
"A Weak Human Cub?" 

[Am I the only one who is looking at Ainsley's cat backpack? Although I don't see Ainsley using any of her hidden modified items, I bet the backpack is a spatial storage bag or something.] 

[Dang, since when Ainsley used a whip as her weapon? I saw her taking out one of her ordinary-looking items and that thing became a whip!] 

Ainsley did pull out a whip from one of her modified items because she had to lure the targeted beasts and monsters to swim closer to the water surface. 

Only then her charm ability would work.

Ainsley swung her whip and hit the surface of the water, instantly attracting the attention of many monsters and beasts who were sensitive to sound, water flow and any small movements. 

The high-level monsters and beasts were also triggered by this act of hitting the surface of the water because, for them, it was like a provocation! 

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