
"Going Viral In A Foreign Country"

While Ainsley was interacting with the live broadcast audience, her fifteen-minute battle video against Charles already circulated around the internet. 

One of the live broadcast audiences was a huge 'Youtuber' in this world, and the person cut the battle video from the live broadcast he had recorded. 

He didn't forget to add subtitles and his own comments to the video, successfully attracting a bunch of viewers. 

He even added cool special effects to the video, highlighting Ainsley in the cloud. 

This 'Youtuber' was also a big one with a few millions of fans. He's famous for uploading various thrilling battle videos among ability users. 

Surprisingly, he also had a special playlist for famous fighter's battle videos on his channel and Ainsley was included among these fighters. 

But today's video was a bit different because Ainsley fought against a foreigner and her appearance was also different from usual. 

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