
"Combining Domains" 

Currently, Ainsley has black hair, crimson eyes and blood clan's wings. 

What the others in the forum said about Ainsley were her iconic purple hair and blue eyes. 

For a moment, those who didn't know Ainsley didn't connect these two opposite images to the same genius toddler. 

There were also a little group of people talking about Ainsley being misunderstood by a lot of people because of her disguised appearance that looked like a blood clan's cub. 

But this conversation didn't last long, and everyone's attention returned to the current battlefield. 

Since dawn had arrived and the sun had risen from the horizon, the camera from various drones in invisible mode could easily capture the battlefield situation better than before. 

This time, everyone finally saw the aftermath of the huge explosion of a hundred thousand celestials in one go. 

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