
"I Avenged You"

Ainsley closed her eyes once more and her hands swayed gently. Her movements were elegant and refined...amidst the bloody battlefield. 

The Female commander had to fight her own black panther. 

The tamers fought their tamed beasts. 

The beasts attack other beasts….

"Stop! We have to stop that baby! NOW!" 

The female commander of the land monster and beasts troops yelled on top of her lungs as her fire panther tore her left legs. 


The female commander asked for the Ability Users troops to help them. However, those people shuddered as they quietly walked back. 

The scattered survivors ran back to their camps, not even trying to help their comrades. 

We don't want to die! No! 

The ability users from the enemy side were terrified to the bones. 

Seeing their allies eaten alive by their own tamed beasts or monsters…

Which sane person will want to fight? 

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