

Olivers Pov

I was teaching Harry and Y/n the basics on quidditch today but y/n was totally distracting me. Everyone in the school wishes they were dating her. I'm going to start off rather simple for them. "Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players, 3 chasers one of which is you Y/n, 2 beaters, 1 keeper, and a seeker that's Harry. There are three kinds of balls. The Quaffle. Now, Y/n will handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those three hoops. The keeper, that's me, defends the hoops. With me so far?" Y/N nods with a smile.

"I think so. What are those?" Harry asks pointing to the chained-up balls "You better take this" as I hand Harry a bat Y/n inches a bit behind me. I'm happy to feel her touch on me as I bend down and release the ball Y/n puts an arm around my waist just trying to be friendly. With an angry growl, the ball flies off into the air. "Careful now, it's comin' back." The balls come shooting back down, and Harry cracks at it with the bat. As I grab it Y/N helps me put it into the box. "The only ball I want you to worry about is this Harry, the Golden Snitch." I hand Harry a walnut-sized golden ball.

As much as I enjoyed training the two they had to get off to dinner as I wave goodbye Y/N give me a hug and says "Have a good day Ollie, You don't mind me calling you that right?" I smile nobody's ever that nice to me. "Of course not Y/N see you around!"

Your Pov

It was dinner and of course, Ron would already be on his 3rd plate of chicken but when Harry and you walk in he looks up smiling. "How was training?" he asks still amazed that we were on the team. Harry responds faster than you could though "Well it was pretty fun except for the fact Y/N kept flirting with him!" "I did not!" "did too" "did not" "Omg you guys are an old married couple"

"Yeah, I made her cry so hard. That mudblood is pathetic" You hear Crabbe say to Draco looking over at them you give them both a cold glare and get up walk over to their table and say

"Are you that pathetic as to go and ruin other people's lives just because they're better at things than you? Hell Hermione could beat you at being magic any day who cares about her blood! The only thing you could beat her in is being an ugly fat jerk! Even if you put half your time into studying instead of feeding your fat ass you wouldn't be anywhere near as good of a witch as she is! All you do is suck up to Malfoy-" Draco cringed at you calling him by his last name "-Who isn't getting you anywhere in life unless his father hears about it!" You slap Crabbe and he gets up trying to punch you. You easily duck down watching him fall flat onto the floor's surface. "absolutely pathetic" He must have heard you because he goes for his wand, you were easily quicker "Expaliarmus" his wand went flying to your hand and you walk back to the Gryffindor table who all started applauding they must've heard what you had said, I wonder why the teachers didn't stop you?

A couple of minutes after everyone cheering for you Professor Quirrell came in screaming "TROLL THERES A TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" You hear Dumbledore saying something but you weren't listening you were already running to find Hermione. Whatever happens, she can not die.

Harry and Ron follow you to the girls' bathroom when you see the troll had cornered her "Hermione no!" Ron screams pulling out his wand, you were quicker "Bombarda" the troll looks stunned you repeat the spell about ten times when he pulls his club he hits Harry, Hermione and Ron. You were shocked and thought to yourself but Ron screams "Wingardium Leviosa" making the troll hit himself over the head with his own club.

"Oh! Oh, my goodness! Explain yourselves, all of you!" Mcgonagall says rushing in. "It's my fault, Professor. I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If y/n, Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me...I'd probably be dead." she looked down "Be that as it may it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part, Ms.Granger. 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment. As for you three I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a full-grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. 5 points will be awarded to you boys 10 to you miss Riddle." She winks at us and we realise she had seen the whole thing.

"Why would you get yourself blamed 'mione!" you yell at her back in our room. "its fine we still got points. Thank you for standing up for me" You look up at her "Ron told me" "I still ship you guys" "Y/N!" you smile as you both go to sleep.