
"Deja Vu"

[In secret?] The Godfather once again looked at Axelle. The guy was currently arranging the potion near Ainsley's head while remaining vigilant. 

"U-um, family head. I-I hope you can w-wake up soon…" The blue-skinned uncle fidgeted as he looked at his unconscious master. 

Oh, how he wished he's not an alchemist but a healer or a doctor instead so that he could know why this little girl isn't waking up for three days already. 

Axelle circled Ainsley's bed, checking under the bed or something to make sure that the baby remained safe. He did all of these while tip-toeing, thinking that no one saw him. 

However, a certain white cat hidden beneath Ainsley's blanket would occasionally open his eyes and yawn at Axelle before snuggling back to the blanket. 

'That elf is surprisingly gentle. I thought he's a violent type? How come he looks so...fidgety and nervous now?' 

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