


Luca stood outside the school watching as the dark haired, blue eyed boy ran around with his friends. ‘I want you to find her.’

‘We’re trying sir but she’s gone off grid.’

‘She can’t just have disappeared. Find her and bring her to me.’


He turned walking away.


Raven slipped his arms around Alora, kissing her neck and his hands over her growing stomach, how did she ever manage to agree to this? ‘We’re moving on.’

‘Why? I like it here.’

‘Luca has found his son.’

She swallowed. ‘H- how?’

‘Contacts. Good ones, he’s out to find you. We have to move quickly, everything's packed.’ He kissed her again. ’It’s going to be fine babe we’ll keep you safe.’ He said kissing her.

‘What about Gianni?’

‘He’s meeting us there now he knows it’s safe to. We’re all going we don’t want a repeat of what happened the last time. The security have been informed on a shoot to kill basis. Let’s go.’

He took her hand and they left the house where they had lived for the last two years undetected. They got into the limo to the airport where they boarded the jet to begin again.

Luca and his men began shooting, crashing through the door of the mansion he circled his fingers into hair to search the entire house. They all crept through the house but no one was there.

‘They’ve gone boss.’

‘Find them when you do kill them. I want that bitch alive she has some fucking explaining to do.’


Alora sat tied to the chair, her hair wet over her face, she had no idea how long she’d been out for. ‘Wake up Alora.’

The bucket of water was thrown over her again and again, until she groaned and opened her eyes cutting through her hair. ‘Luca.’

He smiled, bending down moving her hair off her face. ‘Sill as sexy as I remember.’

‘What do you want Luca?’

His tone changed. ‘So you chose to carry his child and yet you chose to give mine away.’

‘It’s not what you think.’

‘So what is it exactly Alora? That man whore put a bun in it and you chose to keep it, and yet you chose to give mine away!’ He said angrily.

‘I wasn’t ready. I wanted him to have the best life possible.’

‘Bull shit Alora you gave him away cause he was mine.’

‘No I....’

The crack across her face shook the room.

‘The truth Alora.’

‘I’m telling you the..’

The second came harder. Her gums were bleeding, this wasn’t the guy she’d met five years age. This was a monster. ‘Let’s start again shall we? with why the hell you didn’t tell me.’

‘I just wanted to forget Luca.’

‘Was I that bad? First you run away, then you abandoned our child.’

‘You don’t understand Luca. It was the only way I could protect him.’

‘From who, Me?’

‘Everyone. I wanted to put that life behind me and start again. I done what I thought was best for him.’

His hand went across her face again his hand print spread across her face. She spat the blood out of her mouth.

‘What was best for him was to be with his father.’

‘No it wasn’t. Not with your lifestyle he was safer out of ..’

He raised his hand again, the gun pointed at his head. The ropes dropped from around her wrists and she was pulled up. None of them had heard the gunshots from the concealed room. The guns pointing at Luca and his men.

‘Never hit a woman, especially my woman.’

He looked at Raven confused.

‘Guys take her away while we finish this.’

They pulled Alora out the door closed. ‘How the hell you find us?’

He smirked.

‘You had a tracker put in her didn’t you?’

‘Clever very fucking clever.’

Luca looked at him. ‘We can sort this out Raven an alliance.’

‘I don’t do alliances.’

Luca looked at him.

‘We want your share of Italy.’

‘In trade for what?’

‘You stay alive and get to see your son.’

‘And Alora?’

‘No just your son take it or leave it.’

‘Fine I accept.’

Raven nodded. The bullets went through his men, blood gushed over the grounds and dead bodies dropped. ‘Let this be a warning Luca you try anything and your head will be next.’

He put the gun down to his side. Looking at Gianni and the others nodding . They turned walking out.

They slid into the car. He placed his hand on Alora’s face. ‘It’s okay babe.’

‘Did you kill him?’

‘No we made an arrangement.’

‘What if he goes against it?’

‘Then I blow his fucking brains out.’ He said kissing her softly sitting back. ‘Drive.’

The car pulled away. ‘We’re going to get you checked out to make sure the baby is okay.’ He said, pulling her close to him kissing her forehead. ‘Are you sure about this?’

‘You know I am. I don’t think Gianni was too pleased the baby wasn’t his. But he’ll get his chance eventually.’

‘Was all this really necessary?’

‘Yes it was. It’s safer for all of us this way, especially you and Gianni. It was his idea to change the names on the marriage certificate and a fake wedding, sorry this had to do this to keep you safe.’

‘Am I safe?’

‘Yes you are.’ He said said kissing her forehead.

‘How the hell did I get a tracker?’

‘How do you think Alora? You were out cold. We had to make sure you were safe. It’s a good job I gave you one or we would never have found you as quick as we did or he’d’ve done lord knows what to you.’

Chapitre suivant