
Chapter 31

Gol D. Roger also known as Gold Roger was a tall and very muscular man. His most prominent physical features were his curved black mustache, a fierce grin he almost always wore, and his intense eyes. He also had thick black hair and a short, thick neck.

Like many other high ranking pirates, he wore a long red captain's coat. Beneath his coat, he wore a blue shirt and had a yellow sash around his waist. He wore a white cravat around his neck, dark blue pants, and what appeared to be black sea boots. 

He was also a legendary character from One piece, someone many pirates look up to...

"Gahahaha! Give me more of this Alcohol! lets drink till we pass out Whitey! You too my son! you look like me when I was young eh! handsome and fierce! your a lady killer! Im sure your mother would be proud to see you!"

Ace smiled awkwardly, he had many things to ask but he doesnt know where to start and his father was now having fun like there is no tomorrow.

Yes, Roger was able to fit in the group just as he joined everyone, he had this charisma that made him a close friend of everyone.

Heck, he was not even fazed when he was told that Ace was his son from the future.

He was really easy going.

"Man! the Pirate King is really amazing, thats how a pirate should be"

Luffy had stars on his eyes as he stared at Roger, he had been saying that one single sentence for a while now.

Whitebeard was already used by Roger's personality and was calm at all times.

"So, are you still going to turn yourself in?"

Whitebeard suddenly asked Roger which made him silent for a while.

When. Tanaka was telling Roger about the future, he was unwilling, like a stubborn kid, he said he doesnt care about the future, thats not his era.

But when Tanaka told him some details that surprised him, he didnt speak anymore and did not stop Tanaka from talking.

Back to the present.

After Roger was silent for a while, he glanced at Ace, then sighed, he then shook his head.

"I dont really want to do it, I want to be with my family but I will die soon, its much better to be killed in front of others than to see my wife cry as I die in front if her"

"Hmm? that's it?"

"What that's it? Im dying you know, even Crocus cant save me, what could the others do?"

"We have the others your talking about right here"


"In front of you"

Roger looked in front of him and saw Tanaka, he looked behind Tanaka, then below and above him.


"Him! stop acting dumb!"

"Haha, okay, okay, so um... what is your name again?"


"So Tanaka here can cure me?"


"Then what do I need to do?"

"You just need to take the pill I will give you, as for the payment, it would be a manual about all types of haki, based on your experience"

"A manual about haki based on my experience..."

Roger didnt agree immediately replied but went into deep thought.

"You dont have to worry about anything, this place is much more mysterious than you think, just accept it and also retire being a pirate, I had already retired"

"You retired Whitey!?"

Roger was surprised from the revelation.

"Yeah, Ace is now the new captain of Whitebeard pirates"

"What!? to actually make my son as your captain!"

"He is my son now"

"Gah! *Sigh, I accept the payment for curing me"

"Then please come with me"

"I will wait for you here"


Roger followed Tanaka towards the medic room.

Roger entered inside and he saw Tanaka taking a pill from the cabinet.

"Drink this, its called Multicure pill"

"How long is my treatment?"

"about 20 to 30 seconds"

"Hmm... okay, im not even surprised anymore"

Roger took the pill from Tanaka and drank it in one go, Roger was known to have an incurable disease that was not described even in the one piece manga.


A strong shockwave came out from Roger's body, he felt his strength slowly coming back, even his vitality was coming back.

Roger stared at his hands with wide eyes, surprised by how it was easy to cure his incurable disease.

"Congratulations on your recovery, dont forget the payment"

"Tanaka, thank you"

Roger the king of pirates kneeled on the ground and kowtowed to Tanaka.


Tanaka and Roger left the medic room and Roger was so very happy that smile on his face cant be wiped out.

"I will be right back!"

Roger immediately ran outside in a very fast speed.

"What happened?"

"I dont know, but he said prepare for a feast, he will pay for everyone!"


Ace smiled, he still wasnt able to talk to his father.


The door opened once again and when Ace turn to look, he froze, he stood up from his seat his whole body shaking, he walked towards her and extended his hands towards her.

He may not have seen her once but he knew, he was Portugas D. Rogue, his mother, but then he remembered that they came from different timelines so he stopped.

"I-im sorry, I-"


Rogue pulled Ace towards her and embraced him tightly.

"What are you thinking about, it doesnt matter if you are from the future or from the past, you will always be my son, my child"

"I- M-mother"

Tears fell from Ace as he embraced his mother, he cried like a baby, tears also fell from Rogues eyes.

"There, there, its okay to cry everything, you have been strong for too long"

Roger joined them and patted Ace at the back, and hugged the two of them.


Tanaka who had everything ready, had already started taking photos.

"Brook! start the song!"

"Yohohoho! this is a song for Pirate King Roger and his family! a song for his retirement! since its his retirement as a pirate, the title of the song is Retirement Song Yohoho!"

Brook then started singing.

[I've been roaming all my life and now I've found a lady wife,

(I'm staying... right here!)

Oh I won't go sailing any more I won't obey the ocean's call,

(I'm staying... right here!)

I'll be a man of the land

I'll be a man of the trees

I'll be a man wherever my woman will be

I won't be any captain's mate

I won't be servant of the seas

'cause this pretty little woman is all I need]

The cafe turned very lively once again.

I cried as I wrote the Reunion of Gol Family, but im not sure for you guys, Its not written as how I imagined but I tried.

Also feel free to tell me on which or how should I improve my writing, it would greatly help ={)

Also this is the end of Sea of Thieves Arc

LazyTanakacreators' thoughts
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