
"Michael Used Realism Art" 

Seeing Ainsley's accident with Michael, many people with bad thoughts suddenly found Ainsley's so-called weak spot. 

"If we can find a high-level spirit to forcefully possess this baby's body, even if it won't last long, we can benefit a lot just from a few casual moves." 

After all, Ainsley was a prominent figure now, and if the spirit forced Ainsley's body to do this and that, some people would immediately benefit a lot with just a wave of Ainsley's hand. 

And it would be hard to find the people behind the hired spirits. 

The elite world forces got this nice surprise, and they were all discussing the possibility of sending the powerful wild spirit to get some benefit from Ainsley herself. 

"You see, if this is another shaman, it will be impossible to possess without having a contract. Attacking a shaman is okay, but possessing one needs mutual consent." 

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