
"Want To Meet The Real Ainsley Sloan"

Ainsley wanted to see the soul of the real Ainsley Sloan and see where she reincarnated.

If...if she really robbed someone of their bright future and life....

No wonder she didn't comprehend any law of love and affections.

She still felt that she wasn't worthy of all those love and affections that might be built on the pain and future of another unfortunate soul—

Even if this soul was just a three-year-old kid who might know nothing.

Ainsley finally knew why she could not comprehend the law of love and affections when she still felt guilty to accept all that love and affection.

The only way to solve this problem was to see the current situation of the unfortunate soul.

As long as that baby lived a good life after reincarnation or switched bodies with her...

Ainsley felt that she needed the fairy of space's help in this matter because reincarnation and such still had something to do with the fairy of space.

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