
The story of the abused one

(Warning: This includes swearing and violence)

In the library, a girl is now finished doing her homework, she puts her homework in her bag and puts the books back on the shelf where she got that book and left. As she was now near the door, she saw a girl named Sarah, dropping a piece of paper on a box that said “Vote.”

The girl shouted “Hey Sarah!” as Sarah turned her back and she saw Ariana.

“Hey girl, wanna come with us?” Ariana asked

“What are you three gonna do now?” Sarah asked

“Well we are going to the mall after we dress up.” Ariana answered

“Oh, ok then.” Sarah said

“Good, meet us at 3 PM at the Capa Mall.” Ariana said, as she left she added, “Bye Sarah!”

“Bye Ariana” Sarah replied and left the school.

To Ariana, she does not need a bus to go to school, she has a limousine to go back home and go to school. As she was waiting, a butler got out of the car and opened the door for Ariana.

“Good Day mademoiselle, are we going home?” The butler asked in a fancy way

“Yes please,” Ariana answered, and then added, “Then at 3 PM can you please take me to the Capa Mall?”

“Certainly madam.” The butler said

The limousine drove away from the school and on their way back home. A few minutes later, they arrived at a Mansion. There is a beautiful garden and there is a fountain in front. There are 2 more butlers on the front door, waiting for the limo to stop. As the limo stopped, the 2 butlers arrived, one opened the door and as Ariana got out, the other butler grabs her bag so that she does not have to lift heavy. As they get inside the mansion, Ariana’s mother is wearing a maid's outfit and preparing lunch.

“Good Afternoon honey.” Her mother said while waving

Good Afternoon Mom.” Ariana replied.

While Ariana put down her bag on the couch, another sound came.

“Honey, is the food ready?” A manly voice said

“Yes hon.” Ariana’s Mother replied

As someone came down, the Manly voice was Ariana's Father. Her Father is the one who owns the Mansion but was in love with Ariana’s Mother, her Father is a happy man but one problem is that he is giving Ariana a hard time.

“You son of a b*tch you are late!” Her Father yelled as he approached Ariana

“I-I'm sorry dad, but the time is still 12:15 and I-" Ariana was interrupted because her Father pulled her hair, she reacted, "Ow!" And she screamed louder as her father was pulling it harder.

Her mother arrived to check what happened and she saw her husband hurting his daughter again.

"ENOUGH!" Ariana's mother shouted. This made her father stop and made Ariana fix her hair.

"LUNCH TIME PEOPLE!" Ariana's mother shouted as she approached her husband to pull his ear to the dining room

In the dining room, her father sat down and started to eat. While Ariana is going upstairs to her room and gets dressed and ready for later. A few minutes later, Ariana finally went to the dining table and sat down in front of her father. The table is pretty long, it is like a usual dining table in the mansions.

“So how was your day?” Her father asked

“It was ok. How about you?” Ariana answered

“Oh it was good, work and all.” Her Father answered, he also said, “Anyways can you pass me that ketchup?” So Ariana gets the ketchup and approaches her father.

“Thank you.” Her father said as he took the ketchup from her. And Ariana has to go all the way back.

“So, can I go to my friends later at the mall?” Ariana asked

“No. And besides, you need to do your homework and your work here.” Her father answered in a serious tone

“But dad, I need to go with them, I “Want some fun eh? Ok, either you pack your stuff or follow my orders or die!” Her father shouted as be stood up to get ariana

Her mother approached Ariana and shouted, “Honey, just let Ariana gTheo and have some fun for the moment, you tortured her enough!”

“But honey-” Her father was cut off by her mother

“Either let her go or we will leave you with the money?” Her mother shouted, this made her father defeated because he loved his husband so much.

“Fine you may go.” Her father said in defeat. He added, "You son of a-" but was cut of by her mother

"Not another word." Her mother said in a serious tone

“Yey! Thank you mom!” Ariana shouted and hugged her mother.

“Now go and get ready, I know you already told one of our kindest servants here.” Her mother said and Ariana left the table.

Ariana’s Mother approached her husband and hugged him from behind.

“Honey, don’t be too strict on Ariana too much, let her go for the moment, she will be safe.” The mother said calmly, this made her husband let out a huge sigh

“You’re right honey, I'm sorry, but at least we can have some alone time.” Her husband chuckles.

A few hours later, Ariana finally came back home and got inside. What she saw in the living room is her parents watching TV while snuggling. This made her really happy even though her father hates her. But she thinks now that her father is getting easy on her already thanks to her mother. She remembered the times that her father was really mean and deadly and brutal to her. But her mother ignored this until she cried.

She remembered herself as Little Ariana was crying on her bed until her mother came. She knelt down and kissed on where Ariana got hit.

“Mama, Dada hurt me.” Little Ariana said

“Don’t worry honey, it will be ok soon.” Her mother said

"What the f*ck did she just say?" Her father shouted

"Honey don't-" Her mother tried to stand up but was pushed away by her father

Little Ariana then got beaten up so many times by her father and the more she got beaten up, the louder she screamed until her mother stopped him.

She also remembered the time that she saw her mother and father in the room, her mother was downed because her father slapped her. He was shouting so much and about to hit her mother again. But this time Ariana got in the way and her father slapped her instead.

“F*ck! It's your fault that you got hit, brat!” Her Father shouted and left the room.

She also remembered herself as Little Ariana saw her mother with another man, kissing in her parents room. She was shocked by this because she cannot believe that her mother is literally doing it. Until her father came back to the house from work. Ariana heard this and left the door and went back to her room. As her father got in, she heard screaming and crying. But until a few minutes, there is silence and a door is locked, no screaming or shouting or any violence. She cannot believe it worked.

And finally, she remembered the time that her father was slightly changed. There is a break in the house and the thief is about to kill Ariana, not until he hears a manly voice and someone running towards him. It was her father and she was surprised that he is protecting her.

“Not my daughter you piece of sh*t!” Her father said as he catches the thief

Her father was on top of him and punched him in the face and beat the thief up.

A few minutes later, he got the valuables back with blood on his hands from beating up the thief and approached Ariana and hugged her.

“I'm sorry baby.” He cried, this made Ariana cry also and hugged her father back.

The end, at least for Ariana's storytelling.

“And that is all.” Ariana ended the story.

“Wow, I felt so sorry for you Ariana.” Fred said

“Nah it's no big deal, my father changed a lot also. But he still has more ways to go.” Ariana said

The bell rang and everyone in the cafeteria cleaned up. Especially the 4.

“Well, I’ll see you soon.” Drake said as he waved bye.

“Bye!” The trio said back while waving.

Meanwhile in the guidance office, the box was glowing green, this made Justin surprised.

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