

Yang Dao's voice was cold and calm. He did not intend to let Omega stay alive from the moment he saw his past through the laws of time. This person had everything and wanted more. This person was so lost in his blind and unnecessary pursuits that he has even forsaken his humanity for this.

He gave up the ones he loved to seek the ways to go again nature. Such a person must not be allowed to live. His consciousness was corrupted to the point of no return and Yang Dao was not merciful to such people anyway. The crimes and sins that Omega has incurred, were enough to have his soul erased. 

Omega stood in front of the young man with his eyes brimming with complicated emotions. His eyes were not normal. They were not digitalized as well. Somehow, Omega had managed to implant three pupils in his eyes. The marvel may seem a wonder of science, as it was, however, the pain was also the same. 

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