

When Sanchit returned to the room, the nurse had brought some porridge and placed it before Myra. "I am not hungry…" Myra was pleading.

"Nevertheless, have it," said Sanchit. "You haven't eaten in two days. Your body has become weak." – he brought the spoon to her mouth. Myra took the spoon from him and filled her mouth with the porridge.

"That's better" – said Sanchit. Then to the nurse, he said – "You may go for now. I'll call when she is done."

The nurse nodded and left. Myra ate slowly and Sanchit poured some water for her.

"Lot of things have happened since past two days." – he placed the glass on the lap-tray and sat on the bed. "You were unconscious the whole day. Even though the doctor said you would be fine, I was still scared. That's when I realized the enormity of the situation. How taxing it must be for you? I decided it was time to put things right."

He scooped a spoonful of porridge and gave it to her. "I called up Aryaman," he said. Myra was aghast. The spoon dropped from her hand into the bowl. "Careful" – he admonished. Her eyes filled with tears and her hand began trembling. His voice softened, "There is no reason to panic, Myra. I am your friend. You can trust me."

Tears flowed down her cheeks. "He is a nice guy," said Sanchit as he pulled some tissues for her. "We had a long talk in which we both explained our stand to each other. I apologized for the past and he for the present and we came to a conclusion that it was time to undo the past wrongs.

"What do you mean?" she was alarmed,

"You belong to him, Myra. All of us know that. I will speak with your family. I'll tell them the truth. Then Aryaman will come down and meet your father and formally ask for your hand in marriage."

Myra let out a grunt. "You think it is that easy? You will speak to him and he will agree?" – she scoffed.

"I am sure we'll be able to convince him."

"You don't know my father. You'll be lucky if he does not throw you out of Adamgarh."

"I don't say it will be easy; it might take time but I am confident that with patience and perseverance we will be able to win his heart. Both of us are determined."

"And what about your father? Will he let me go that easily?" she challenged

"It was different in the past; we couldn't do much and became pawns at our parents' hand. But it is different now. I will stand against him if need be." said Sanchit and gave her a spoonful. "Just have your food and gain strength. This, you leave to us."

Even Myra couldn't help but agree that their faith was infectious. She abandoned herself to their care. This change of hearts brought a change in relationship dynamics. In Sanchit, she found a new friend – one who was attentive and enthusiastic.

Myra had started recovering well. Aman and Sanchit's friendship and their optimism gave her mental and emotional strength. She began feeling secure with him and his openness charmed and won her heart.

She began noticing new facets of his personality. E.g.- cards. He started coming home early. They either went out for dinner or ice cream or just stayed home and played cards. He was very good at it and taught her many tricks.

When he was happy, he would talk incessantly. There was hardly anything that did not pique his interest or he did not know it beforehand. He started telling her about his business, technology, new innovations and how the world would look in the next twenty years.

"It's Sunday tomorrow, what do you want to do?" Sanchit asked one day.

"Just take me out somewhere." She replied

"Alright then, let's go out for brunch."

It was not in Myra's habit to look at the route they took when she was travelling. She was always lost in the sceneries and the people she saw. The sun shone beautifully on a brand-new Sunday morning and her heart was charmed. She did not notice which way they went: to her the experience mattered more than the destination.

She was quite surprised when Sanchit pulled over at their private resort. It was her favourite place; she often came here when she needed to get out of the house.

"How come…?" her eyes spoke of her delight

"Well, you'll see," said Sanchit as he helped her out of the car and led her straight to the banquet hall. It was decked up in flowers. They were met by the other members of Raichand extended family.

"What's going on?" she looked at Sanchit in bewilderment.

"Surprise…surprise!" he said in a low voice. Just then, the lights went out and Sunanda came from nowhere, wheeling the cart that held the most beautiful cake. "Happy Birthday" – he whispered into her ears.

This was a surprise that Sanchit and Aryaman had planned for her. They had invited their close friends and family. Myra's heart rejoiced and her eyes filled with tears. This was the first time the Raichand(s) had gathered for her, to celebrate her special day.

"Happy- Birthday my dear!" – Kaki-maa hugged and kissed her. One after the other all the guests stepped up to congratulate her. This was also the first time Myra felt honored and celebrated by the family.

"Thank You." she said with tears in her eyes.

"I want you to go with utmost dignity." –said Sanchit. This was his first step towards getting Myra the respect and recognition that was long due to her. This was also his way of apologizing for past neglect.

However, sometimes things don't go as planned. And, family gatherings have a way of going awry and guests becoming rogue. Avagya was one such member of the Raichand extended family.

"I hear your wife has not been well." She began her assault with the harmless inquiry to Sanchit.

"I am fine now. Thank you for coming today." Myra tried brushing it off as cleverly as possible. She and Sanchit were talking to some of their guests when Avagya executed her assault.

"Of course, I had to come." – she said sharply, "I mean most people were surprised when Sanchit called to invite. Everybody wanted to know why he was making such a big deal about it."

"What do you mean?" Sanchit demanded.

"Oh, come on." – she sneered, "You think people don't know?"

"They know what?" he demanded sharply.

"Why does someone, who has never given a damn about his marriage and has been neglecting his wife all his life, suddenly become attentive towards her and hosts a grand party. What could it mean?"

"Ok…I can see you are drunk. Let's get you some fresh air." Sanchit tried steering her away from Myra and other guests.

"Of course, I am drunk" – she scoffed. "And you are afraid your little secret will come out. Isn't it?"

"Let's go …" said Sanchit again.

"You are having an affair. Isn't it? And, she found out? That's why you are trying to make peace with her, by throwing a party." said Avagya.

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