
The witness

Sara el-alfy

chapter 8 :

McCall sat in front of the window waiting nervously ,and between every two minutes he turns around making sure no one is awake ,after half an hour his phone rang clearly she was truing to get his attention to open the door because obviously she can't knock . McCall walked slowly and opened the door then waved his hand to let her in .'' he's in the basement ,but be careful the others are sleeping'' ,she shacked her head slowly not making eye contact with him but eyeing his place then started waking in the house making her way down to the basement leaving McCall on the door way . she started going down stairs her high heels boots making a little noise but not too much to wake anyone. After she stepped the last step on the stairs she found harry tied up on the floor sleeping but his mouth was no longer tabbed ,so she stepped forward and placed her left hand on his mouth quickly making him opening his eyes wide she even could hear his heart beat raised. she placed her finger nail with her right hand on her lips then lowered her face to face him and whispered , "I will let go ,but don't you dare and scream ", mostly in these situations your brain wouldn't think and scream immediately ,but harry thought for a moment before she let go of her hand he saw a gun behind her jacket on her waist , so he figured out the best he can do to stay quiet plus he's already kidnapped maybe she can help him what worse could happen .

" who are you ? " , Harry asked eyeing her from up and down, she started cutting the ropes around his hand then said " I'm Selena I am going to help you to get the hell out here if you shut up'' ,while they were talking she already was done cutting his ropes ,so they stand up and harry said " wait why are you going to help me ?", he didn't believe she rescued her life to just save him she barely know him it doesn't make any sense ."you don't wanna get what outta here '', a confused look appeared in her face while she waved her hand toward the door ,he looked at her and said in a 'duh' tone '' obviously I do ,but i don't want to get outta here to let you take me to berg '' ,surprise he already heard them,'' How do you know about ...berg ?'' she looked worried suspiciously in to his eyes ,before he could answer they turned their heads toward the door opening sound that came from upstairs .

' To be continued '

Thanks for the aesthetic minds who read my novel

simple words could make someon's day


Sara_Alfycreators' thoughts
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