
:27 real chapter

After waking up the next day Aizen did his morning routine which consisted of going to the washroom to do his business, brush his teeth and take a shower before getting dressed.

Since he had school again he put on his uniform and left for school.

After walking for five minutes, he finally arrived at his school. Walking into the school and up the stairs to the second floor he looked for his class. After a minute of walking he finally arrived at the front of the class.

Walking inside he saw that both Dulio and Asia were around his seat talking with Veronica and Jack.

Aizen then walked over to them and greeted them.

"Hey guys" Aizen said greeting them with a small smile.

"Yo Aizen, you do anything fun yesterday afterschool" Dulio asked with a smile.

"Nothing really I just went home and slept most of the day away" Aizne said as he sat down in his seat.

"What about you guys" Aizen asked.

"We went to a church nearby and got to meet one of the cardinals Vasco. He was super buff" Jack said with an excited glint in his eyes.

"That's cool. Anything else" Aizen asked.

"Ehh, that's it. You don't seem too excited though> It's a cardinal one of the highest positions" Jack said.

'Yeah, but I have the God you fucking worship by my side at all times' Aizen thought.

"It's cool but I don't get excited that easily" Aizen said.

'Plus a cardinal isn't all too great when you had Merlin take care of you and God by yourside at all times' Aizen thought.

"Wanna visit with us today" Veronica asked.

Aizen looked at Dulio who was staring out of the window and asked him "You guys are going today again. Isn't he busy".

Hearing this Dulio responded with a shrug and said "He said we can visit anytime".

"Sure I'll visit this time" Aizen said before they started talking about other things.

Before they could talk further the teacher walked in. After walking in he snapped his finger which made the cases with their battle armor appear on the students desks.

Aizen cried inside but he did as the teacher told and changed after the girls left for the washroom. After everyone was changing they walked to the gym and started their lesson.

"Now then, everyone stretch and run 5 laps around the gym. After you finish the laps come back here and I'll explain what you need to do" Mr. Rafael said.

Everyone nodded and started running the laps. The laps were quite hard since each lap was a kilometer or so.

Some students however had a lot of trouble finishing the 5 laps, all except Veronica, Jack, Dulio and of course Aizen who didn't even think of this as a warm up.

After the four finished they walked over to Mr. Rafael and he told them to do some mana training.

"Bring forth your mana and guide it to the soles of your feet. This will allow you to walk on walls and even water. When you finish this I'll give you your next task" Mr. Rafael instructed.

Aizen sighed as he said "I already know how to do this", "Me too" Dulio also said making Mr. Rafael nod in improvement.

"Good, but I will need to see you guys do it though" He said making Aizen and Dulio go towards a wall and walk on it.

After finishing that Mr. Rafael told them they could do what ever they wanted until the others were able to grasp it.

'*Sighh* School is too boring. I wonder what I should do. How about that' Aizen thought as he walked up to Mr. Rafael.

"Sir can I spar with you. If I win can I be excused for the rest of the day with Dulio" Aizen asked.

Mr. Rafael thought for a bit before agreeing to the bet.

"But lets go somewhere private, I don't want the other to get in between the fight or injured after all" Mr. Rafael said to which Aizen readily agreed to.


[AN: they are in another room/area. Its a massive school so there's gonna be some private sparring rooms. Just letting ya'll know incase your curious]

After a couple of minutes both Aizen and Mr. Rafael were standing across from each other in another area far away from the other students.

"Ready" Aizen asked to which Mr. Rafael nodded.

"3, 2, 1" Mr. Rafael said as they both ran towards each other on 1.

*Boom* A big shock wave appeared after both Aizen and Mr. Rafael's fists connected with each other.

Aizen then jumped back with a smile. He then summoned his two daggers which made Mr. Rafael do the same. Mr. Rafael took something from his pocket and summoned a gigantic long sword.

Smiling at this Aizen increased his speed and he used {Blink}.


Aizen disappeared from Mr. Rafael's sights which startled him a little. Mr. Rafael then hurriedly turned around and blocked a slash coming from Aizen.

"Good, very good Aizen. I am very impressed with your combat ability, with this alone I can already make you an exorcist" Mr. Rafael said making Aizen smile and thank him.

"Thanks, lets take this up a notch. I'm gonna try end this right now so watch out" Aizen said making Mr. Rafael chuckle and nod.

Seeing his teacher nod, Aizen then activated his {Blink} skill and enhanced his body with mana. He wiped off his smile before he muttered "Shadow magic, bind".

As he said that Mr. Rafael felt something binding him down by his feet. When he loked down he saw shadows holding his feet in place.

"lux mico" Mr. Rafael said causing a flash of light to get rid of the shadow binding his feet.

When he looked back up he saw no signs of Aizen.

All of a sudden his knees go weak and not long after he was kneeling on the ground. As he was about to get up he felt a cold, sharp sensation on his neck.

He dropped his sword and put his hands up.

"I give" Mr. Rafael said.

Aizen smiled and was about to say 'Good match' but he suddenly saw Mr. Rafael shaking.

Aizen thought he was angry but not even a second later Mr. Rafael turned around with a smile and excitedly asked "Wow, how did you do that. That was an amazing distraction. How were you able to disappear, was it speed to was it one of those stealth spells" and said constant praises.

"*Sigh* I thought you were angry about losing to student" Aizen said with a sigh.

"No, I am terribly angry" He said with a straight face not smiling.

"But I am also incredibly happy that my student is strong. Your success is mine as well. I may not be your teacher for long but I taught you at one point so don't go forgetting me when you get a high position" Mr. Rafael joked as he started walking out of the room.

Before he left the room/area, he turned around and said "But make sure you wont fight a teacher again. Not everyone will take it as nicely as I do. Others would plot something unforgivable, while other will try to fail you. Humans are prideful, you're lucky you fought with someone who doesn't hold grudges and cares more about his students than the rest".

Aizen nodded and walked back to the area where the students were practicing.


AN: As you can see Aizen is immature and impulsive. He wanted to fight a teacher and he ended up beating him. Some other teachers would have definitely not have taken that kindly so in this chapter you can see how battle hungry, immature and impulsive MC can be.

I mean who wouldn't be. You're in a new world and you obviously wouldn't want to hide your strength, I know I would definitely show off if i was as strong as Aizen.

I had some time and I wanted to write a chapter and post it so here you guys go.

I Hope you enjoyed it and if you did leave a comment, some stones and a review.

As always thanks for reading.

Legend27creators' thoughts
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