
"The Real Martin"

After settling things with Martin, Ainsley brought Martin to the meeting room to meet the other inner circle members and surprisingly, everyone accepted him without any complaint. 

It seemed that the real Martin was someone capable. 

Ainsley's glinted coldly as she looked at the fake Martin in front of her. 

'Where is the real Martin? Is he dead? If he is, where's the body?' 

And one thing Ainsley was suspicious of was about how the impostor could impersonate Martin. 

It should be when Martin came back from the mission all injured...right? That must be when this impostor took Martin's place… 

Ainsley tapped the armchair with a gloomy face. 

'It means that the real Martin didn't come back from the mission recorded in his mission log history...the real Martin is either dead, kidnapped, or Injured and hidden somewhere.' 

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