia, Mittelt, Issei, and Vali ate in the living room with the cats while having small talk. The others ate in the dining room.

A magic circle appeared next to Issei.

"Issei, we need to talk."

"Sona? What's up?"

"There is something going on in my personal life that you need to know; my parents want to talk to you face-to-face right now. I apologize for contacting you so suddenly."

"I'm eating dinner right now, so tell them to piss off."

"Issei, please. I need you." She sounded desperate, almost like Rias. Issei didn't like this at all.

He sighed. "Fine. This better be good."

He could hear her tone brighten as she spoke. "You are able to sense my energy signature, so teleport to my location. Oh, and bring your peerage."

Meanwhile, Raynare, Ravel, Murayama, and Kalawarner are helping each other do the dishes, which is quite easy if you have magic, which they used to clean and shelve the containers back where they were, all within one minute. Who needs a sink or a dishwasher?

Everyone heard the conversation, and Issei's peerage walked up to him.

Arisu voiced everyone's confusion. "The President needs us for somethin'?"

He nodded. "Yeah. She said her parents want to see us immediately. I'm not sure why."

Sitri Estate, Underworld

Sona took a sip of tea gracefully as she waited for Issei to arrive, and when he did, he had a serious look on his face.

"What's this about?"


He turned to the voice to find Serafall. "Serafall is here too, huh."

Sona was surprised that Issei knows Serafall, but she didn't voice it.

"Sekiryuutei! It's nice to finally meet you."

Issei turned towards the voice to see a middle-aged man with black hair combed neatly, half of it combed onto one side of his head while the other half mirrored it with one strand of hair reaching just under his right eye. His eyes are black and cold.


Issei blinked. "Who are you?"

The man smiled emotionlessly, which creeped out Issei's peerage. "My name is Yuu Sitri, Sona and Serafall's father. This here is my wife, Kotori."

Kotori had black hair that reached the bottom of her neck, a red right eye, and an eye patch on her green left eye. She looked like a cute kuudere. She gave the Sekiryuutei a nod emotionlessly aside from the strangely joyful look in her eyes, which Issei found weird. He also never noticed the small smile tugging on the corner of the woman's lips.


"What do you want from me?"

"Ah... Straight to the point, I see? I like that in a potential suitor. You see, a long time ago, I made a deal with my little Sona that if she ever loses to another boy in a game of chess, one whom she considers as intelligent as her, she will get married to that person. That young man is you. You beat her last week, did you not?"

Issei narrowed his eyes. He looked over to Sona and saw her trembling, eyes full of sadness. She clearly doesn't want this, and that angered Issei greatly. The two of them started communicating telepathically.

'You clearly don't want this. I apologize in advance, but I may have to show my power to them by being a little violent.'

She looked up at him in worry. 'Issei, please don't be reckless, and whatever you do, don't hurt my mother please. She didn't want this.'

'Okay. If I have to hurt your father to get you out of this arranged marriage crap, then so be it. I should have done the same thing to Rias' retarded parents, but enough of that dumb bitch. I don't give a fuck about Rias, I stopped once I found out I was nothing but a tool to her. You, on the other hand, I will never allow anyone to hurt. I promise.'


He smiled at her confidently. 'Everything is going to be alright. Just believe in me, Sona.'

For some reason, Sona felt her heart skip multiple beats. Her face felt hot, too. 'Do I have a fever? Or... No. Can't be.'

Serafall smirked seeing her sister flustered. "My, my. Looks like my little So-tan has a crush~"


Issei, who didn't hear them, turned to Yuu. "So... What makes you think I would let you coerce Sona into doing this?"

Yuu frowned at him. "Sekiryuutei, didn't you make an alliance with the Sitri?"

The Dragon in question let let his aura hit Lord Sitri in full force. Yuu struggled to breath as he was brought to their knees. "I made an alliance with Sona, not you and your family. If Sona doesn't want this, then perhaps I should start by killing you. I mean, enslaving your own daughter? Are you old Devils insane? You people disgust me, and you deserve to be buried six feet under."

Yuu smirked psychotically, despite the pain. "Remind me again which Devil clan you were once a part of? The Gremory."

"Yes, and I tried to stop them from marrying off their own daughter."

Lord Sitri gestured to Ravel. "You're a hypocrite, Sekiryuutei. You have someone from the Phenex clan in your peerage, and yet you say you hate slavery when the Phenex clan are neck-deep in it."

"Leave Ravel out of this. I only hate her father, not her mother who is actually a very kind person. Lord Phenex and his youngest son, Riser, are pieces of shit."

Issei disappeared from their vision and reappeared in front of Yuu. Instead of punching like everyone thought he was going to, he brought out all the now permanently merged Holy Swords under his possession. It was a large black and silver blade. It also gave off a menacing red Draconic aura.

"This is Ascalon Transcended. I own five of the Holy Swords, and I wonder... What shall I do? Shall I burn your flesh with its aura? How about it, Lord Sitri?"

He set up a barrier in between him and the girls behind him as he allowed the holy aura to leak out, controlling and directing its flow towards his intended target: Lord Sitri.

Yuu clutched his heads in pain, wincing. "Argh! Stop, okay! I will listen to anything you tell me to do, so please stop!"

Issei turned to his girls. "Go home, ladies. I'll take it from here."

"What? But-" Arisu tried to protest.

Raynare cut her off. "No buts. Do as your King says. Let's go."

With Raynare being his second in command as Queen, they had no choice but to obey. Deep down, they all wanted to fight alongside Issei, especially Arisu, but they understood that sometimes he has to fight his own battles.

With them gone, Issei turned to Yuu.

"I need to send a message to you filthy older Devils. Take me to the location of your government's council."

Issei vanished as he was taken by the couple to a courtroom. Sirzechs and Ajuka were there with Grayfia standing behind them.

"Issei?" Sirzechs said. "What are you doing here?"

"Sending a message."

Cue Song: Death Note Ost 1 - 23 "Low of Solipsism"

He started by suddenly chopping off Lord Sitri's head, startling all those closest to him. Sirzechs was so shocked that he almost attacked the Sekiryuutei with the power of destruction he subconsciously prepared before stopping himself. Even the normally calm Grayfia almost lost her composure.

All of the very old High Class Devils in the stands of the court looked at him in confusion, then in fear as they saw what happened and when they saw him turn towards them and fly in their direction with high speed, about to attack.


A huge explosion enveloped the crowd in the stands, killing most of them. Issei pulled out Ascalon Transcended and finished any remaining survivors.

"For a better underworld, die!" He chopped off a man's head who was trying to crawl away. "Atone for your sins!" Another was impaled through the heart.

30 people were just killed. Sirzechs, Ajuka, Lord Sitri, the Gremory's, and the Phenex's looked on in horror as they just saw him massacre a group of unarmed Devils. In that moment, the only ones who understood his reason are Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Lady Phenex.

"Why would you do that?!" Lord Phenex screamed.

"... Lord Phenex. I have a question for you," The Sekiryuutei spoke emotionlessly as he turned to the older Devil with an enraged expression. "Who is your first in line heir? Is it Ravel? Ruval? Or perhaps that other sorry ass excuse for a son, Riser? You better answer correctly, because your life depends on it."

Lord Phenex gulped. "My first in line heir is Ruval."

Issei smirked. "Lady Phenex, would you or Ravel miss Lord Phenex if he were to die? Would Ruval be mad at me for killing him?"

The blonde shook her head. "Nope. Not in the slightest. The only one who might miss him is Riser."

Lord Phenex was shocked at this unexpected betrayal, but he realized he had it coming with how controlling he is.

"Good. Then die, asshole."

Blue flames enveloped the male Devil.

"AAAAAAAGHHHHHH!" He howled in agony as he turned to dust.


Lady Phenex smiled in delight at her husband's death. "Fufu. I am free."

Issei sighed. "Revolution complete. I am a one-man army." He turned to the Satans. "The only reason I am not killing everyone is because I am only cleaning the house, not destroying it." They looked confused and terrified to which Issei cackled. "In case you haven't noticed, I downright fucking hate most Devils. However, a few of them are alright in my book."

Diodora Astaroth's eyes widened as he stared the Sekiryuutei in hatred, as he is one of the last few remaining Devils in the crowd. "Oh yeah?! Then tell us exactly which Devils do you have positive feelings for?! You hate all of us!"

He was met with an evil smirk from the Sekiryuutei, who turned to Lady Phenex. "I did as you said and turned Ravel into a member of my Draconic peerage. I love Ravel tremendously, and I am telling you that someday, I will take the hands of the girls in my harem, Ravel included, in marriage, whether you like it or not."

Lady Phenex grinned brightly. She ran up to Issei and hugged him. "I am very happy to hear that, son. I will be very glad if you were to marry Ravel."

A few minutes of small talk later, Issei turned to the Devil leaders. "Ajuka, make a news broadcast of this without including me in any cameras. Tell the underworld the truth of what happened here. These events will strike fear into the hearts of Devils the like of Rizevim Lucifer and the Old Satans, members of the Khaos Brigade. They now have an enemy to be scared of, someone who they will come to acknowledge as the greatest threat to their existence, as in due time, I will hunt down each and every single one of them."

Ajuka nodded.

Sirzechs smiled at him. "Thank you, Issei. I was so sick of playing the role of a politician. To these elders, I was nothing but a puppet before, but now, I can be a true Devil King."

The Sekiryuutei nodded, sighing as he left. He told the Sitri daughters and mother everything that just happened, and they were shocked, but they were happy.

As Issei teleported, Sirzechs suddenly heard a deep voice that no one else reacted to, one that terrified him. "You are neither Devil King nor someone worthy of my name. I will return someday. For now, I will be watching you... from the shadows."

He frantically looked around the court room, which startled Grayfia.

"What's wrong?"

Sirzechs looked at her. "Didn't you hear that voice?"

She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him like he's crazy. "What voice? It's only us two here."

The redhead laughed nervously. "Yeah... You're right. I must be tired."

Friday, October 2nd, 2020.

Kuoh Academy

The day of the cultural festival had arrived. The main events are taking place after 6:00 PM, so many students left while some stayed for club activities or to pass the time by studying.

School flew by, and everyone began making their way to different stalls to buy food and participate in fun activities.

Issei is with his peerage and Vali as usual, joined by Kalawarner, Mittelt, and Asia. One stand has cotton candy.

"Are you all up for cotton candy?" Issei offered, receiving nods from everyone except Arisu.

"No. I gotta stay in shape and away from the sugar," Arisu said, arms crossed with her eyes closed, being met with laughter from all of them.

"Tsundere." Ravel deadpanned.

"What?! I don't want to hear that from you! Yer a tsundere too!"

Ravel furrowed her eyebrows as she blushed. "Haaaah?! Why you little-"

Before they could argue further, much to everyone's amusement, Issei already handed them cotton candy.

He smiled. "It's good to at least indulge in yourself once in a while."

"Issei!" A voice shouted. It was Sona. She ran up to the Sekiryuutei with Tsubaki. "C-Can I be with your group for the remainder of the festival?"

"Sure! The more, the merrier."

His grin made Sona blush, which Tsubaki took note of. 'Hoh? Interesting.'

Next, they went to a haunted house. Raynare, Arisu, Akeno Vali, Mittelt, and Kalawarner weren't scared, but all the other girls were terrified. Issei was also scared as he clung onto Raynare's arm, making her laugh nervously since the two of them were leading the group. Arisu clung onto Issei's left arm, much to Ravel's annoyance. Both Ravel and Irina held onto Issei's shoulders from behind.

Behind them, Sona and Tsubaki hugged each other, screaming at every jumpscare.

Next in the line are Murayama and Kuroka who held onto one another, doing the same thing as the two Devils in front of them.

Then there's Vali, one of the only people that wasn't shitting himself, an amused smile on his face.

Mittelt and Kalawarner followed close behind everyone, unfazed as they mumbled, "Whoah," admiring the hard work put into the haunted house. Little details such as a strobe light or blood here and there amazed them.

"W-Wait for meeeeeee!" Asia begged as she tried to catch her breath from chasing after the group since she got lost. She is the furthest one in the back, the most dangerous place in a horror setting.

"You stole darling from me. I'll never forgive you. I'll kill you," A female actor said, cackling while looking right at Issei. She has a pink wig and fake blood splattered on herself, holding a machete which also was drenched in the red liquid. "Yu-ki! Or in this case, Is-Seiiiiii!"


"AAAAAH! It's Yuno Gasai!" Issei screamed like a little girl, making Vali laugh like Joker as everyone began running from the actor, who began chasing them with said really big knife.

"Not again!" Asia whined as she sprinted after them, having caught up to the two Fallen Angels in the rear.

In the background, a man could be heard saying, "Rip and Tear, until it is done!" Doom Eternal OST - "The Only Thing They Fear Is You" started blasting.

. . . . . . .

Unfortunately, Sona and Tsubaki had to return to the Student Council room to oversee any requests for help from any fellow students should their voluntary work for the festival run into any unforeseen problems.

The last place they stopped is the obligatory maid café, which Kuroka snuck off to be a part of, greeting them as they opened the door alongside a dozen other maids.

"Welcome home, masters!" They began serving their customers food.

Kuroka walked up to Issei, who was dazed from the sight. "Meowster! Would you like dinner, a bath... or a piece... of... me?" She finished with a wink.

"Yes please! All of the above!"

"What a naughty couple~"

"AAAGH!" Issei raised his hands into a karate stance. "Gabriel, you need to stop coming out of nowhere like that, please. You damn near gave me a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry. Fufu," Said the blonde Seraphim, holding a hand to her mouth as she failed to stifled a giggle.

. . . . . . .


Meanwhile, the two Khaos Brigade leaders were having a conversation.

Satan opened his mouth to speak. "The longer the Icon of Sin is on Earth, the stronger it will become. It doesn't matter how far away evil is being committed; if it is happening, then it will make the Icon of Sin stronger."

Thanos raised an eyebrow. "Why not you?"

Satan grunted. "I could make it me who becomes stronger, but that would not be necessary. You see, a long time ago, the Icon of Sin fought a terrible one-sided battle against the Doom Slayer. The Icon of Sin has the potential to be my most powerful General, and at the time, I didn't know of the Slayer's true strength. I underestimated him, which was a huge mistake. He took the life of the Icon, whom I resurrected. Since then, he has been significantly weaker. Now watch," The Devil leaned forward in interest as he held the magical crystal ball. "All it takes is a little blood and fear for us Demons to grow stronger than most, faster than most, almost god-like, or rather me-like. Heh."

Kuoh Academy

6:30 PM

By now, the sun had set and over a thousand people had filled the school campus grounds. None were prepared for what was about to happen.

A possessed man quickly and quietly grabbed multiple middle school kids, who were visiting the school, and killed them. He used their blood to draw a pentagram just outside the school entrance. On top of the pentagram, piles of flesh were used to create a gore nest, the necessary item to open a portal between hell and the nest.

The pentagram suddenly glowed bright red as dozens of Demons spawned around it.

The Doom Slayer, who was plucking away at his guitar in the Rock & Roll classroom, heard the familiar shrieks of hell's Imps. The guitar riff abruptly stopped.

He opened his inventory and equipped his armor as well as his assault rifle.

'Today, should I Rip or should I Tear some Demon bitches? That is the real question.'

He never sensed the Icon, who was watching the carnage while invisible.

. . . . . . .

Issei was smiling at the scene before him. Gabriel was hand feeding Raynare a slice of cheese cake, much to Raynare's embarrassment.

The peace was suddenly shattered when Issei heard screaming and explosions outside. Issei sensed something, a presence. It is similar to that of a Devil, but at the same time, it's different. It felt less deceptive and more malicious than most Devils.

Saji suddenly came dashing into the maid cafe, hands on his knees, breathing hard. "I need you, Issei's group, to come with us to the Student Council room immediately. It's an emergency."

Issei nodded. "Let's go."

They snapped to attention and followed their King. As they ran through the halls, sensing the danger, Issei began making conversation to understand the situation.

"Kuroka..." Issei said in a serious tone. "Use your Senjutsu to tell me where that presence is coming from and what it is."

"Humu. Those are Demons."

Raynare voiced her opinon. "It must the forces of hell that VEGA was saying that the Slayer has been fighting for a long time."

Gabriel gulped. "Forces of hell?!" She grew nervous. 'It can't be!'

Issei replied. "Indeed. Enough talk, we can theorize later. For now, let's help the Slayer repel this invasion."

As they made their way to the Student Council, they were about to cross the second floor when they saw the Student Council members by the window that overlooks the front of the school. They were already engaged in combat.

Of course, some moron Humans on the sidelines had the brilliant idea of taking out their phones and filming everything, some streaming to social media while others were already uploading to the internet. The damage had been done. There was no way that they would be able to erase the memories of all these Humans because the whole world will now know of the confirmed existence of the supernatural.

Most of the Student Council were doing alright, but a possessed soldier fired an energy beam that unfortunately struck Tsubaki in the arm. She yelled in pain briefly as she ducked behind a wall for cover.

"TSUBAKI!" Issei ran up to her. He grabbed her and transmitted away to his home, the only safe place he could think of.

"Ow... I think I'm okay. It's just a burn." She winced as she lightly touched her shoulder.

"Stay here and put some ice on it. I'll help the others fight. When we come back, everyone needs to have an emergency meeting with the three factions."

He transmitted back to the fight to see his friends already taking care of almost all of the Demons in the hall.

"Stay still, asshole!" Raynare yelled in frustration, swinging a light sword at imp that kept evading her like a monkey. She was finally able to kill it when it tried to run at her for a melee attack.

Issei turned to Sona. "Tsubaki was injured. It isn't life threatening, just a burn, but I teleported her to my house and told her to stay there until we're done."

Sona gave him a small smile. "Thank you..."

Suddenly, another Demon appeared, floating in mid-air in the hallway and screeched at them. It is a Summoner. It immediately unleashed a torrent of Demonic magic. The Red energy travelled along the ground as it blazed a destructive path. The attack was aimed at Ravel who was frozen like a deer in headlights, not having enough time to react. Ravel was shocked. She thought her Demonic magic was powerful, but this attack was far superior to anything in her arsenal. The Phenex Devil thought she was going to die, but Issei suddenly tackled her out of the way.

"Everyone, get back!" He ordered. "This one is mine."

They all teleported behind him.

("Partner, use your Diabolos Dragon form now! If you take a direct hit from that type of Demon's attack, your armor will handle it, but even Juggernaut Drive has its limits. Diabolos Dragon is basically invincible.")

"Then let's do it! DIABOLOS DRAGON!"

His Diabolos Dragon form is basically the same thing as his Balance Breaker except with multiple golden scales on his shoulders.

The Sekiryuutei threw a massive ball of fire at the Summoner, which it dodged by teleporting to its right. It suddenly began teleporting towards Issei, quickly closing the distance in multiple transmissions. It launched another volley of Demonic energy.


Issei felt his power increase tenfold. Pulling out Ascalon Transcended, he reappeared before the Demon and stabbed it, making it screech again as it died, turning red and disintegrating into nothingness.

The fight was over.

"Look outside! Who is that?" Sona pointed to the front window.

Issei walked over next to her and followed her finger. "Oh... That's Slayer-sensei and the Chief."

They observed as the Slayer ripped off the sack of a gore nest to destroy it, which summoned one last wave of Demons, closing the portal. He used his rocket launcher to kill multiple Hell Knights, and then he grabbed multiple imps and ripped them to shreds with his bare hands.

"Oh my god..." Sona was shocked.

The Chief was giving the Slayer some covering fire with a battle rifle, but only from a distance since the Demons reminded him of the Flood, but much more powerful, and just like the Flood, they came out of nowhere.

Issei snapped Sona out of her stupor. "Sona, summon the Satans to my house." He received a nod. "Gabriel, bring the other Seraphims to my house too. I will call Azazel and ask him to come alone."

The blond Seraphim grew nervous. "I-Issei, is it a good idea to suddenly hold a meeting between the Three Factions like this?"

He turned to her. "Gabriel, you know as well as I do with what this Demonic invasion means. I'll say it at the meeting."

. . . . . . .

Issei's House

Everyone was sitting as they looked at Issei, who was pacing back and forward.

VEGA began speaking, making everyone's heads turn to the Slayer. "There are only two possibilities. The first is that there are at least one or more Demon Generals who are behind this invasion, which is less likely than the other possibility."

Falbium spoke, "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

"I am VEGA, an AI. My Human counterpart is the Doom Slayer, the most powerful being in the universe. I advise you not to aggravate him. He could easily kill all of you."

"Don't exaggerate," Said Rias, who unfortunately came to the meeting because of Sirzechs extending an invitation, much to Issei's disdain. "I am the most powerful being in existence. My peerage and I could easily mop the floor with the Slayer."

This caused Issei to scoff, making Kiba raise an eyebrow, Xenovia frown, and Koneko glare at him while holding Gasper above her head in his cardboard box, the little Vampire hiding from everything.

"Not according to Issei Hyoudou," Master Chief deadpanned.

VEGA expanded on the Chief's statement. "Yes. Issei Hyoudou has an ability to see who the Top 25 most powerful beings in the universe are. The Doom Slayer is ranked number one."

They all turned to Issei, who sighed in annoyance. He shared the list with them.

"H-How am I not even on here?! Bullshit!" Rias proclaimed.

Issei cackled. "You really are a dumb fucking bitch. Don't you realize that the reason you're so weak is because you're so full of yourself? You got handed everything to you from the moment you were born, meaning you sat on your fat ass and never made an attempt to improve yourself while I trained. I worked myself to the bone. People like you disgust me. You have no idea what it's like to be weak, you fucking spoiled brat. I am strong because I was once weak, because I was once looked down upon by High Class Devil scum like you. I am sure the Slayer has his reasons too. By the way, he hates Demons, meaning he hates Devils too, so don't insult him, or else he will murder you in the most brutal way possible. The Slayer gives zero fucks."

Rias had tears in her eyes. She knows he is right, but her pride still hurt.

Akeno giggled at seeing Rias' feelings show. "Fufu. Is the little princess upset? Go and cry to mommy and daddy now."

The Slayer nodded at Issei as if to say, 'Thank you! These dumb motherfuckers would probably approach me and try to recruit me so that they can use me diplomatically when they're too stupid to realize that violence is all I have ever known.'

"Devils and Demons aren't related, though." Said Sirzechs.

"Yes they are," Gabriel replied. "Anyway, I apologize for Rias Gremory's rude interruption, VEGA. Please continue."

"Right. As I was saying, the second possibility is that the theorized Dark Lord of Hell ordered this attack."

Gabriel stood up in shock. "Are you saying my brother is alive?! I thought God killed him!"

"Your brother?" Issei asked, confused.

"Satan Lucifer," Gabriel clarified. "He is the creator of all Devils. Devils are all basically his children."

Ajuka narrowed his eyes. "There is no way he is still alive."

Michael looked at him. "How can you be so sure? Did you see him die?"

Issei joined in the conversation. "Yeah, where's your proof, Ajuka? Are you making assumptions as a leader again like you did when Kuroka was first labeled a fugitive? If so, I may have to kill you."

Ajuka trembled at the threat. "I-I was only kidding! That was just my pride as a Devil showing."

Sirzechs steered the conversation back on track. "Anyway, we need a countermeasure ready to help us fight these Demons, regardless of whether they're related to us Devils or not. If what VEGA said is true and that the original Lucifer has returned, then our worse fears have yet to be realized." He took a moment to look around in paranoia, lowering his voice as he leaned forward while looking at the Sekiryuutei. "Yesterday, Issei killed all the Devil elder council members of the Underworld, which is a very good thing. After he left the courtroom, I heard a terrifying voice say that I am no Devil King and that they will quote unquote, 'return someday.' The voice also said that I am not worthy of their name, which makes me think it was the original Lucifer speaking to me."

Serafall grew concerned. "Sirzechs, why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared, paranoid even."

Gabriel trembled. "That voice you heard all but confirms it. Satan is alive, and he is going to make his return soon. You need to get rid of your 'Lucifer' title. It has made him angry."

Issei interrupted. "Regardless, the next time there is a Demonic invasion, we will need the Slayer's help to repel them, but don't expect him to help the Devils. He will either help the Humans or the Angels. Sorry Azazel, but your kind will be 4th on that list behind the Dragons, too. For now, this meeting is adjourned. All of you can go home."

Everyone teleported away except for Sona, who was treating Tsubaki, and Gabriel.

Sona turned to Issei. "Again, thank you for treating Tsubaki. We should get going now. Take care, Issei."

"You too."

They teleported away.

"Issei," Gabriel spoke. "Would you be interested in you and your peerage training with the gods?"

He looked at her with an eager battle-crazed smirk. "Yes."

"Perfect! Odin is orchestrating this event. Tomorrow morning at 10:30, someone he will send will arrive to pick all of you up and take you to Asgard. There, the ten of you will stay and train for four months. Any questions?"

"Can I bring Vali with me?" Issei asked. "He's my friend, and I am sure he wants to become stronger too."

Gabriel stared at Vali, who nodded. "Sure! I don't see why not."

Raynare raised her hand politely. "Will we be training as a group or will we also get the opportunity for individual lessons?"

"Both. Go make your mama proud!" Gabriel exclaimed, winking at Raynare with a thumbs up, making everyone sweatdrop.

Issei texted Sona. 'President, I am going to be gone for four months starting tomorrow. Odin wants to train me and my peerage plus Vali, which we will gladly accept.'

To Be Continued

The Asgardian training arc is going to be Chapters 14-30. I plan to have some lemons in there as well as a rating game tournament of some sort. I don't want to reveal too much, but let's just say that the tournament is going to have some very high stakes, and that failure would be catastrophic for Earth. >:)

Issei is also about to meet a certain Aunt and Uncle of his.


(32) Azami Nakiri from Food Wars is who I imagine Sona's father to look like.

(33) I depicted Sona's mom's appearance as Mei Misaki from Another, my favorite horror anime. Just imagine an older version of her... Or not. Would be fucked up if she's much younger than Lord Sitri, but I will leave that to your imagination.

(34) Mirai Nikki

Issei's Harem (same as peerage members, most to least powerful, will not change):

Issei Hyoudou (Mutated King)

Arisu Yamauchi (OC, Six Mutated Pawn Pieces)

Raynare (Main Girl, Queen)

Akeno Himejima (Knight)

Kuroka Toujou (Bishop)

Irina Shidou (Rook)

Tsubasa Yura (Knight)

Rossweisse (Rook)

Ravel Phenex (Bishop)

Natsuki Murayama (Two Pawns)

Chapitre suivant