
Did I do that?

Will stands in the middle of the street, his brown hair hangs low on his eyes. His lip twitches, something is wrong with him, I don’t know what it is but I have this strange feeling. Lyra hands clutches onto my shoulder, I can tell she’s confused and scared. This is not how I wanted her to find out about this, it not only exposes more humans to them but puts her in danger. Sasha is crazy and deranged she could snap Lyra’s neck in a second, and there's nothing I can do about it.

“Quinn why is Will standing in the middle of the street, at night, like a serial killer?” Her words come out all wobbly, fear radiates off of her onto me.

“I- I don’t know Ly.” I say to her lying. She can’t know about this life, it’s painful and frightening. These people don’t play around, they want something they’ll get it.

I unbuckle my seat belt, ready to get out the car. Lyra’s grip on my shoulder shiftiness. I place my hand on hers, trying to calm her down. She’s always been scared of everything, the woods, bugs, old vintage china dolls.

“Where are you going? You can’t be serious enough to go out there, he looks deranged.” Her eyes scan over the scene.

“It’ll be fine. It’s Will he won’t hurt me. I don’t think.” The last part I whisper, not to scare her. Shutting my car door, I walk slowly to Will. He looks like he’s not in control of his own body, or voice. It’s like he’s being- compelled. Is Sasha controlling him.

“Will- what's wrong you can tell me maybe I can help.”

“NO! Stay back Quinn I- I don’t want to hurt you.” The words come out forced.

“Is this Sasha? Is someone trying to control you? I heard you on the phone with her, I can help you she won’t hurt me.” His eyes finally connect with mine, they pour out fright and anger.

“You can’t help me, Quinn. She’s- you don’t know what she’s like.” He leaves me by my car under the plane moonlight as he walks straight into the woods. The winds whistle through the green and brown leaves. Wait, where the hell is he going this conversation isn’t over with.

“Will? WILL! Where are you going were not done?” The winds flow fiercely I tighten my jacket around my bodice as I start to head after Will. Behind me I hear my car door shut, of course Lyra just can’t stay in the car.

“You are not about to leave me in that car when someone can just kill me. Also, I’m quite drunk and need some air.” I can hear her stumbling behind me, her pink heels roll against the cobble road.

“Come here.” She walks over to me, clutching onto my arm. “Look, whatever you see or hear don’t let go of me. I swear Lyra.”

“You're scaring me, Quinn.”

I stare her dead in the eye, “You should be.”

We walk silently through the dark, chilly woods. Owl’s hoot in their nests, I feel that their mocking me and Lyra, our fear. The leaves crunch under our feet. Every step we take Lyra’s grip on my arm tightens, she stumbles a little as we walk more and more into the woods. The alcohol passes from her lips into the cold air, she had to of have drank at least 3 drinks.

Catching up to Will he randomly stops in the middle of two hollow trees. They look over him casting a creepy shadow over him.

“Is he ok? Why did he stop?” ask Lyra. I just shake my head; I hand no answer because I was confused also. We walked so deep into the woods that were probably 20 minutes away from my car, and civilization. If we died right now no one would find us for hours, maybe even days. “Let’s get closer.” She yanks me forward with her, I stumble over a very big tree branch.

“Lyra NO-”

Behind us I hear a swift sound a rope coming up from the ground. A brown net comes up from the ground trapping me and Lyra in its bind. We hang in the net from the tree, I shake the net trying to get up out but to no resolution.

“Were trapped.” I said outload.

“Oh! No way Quinn, thanks for making that observation.” I cut my eyes at her, letting her know I’m not in the mood. “Sorry.” She quietly says.

“What’s that noise.” I lean my face as close to the net as possible.

“What noise? I don’t hear any-”

Lyra sentence cuts off instantly. Some dark shadows come from behind the hollow trees, one of the people I recognize. Big hair, and red eyes it’s no other than-

“Sasha Sapphire.”

“Ah yes, that is me. It’s nice to see you again Lotisia.” A devilish smile forms on her lips.

“Is that the girl that was talking to Myers in town like a month ago.” Lyra whispers in my ear.

“Yes, now hush let me handle this.” I tell her. “Look don’t hurt my friend or anyone else, If I’m what you want just take me.”

A laugh escapes her mouth. Some more of her people come around the corner, to her left is a man with red hair. To her right is a tall woman with brown hair, the most distinct feature on her face is the scar that comes across her face. I wonder what happened to her?

“I’ll hurt whoever I want, like this sexy guy here.” She pulls Will’s face towards her, making him look her dead in the eye. “Will. . .right?”

“SASHA NO!” Her eyes never leave his face.

“Isn’t this the guy that made a move on you at the party? Why would you want him to be alive, he hurt you? Made you feel unsafe.” Her grip tightens on his face, I can see the blood rushing up into it. If she was a regular wolf that wouldn’t hurt him so much, but since she’s a red wolf her strength is ten times stronger.

“He said he was sorry.” I said. Yes, he hurt me but I'm not one to hold a grudge, well except for with Alexander.

“Sorry? Sorry means nothing. Sorry is just something you say to dismiss a subject. Look, I won’t kill him.” The thick breath that I held in my throat escapes me.

“Thank you.”

“I’ll let my fellow friend, Katherine Constantine, kill him.” She throws Will to the girl with the scar.

“Let go of him.” Anger starts to boil throughout my body, I start to feel how I did when I came home mad at Alexander, oh how I wish he was here right now.

“What are you going to do about it?”

“Don’t push me, Sasha.” She stalks towards me; power radiates off of her.

“Push you! What are you going to do you weak HUMAN!”

"HUMAN! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" Lyra screams as a shrill voice comes out of her. I wish she would have stayed in the club with Claire. If something happens to her I don't think I could ever forgive myself.


“DO. . .SOMETHING!” An electric charge surges out of my body, it hits the tree dropping a high branch down onto Will’s head.

His body falls gracefully to the ground. The pain leaves his eyes. Yes, he didn’t try to hurt me at the party but I would never wish death upon him. I hear Lyra let out a gasp behind me, shocked at what just happened.

“Quinn.” Is all Lyra saying.

My hands and body start to shake erratically. Did I.. . Did I just kill Will?”

“Oh wow, who knew you were a killer Quinn. Nice that your powers are coming in.”

“I didn’t do that. I swear.” I look down at my hands, scared to ever use them again.

“Mhm he seems dead to me.” She kicks his leg; no movement comes from his body. I clutch my hands over my mouth, bile comes through my throat. I feel so sick and icky it makes me want to throw up.

“Now, kill your friend she’s a liability.” I turn to Lyra; she starts to back away from me.

“Lyra. . .don’t be scared of me. I won’t hurt you.”

“How do I know that? You hurt Will, what makes me different.” She’s never looked at me like that. The look she gives me seems familiar; I know where it’s from. It’s the same look Alexander gave me when he thought I killed those guys.

“Do it Quinn.” Sasha’s hands clutches onto the net. Her eyes turn red, a fiery crimson red to be exact. Before I can say anything, a growl comes from behind us. Is it Alexander?

Instead, it’s someone I didn’t expect, the wolf. His black fur has gotten even darker, eyes greener than they’ve ever been. A strong snarl comes across his face. He walks straight over to Sasha.

"Is that the wolf from the woods?" asked Lyra.

"Yes. . .he's here to save us."

The wolf and Sasha stare intently at each other. An unknown conversation is going on between them, hatred exhumes from the wolf's body. What is their beef?

“Guys look who it is. It’s Katana, or should I say. . .Cousin.”

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