
:Prologue 2

A couple months have passed since John started his college life. John expected school to be boring, I mean who wouldn't, but John didn't think an unknown factor would make it somewhat enjoyable.

That factor was meeting Alyssa. During these couple of months, John's school life got drastically more enjoyable. Meeting Alyssa showed him that life might not be as boring as he thought it would be.

During the time John has known Alyssa he has gotten to know her and her friends quite well. He's also introduced his two friends to the group and to his surprise, they gladly welcomed them.

Since he's gotten to know them he's been spending less time on his phone and computer and more time socializing and experiencing different things he's never done before, like skiing, staying out until three in the morning and just driving around and laughing along with his friends.

For the first time in his life, John was not thinking how fun it would be if he reincarnated and have super powers. He finally found that one thing/person that would make his life enjoyable. He didn't need to try new hobbies, he didn't need to watch anime to some how pass the time. He was now genuinely happy with how his life was and he didn't want it to change.


It was a regular weekday in Toronto and in Johns life. The ice and snow was yet to melt, the sky would turn dark early, and he would still have to go to school.

John however didn't care as he would see his good friends once again. After waking up John got dressed and went to the washroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

After finishing all of that he walked to his closet in his room and got his winter jacket. He then walked to the front door of his apartment ready to leave but before he left he looked in the mirror.

A less chubby guy with glasses and black hair was standing in front of him. During these coupled of months his friends convinced him that he should go to the gym with them. At first John was going to decline it but Alyssa pouted and told him that its not healthy to be a couch potato and not have any physical exercise. John could only sigh and give in.

John found it enjoyable to work out this time around. He's worked out before but he didn't stick to it as he got bored of it and saw no change after a month. This time however, though he did not have any drastic change, he did it with friends and found it pretty fun to compete with them in different exercises.

This led him to work harder and that hard work led to him slimming down a bit. He wasn't overly fit or skinny, but you could tell he worked out from his pretty big biceps and a flatter stomach he had before he arrived in college.

Johns parents after seeing him were over joyed he finally started caring about his health.

After reminiscing about the journey he had to lose weight John finally left his house and headed to school.


Arriving at school, John went to his first period for the last time as it was the end of his first semester.

Walking into the class he was greeted by Alyssa who was wearing a cream colored turtle neck. John walked to the middle of the class and took his seat beside Alyssa.

"Hey John what's up" Alyssa asked hugging him before John sat down.

"Nothing much how about you. Are you ready for the exam today" John asked.

Alyssa slouched and answered "Not at all".

John chuckled a bit and Alyssa noticing his chuckle responded with a death glare.

"Its not funny. I don't wanna fail" Alyssa said pouting.

This made John laugh harder. After talking about the exam they talked about what they would do the next day.

"How about we go to an arcade" John suggested.

"That sounds like fun, lets go. We'll talk to the rest after school about it" Alyssa said with a smile.

John smiled back and they continued talking. Unknowingly to them both of their hearts skipped a beat looking at one another smile.

'Shitwhy is she so beautiful' John thought after continuing the conversation.

'Fuck, why does he have to be so cute. I cant let him see me turn red. 1,2,3,4,5' Alyssa started counting to try and distract herself from John.

Shortly after that the teacher walked in and gave out the tests.


Two hours later everyone handed in their tests and walked out of class.

After finishing their test John and Alyssa walked out together continuing to make plans. After separating John walked to his other class. On the way he bumped into his other two friends Dave and Patrick.

Since their classes were near each others they walked together. While they were walking Dave suddenly asked John a question.

"So when are you gonna ask Alyssa out".

Hearing this John said "I don't like her" but hearing this didn't fool the two.

Putting his arm around Johns neck Patrick said "Don't lie to us man. We know you like her and by the way, she like you too".

"Ya we got you man. If you need help setting everything up we can help just ask" Dave said with a smile.

John sighed and responded to them with a smile.

"Fine you got me. I guess I do like her a little" John said making Dave and Patrick laugh aloud.

"Pftt, a little. You fell hard man just admit it" Patrick said.

John could only sigh and agree with them before saying good bye to them and walking to his class.


After finishing all his classes he walked outside and walked towards the parking lot. Once he reached his car he waited for the rest of the group to arrive.

The first to arrive was Samantha. After being in the group for a while now he's naturally got close with all of them, including Samantha.

"hey Samantha, how was your day" John asked.

Samantha seeing him smiled and responded "It was alright. tiring but alright. By the way I heard from Dave your finally gonna ask Alyssa out, good job man. I thought you were gonna take a million years" punching his arm playfully saying the last part.

A couple minutes later the rest of the group arrived. After everyone arrived Alyssa told the others that they should go to the arcade tomorrow to which the group readily agreed to.

They then went to a Pizza hut near there to have something to eat and hang out in. Once they arrived Samantha grabbed Alyssa and took her to the washroom. When she left Dave and Patrick looked at John seriously and said "Tomorrow is the day you will leave your single life behind".

"Ya. ya, I know I was planning on doing it tomorrow any ways" John said making the other two nod their heads in approval.

A minute later the girls came back and shortly after that they ordered food.

After they finished eating they went their own ways after saying good bye. When John got home it was already six pm and he decided to call his two friends from High school to play some Valorant. (I would say there names but they wont be too important and will only really show a few more times)

After a couple of hours John got off and took a shower. After finishing his shower he put on pajamas and went to bed.

To clear things up though the two are his friends form highschool they go to different schools now so they obviuosly wont be as close as they were before.

This chapter is more showing how John grew after meeting alyssa and how his life is changing for the better.

*The Mc wont reincarnate for at least two more chapters since I show his character before going to another world.

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As always thanks for reading!

Legend27creators' thoughts
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