
"The Wrong Genre?"

Ainsley waited at her spot, anticipating the appearance of the legendary system. Indeed, the system didn't disappoint her. 

In just a few seconds, dozens of white dots gathered in front of Ainsley, just like a group of fireflies. The white dots slowly formed a figure of a young man as tall as the Godfather spirit. 

Ainsley had to look up while squinting her eyes due to the holy light emitted by this white dots figure. 


A magical, fairytale-like sound rang throughout the white space, following the figure's emergence. 

"Hu…" the young man let out a soft sigh, and his body quickly solidified. His waist-length black hair fluttered in the air as he slowly descended to the ground. 

The long white and blue robes that he's wearing swayed with a flick of his arm. The white dots didn't wholly disappear and instead surrounded the young man, acting as a background effect. 

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