
"Preparation To Enter A Parallel World" 

At first, Ainsley didn't have any plans to contract a beast-type spirit because she already had the two sacred beasts with her. 

But thinking again, maybe the fox spirit could be friends with the two cats, and maybe, in the future, if the two cats passed away of old age or something else, they could learn how to live a little longer as spirits. 

Not to mention that this fox appeared in a human form, and he should also have a priority in choosing shamans due to his identity as a beast spirit. 

Ainsley could not immediately accept the fox's offer, but she still gave the green light to the fox.

[I can't immediately say yes, but if you want to follow me, you're welcome. I hope you can get along with my sacred beasts too. The three of you will be good friends for sure!] 

Since Ainsley agreed to let the fox follow her, the fox sighed in relief and blinked his peach-blossom eyes at the first ancestor. 

It was as if he was saying, 'mission complete!' 

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