
Ghost of the Castle

"Prince Nathaniel." A butler greeted us as soon as we entered the palace. Nate, in return, nodded his head to acknowledge him.

"Hi, Edward. Is my-" Nate started off but I had to gasped loudly at the name.

"A vampire named Edward!?" I gasped.

At the mention of his name, the vampire butler named Edward gave me a questioning look. "Yees...?" He asked while dragging the word out.

Nate put his arm around me to cover my mouth. "Please, Edward. Just ignore her. Where's my brother Adam?" Nate immediately asked.

"Unfortunately, your highness, the king, queen, and Prince Adam are with Lady Gwen's parents. They are finalizing the paper works to make it official." The butler gave Nate an apologetic look. "But I am certain that they will be back anytime soon. Would you and Princess Rose want to have a snack?"

A snack?

Nate must have felt me talking under his hand because he started to tighten his grip. He looked at Edward the vampire butler and gave him a struggling smile as I tried to fight him off. Damn it, Nate! "I think I would like to go to our weapon storage and see if we still have Adam's old wooden swords?"

"Which type are you looking for, Prince Nathaniel?"

"Hook swords. Are they still there?"

"Yes. But those are smaller versions. He used those when he was a kid." The look on Edward the vampire's face seemed confused. Nate must have seen it too.

"It's not for me." Nate says to clear up the confusion. "It's for the princess. We are teaching her how to defend herself. And thanks, Edward. Rose and I will head to the room to get it ourselves. And no Edward, Rose and I are not a thing." Nate quickly added when Edward the vampire was looking at us like a proud parent. "And least not yet." Nate said and earned a jab from my elbow.

"Well that is a shame." Edward the vampire butler chuckled and when he noticed Custard in my arms, he smiled warmly. "Call me when you need me, your highnesses." He bowed and Nate dragged me inside the castle.

Nate still had his hands over my mouth as we kept moving. I was somehow feeling uncomfortable with the situation at I started blowing onto his hand. "Gah! Rose." Nate chastised me and finally released his hold. He grimaced at me while I bit my tongue in disgust. "You licked my hand!" He said.

I started spitting. "Pleh! Your hand taste weird." I complained.

I suddenly saw Nate raising an eyebrow and giving me a flirty grin. "Are you trying to provoke me?"

"Right now?" I asked and showed me my fist. "You are trying to provoke my fist."

Nate laughed and guided me along the never ending hallway. Rows and rows of painted pictures lined the walls. Empty armor decoration stood as if they were guarding something. I saw a lot of paintings of Adam. Adam with his mother, Adam with his parents, Adam with Nate, and Adam with both of his parents. I rarely see paintings of Nate, or, Nate doesn't have a solo painting of himself unless he is with his big brother. And when he is, he doesn't seem happy at all. Just a small smile with a dead look in his eyes. I was so preoccupied with looking for a painting of Nate. At least one painting that wouldn't make him seem like an unloved child. I bumped into his back.

"Where here." Nate announced and opened the bronze double doors in front of us. He started to stepped in and stopped when he saw me following. "Actually, Rose, I want you to stay here. I will be quick."

"Why?" I protested and peaked to see all the shinny weapons in the room. They all looked intriguing.

"Look, Rose, I don't want to offend you but remember the last time that you went inside a room similar to this? It didn't end well." He gave me an apologetic look when he saw me pout. "I promise I won't take long." He says as he slowly retreated inside and closing the door behind him.

That one time I threw a shuriken and they are still keeping me responsible for that! Unbelievable.

"It's just you and me, Custard. You and me." I patted my familiar. Custard suddenly seem interested at one of the paintings and whimpered. I followed his gaze to see a huge family portrait in front of the room where Nate disappeared to. The portrait shows both the king and queen placing a loving hand on a younger version of Adam. The only hand on Nate's was of his older brother. Adam had wrapped his arms around his younger brother and was cuddling him. Nate simply looked uncomfortable but the painting captured the small ghost of a smile on his lips. I felt hurt the longer I saw the paintings of the royal family. But something about it seems off.

'Master. Look.' Custard spoke through our link.

'What am I suppose to look at?' I asked.

Instead of answering, my wolf simply gazed at me with his tongue lolled out and wagged his tail. Some help this guy is. But nonetheless, I looked at the portrait again and my vision started to blur. The only images that were clear to me was of Nate, his mom, and Prince Adam. The king was completely blurred and I soon realize that I was looking through Custards eyes. I shook my head and I am back to seeing with my own eyes.

What was that?

I jumped when I heard the door opened and quickly turned my back from the family portrait. Nate came out carrying two wooden hook swords. When he saw me he grinned and raised them up for me to see. "Here they are." Nate says. "Kind of dirty but these will do."

He showed me the two wooden weapons. The top part was like a fish hook and the end looked like it was suppose to be sharp. For the hilt, there was a sort of protective guard crescent guard made out of metal. "Looks like a long fish hook." I said.

Nate looked taken aback. "Hey! These weapons are cool. And deadly. And they are called hook swords for a reason!" Nate hmphed and started cleaning the dusty pair of swords.

"So basically they just straighten the the body of a fish hook and called it a sword." I pointed out and enjoyed seeing the frustrated look on the vampire prince's face. I saw Nate glaring at me and used one the sword to lightly poke my arm. I narrowed my gaze at him. "Stop that."

Nate grinned. "Stop what?" He asked innocently and was now using the other sword to poke me.

"That!" I hissed. Custard jumped down when he sensed that I was getting frustrated.

Nate grinned wider and continue to poke my shoulder, my arm, my stomach, and even went as far as using the hook to cover my face with my hair. I growled and started retaliating by slapping the wooden swords away whenever they come near me. "Quit it!" I hissed again and slapped the wooden sword away.

"Look at me. I am princess Rose. I think hook swords are lame." Nate mocked and continued to jab me with the wooden swords again.

"I never said that!" I hissed and managed to grab one of the swords. I grinned and started to pull it away from Nate. Once I did, I felt something prick me. "Ow!" I drew my hand away and saw a small wooden needle. I frowned and plucked it out of my hand. "That thing is chipping."

Nate drew the sword close to him to examine it. One of the swords' body already has a few chips of broken down wood. Nate started touching it and frowned. "I think it we can just put some rubber on it. Wait here while I fix it." He says and didn't wait for my response as he disappeared into the room. Again.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at the room. Custard was suddenly grabbing my dress and started pulling on it. I looked at my familiar. "Custard, I love you, but you are doing to ruin the dress."

'Master! Spirit.'

He spoke to me urgently. Custard was looking at to his right and I followed his gaze. There, at the corner of the hallway and passed the weapon's room, stood a man with red hair. I couldn't fully see his face because it was a blur. And his body was transparent enough that I understand what Custard was saying. I stood frozen on my spot as I took a stepped back. "Nate? Nate!" I quickly ran and started rattling the door. "There's a ghost! There's a ghost!" I screamed and looked at the spirit. It was still there and looking at me. I was kicking and punching the door at this point. "NATHANIEL!" I screamed and stopped when someone caught my fist. I looked up to see Nate giving me a look as if I was going crazy. "What are you screaming for? Did you-"

I cut him off as I pointed at the end of the hallway where the ghost still stands. "A ghost!" Nate followed his gaze to where I was pointing. His brow creased in wonder and turned back to me with his eyebrow raised. "There's nothing there." He says.

"There is. There is!" I insisted as I saw the ghost still standing there. Custard yipped and started running towards it. "Custard, no! Do not follow it. I will not be like those dumb idiots who follows a ghost as dies first!" I yelled, but my familiar did not listen. I sighed. "Oh well. Custard, I will miss you." I whispered sadly.

"Come on." Nate says and dragged me as we followed my familiar.

"Nate! We do not follow ghost. Stop!" I protested, but I couldn't stop walking or I might end up getting dragged on the floor. Nate didn't stop as he followed Custard. The little spirit wolf kept following the ghost from corridor to corridor, sometimes stopping to check if we were following. Suddenly, we were outside to some sort of backyard garden.

"How does your familiar know of this place?" Nate asked in wonder once we finally stopped. The garden was small, like it was made for only one person. There were a few trees planted near the walls. Varieties of stones and plants decorated the sides. Two fish ponds to our left and right. I hid behind Nate as I accusingly pointed at the ghost, who was now standing by the wall.

"I told you that he was following a ghost!"

"Rose, I don't see anyone but you and Custard here." He says. "But I guess I'll just have to believe you since your familiar lead us here."

I looked up at Nate. "Where is 'here'?"

"My mom's garden." Nate whispered. "Hey! Custard, stop." Nate suddenly ran to my familiar when Custard started digging at the ground where the ghost is standing. I quickly followed him when I saw the ghost disappearing as soon as Nate getting closer. I held Nate's cape for comfort as I looked around us to find the ghost. I sure do hope it won't reappear in front of us or I will scream bloody murder.

"What's this?" My attention change as I looked down to Nate. He was getting something off of the hole that Custard dug. As soon as it was off of the ground, he dusted it clean.

It was an old small wooden chest. Custard sniffed the box and whimpered. Nate hesitated but opened the box anyway. Inside there were dozens of letters and a small torn painting of Nate's mom and...another red haired man.

"T-The g-ghost." I whispered as a chill went down my spin. I looked at the portrait of the man closely. He looks younger than Nate's father. Nate's father has a little rounded facial feature while this man has a strong nose and angular jaw just like...

I swallowed my suspicion as I looked at Nate. He was looking at the photo as well.

...the same features

"Nate I-" Before I could finish, the ghost appeared in front of me and grabbed my arm. I screamed as my body suddenly felt cold.

"Rose!?" Nate dropped the box as he grabbed me. He let out a curse and I saw him starting to shiver as well. I heard Custard letting out a howl as Nate and I found ourselves in a hazy scenario.

The ghost appeared before us, clearer this time. It was the man in the picture. I could fully see the familiar red hair and green eyes. The man smiled warmly as he gazes at Nate. His eyes brimming with tears as he mouthed one word that made Nate stumble back in shock. His lips quivered that I was the one who had to steady him this time.


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