
The Hunt

Myra did not like any of the designs. Some were ordinary, while others were repetitive, predictable and boring. She shook her head. 

"Do you have any ideas?" he asked. 

But Myra helped design his t-shirt, "Which is your favourite number?" she asked 


Myra put a big "1" at the centre and then as a silhouette used the pic of a man kicking a ball. Kevin's eyes lit up. "Perfect" he commended. 

While they were printing his t-shirt, Myra thought of something. She went to the stall manager and said – "Can I have two t-shirts, I will pay for them." 

"Sure" – he said. "What colours do you want?" 

"White and navy blue – if you have them with collars, that would be better." 

  He pulled out the desired colours. Myra went to the design table and brought out the template for squares. She arranged the squares of various shades, in a manner that gave an illusion of the flowing cloth. 

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