
"Not A Treasure"

When Ainsley saw Jake, the girl immediately approached him together, with the mother raptor following behind her. 

"Uwncle Zwack!" Ainsley nodded at the young man, not noticing Jake's face already turned white. 

"Uh...uh, yeah, hello." Jake nodded at Ainsley stiffly, but his eyes were on the ferocious-looking raptor monster behind the baby. 

He suddenly didn't know where to look. The raptor monster or the baby? Their body size is just too different! 

"This...is this your monster, Godtoddler?" Jake suppressed the urge to call the security as he asked Ainsley with a twitching lips. 

It wasn't his first time seeing a low-level monster with a strong attribute like this monster, but it was his first time seeing such a huge monster roaming around his casino….

Why didn't the guards and the security forbid this baby?! 

If the guards knew that Ainsley secretly summoned out her monster once she passed the checkpoint, they would also cry. 

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