
"Help Him"


The Godfather spirit, his ghostly body, slowly fell to the ground. 

And Ainsley could only see his body. 

She didn't see the spear embedded into his waist. 

She didn't see the whip strangling the neck. 

She didn't see the bullet buried deep in his leg. 

She didn't see the arrow piercing his chest. 

She didn't even hear the voice of the trumpet that took the spirit's movement, rendering him freezing on the spot. 

She didn't see the last bullet flying toward the Godfather's forehead as the spirit's body fell to the ground. 

She saw nothing. 

Nothing but a certain spy suddenly running toward the Godfather and...hugged him with his back facing the East Gate. 


Martin used his body to block the Godfather's body from head to toe, leaving no room for a sudden attack. 

And right at that moment, the sniper's bullet hit the back of Martin's head. 

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