
"They're Not That Weak"

With light coming from torches, floating fireballs, or other lighting tools, Ainsley's troops shone like fireflies in the middle of the night. 

The night was dark with no moon or stars, perfect for assassination. Yet now, the troops were waging war on the other party. 

"Attack! Each team focuses on their assigned area." Ainsley touched her Airpods and shouted. 

"Tonight, we will take the mausoleum!" 

"OHHHH!!" The troops yelled at the same time with their passion burning to the sky. 

"Disperse!" At Ainsley's hand signal, the troops immediately separated ways. Each team followed their commanders to attack different gates. 


Ainsley's troops were just a few hundred meters away from the mausoleum, yet the enemy's side could already see their lights from the torches and other lighting tools. 

Seeing the troops coming to attack different gates, the troops stationed at the four gates started to move. 

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